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Detecting Shared Congestion of Flows Via End- to-end Measurement Dan Rubenstein Jim Kurose Don Towsley Computer Networks Research Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Detecting Shared Congestion of Flows Via End- to-end Measurement Dan Rubenstein Jim Kurose Don Towsley Computer Networks Research Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Detecting Shared Congestion of Flows Via End- to-end Measurement Dan Rubenstein Jim Kurose Don Towsley Computer Networks Research Group

2 Client Point of congestion Motivation When flows share common point of congestion (POC), bandwidth can be “transferred” between flows w/o impacting other traffic Applications: WWW servers, multi-flow (multi-media) sessions, multi-sender multicast Can limit “transfer” to flows w/ identical e2e data paths [Balak’99] –ensures flows have common bottleneck –but limits applicability Server Point of congestion

3 Detecting Shared POCs Q: Can we identify whether two flows share the same Point of Congestion (POC)? Network Assumptions: –routers use FIFO forwarding –The two flows’ POCs are either all shared or all separate

4 Techniques for detecting shared POCs Requirement: flows’ senders or receivers are co-located Packet ordering through a potential SPOC same as that at the co-located end-system Good SPOC candidates S2S2 S1S1 R1R1 R2R2 S1S1 S2S2 R1R1 R2R2 co-located sendersco-located receivers

5 Simple Queueing Models of POCs for two flows FG Flow 1FG Flow 2 A Shared POC FG Flow 1FG Flow 2 Separate POCs BG Internet

6 Approach (High level) Idea: Packets passing through same POC close in time experience loss and delay correlations [Moon’98, Yajnik’99] Using either loss or delay statistics, compute two measures of correlation: –M c : cross-measure (correlation between flows) –M a : auto-measure (correlation within a flow) such that –if M c < M a then infer POCs are separate –else M c > M a and infer POCs are shared

7 The Correlation Statistics... Loss-Corr for co-located senders: M c = Pr(Lost( i ) | Lost( i-1 )) M a = Pr(Lost( i ) | Lost(prev( i ))) Loss-Corr for co-located receivers: in paper (complicated) Delay: Either co-located topology: M c = C(Delay( i ), Delay( i-1 )) M a = C(Delay( i ), Delay(prev( i )) C(X,Y) = E[XY] - E[X]E[Y] (E[X 2 ] - E 2 [X])(E[Y 2 ] - E 2 [Y]) i-4 i-2 i i-1 i-3 i+1 time Flow 1 pkts Flow 2 pkts

8 Intuition: Why the comparison works T arr (prev( i ), i )T arr ( i-1, i ) Recall: Pkts closer together exhibit higher correlation E[T arr ( i-1, i )] < E[T arr (prev( i ), i )] –On avg, i “more correlated” with i-1 than with prev( i ) –True for many distributions, e.g., deterministic, any poisson, poisson Rest of talk: assume poisson, poisson

9 Delay-Correlation technique: Assume POC(s) are M+G/G/1/ queues –Thm: Both co-located topologies: M c > M a iff flows share POCs Analytical Results As # samples Loss-Correlation technique: –Assume POC(s) are M+M/M/1/K queues: –Thm: Co-located senders, then M c > M a iff flows share POCs –co-located receivers: M c > M a iff flows share POCs shown via extensive tests using recursive solutions of M c and M a

10 Simulation Setup Co-located senders: Shared POCs 10ms30ms10ms 20ms 30ms 20ms 30ms S1S1 S2S2 R1R1 R2R2 1.5 Mbs 1000 Mbs TCP traffic on/off sources 20 pps

11 2nd Simulation Setup Co-located senders: Independent POCs TCP traffic on/off sources 10ms30ms10ms 20ms 30ms 20ms 30ms S1S1 S2S2 R1R1 R2R2 1000 Mbs 1.5 Mbs 20pps TCP traffic on/off sources

12 Independent POCsShared POCs Simulation results Delay-corr an order of magnitude faster than loss-corr The Shared loss-corr dip: bias due to delayed M c samples Similar results on co-located receiver topology simulations

13 Internet Experiments Goal: Verify techniques using real Internet traces Experimental Setup: –Choose topologies where POC status (shared or unshared) –Use traceroute to assess shared links and approximate per-link delays UMass ACIRI UCL Separate POCs (?) 193 ms 264 ms 30 ms

14 Experimental Results Correct Inconclusive Wrong 3 Umass (MA) Columbia (NY) UCL (UK) ACIRI (Calif.) AT&T (Calif.) Sites

15 Summary E2E Shared-POC detecting techniques –Delay-based techniques more accurate, take less time (order of magnitude) Future Directions: –Experiment with non-Poisson foreground traffic –Focus on making techniques more practical (e.g., Byers @ BU CS for recent TR)

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