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Published byJanice Greer Modified over 9 years ago
Recent Progress on D3 - The Directional Dark Matter Detector
Detection Principle Motivation Prototypes constructed Their performance Next steps alpha particle track detected with latest detector prototype Sven E. Vahsen, University of Hawaii CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
D3 - Directional Dark Matter Detector
Investigating feasibility of directional DM search w/ micro-pattern gas detectors Technology also of interest for detecting neutrons and charged particles Small (1-60 cm3) prototypes built at LBNL and U. Hawaii Ongoing since ~Fall 2010 Berkeley Lab Hawaii LBNL Hawaii D3 - micro CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
Team at U. Hawaii and Berkeley Lab
Peter Lewis Postdoc John Kadyk Maurice Garcia-Sciveres Kelsey Oliver-Mallory (UC Berkeley Student) Michael Hedges Graduate Student Josh Murillo Graduate Student Thomas Thorpe Graduate Student Mayra Lopez-Thibodeaux (UC Berkeley Student) Ilsoo Seong Graduate Student Kamaluoawaiku Beamer Undergraduate Student (+rotating group) Sven E. Vahsen CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
Detector Concept charge amplification w/ CERN GEMs
charge Detection with ATLAS pixel chips custom metallization perhaps electrostatic charge focusing CYGNUS 2015 CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 4
Charge Amplification and Detection in D3
Drift charge amplified with double layer of GEMs - gain ~20k at 1 atm Detected with pixel electronics - threshold ~2k e-, noise ~ 100 e- Cosmic ray track (~7mm) Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Pixel Electronics 50 μm ATLAS FE-I3 50x400 μm pixels Sampling at 40 MHz ~2keV + = Note absence of noise hits size of each bubble shows amount of ionization measured Advantages of this approach Full 3D tracking w/ ionization measurement for each space-point (head/tail sensitivity) improved WIMP sensitivity and rejection of alpha particle backgrounds Pixels ultra-low noise (~100 electrons), self-triggering, and zero suppressed virtually noise free at room temperature low demands on DAQ High-single electron efficiency suitable for low-mass WIMP search New: pixel-level charge measurement enables 3D fiducialization improved background rejection Estimate of non-detected charge improved energy resolution + BG rejection
The Case for Low Track Energy Threshold
Preliminary evaluation: 3-m3 detector could achieve directional sensitivity to (controversial) ~10 GeV WIMPS Golden scenario - if DAMA/LIBRA were due to WIMPs: observe ~1000s of non-directional events (can observe yearly oscillation) use subset (~100) of these to search for daily directional oscillation, to determine if BG or WIMPs D3 Preliminary Estimated sensitivity to spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering, 3-m3 directional dark matter detector, running for 3 years with 33 cm drift length and CF4 gas, for four different track reconstruction thresholds and for non-directional analysis. Superior S/N & track energy treshold of order 10 keV crucial for detecting 10 GeV WIMPS! CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
D3 Micro: 1 cm3 (2011) 1 cm3 cathode GEM foil circuit board that
Pixel chip: active ATLAS FE-I3 50 x 400 µm pixels 7.4 by 11.0 mm circuit board that holds pixel chip CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
D3 Micro: Example of Events
ArCO2 (70:30) p=1 atm HeCO2 (70:30) p=1 atm E~ 2 keV E~ 1 keV Cosmic ray events to demonstrate tracking w/ low track-energy threshold each block: 50x400x400 μm3. Color shows measured ionization density hit threshold ~ 30eV. Note absence of noise hits!
What limits the Readout Plane Resolution?
Point resolution for short pixel dimension not limited by detector segmentation, but by diffusion internal to the readout plane. Don’t need much smaller pixels. UH Manoa Sven Vahsen
Angular resolution versus “track size”
I. Seong Analytical “prediction”: Alpha particles Angular resolution can be predicted analytically from point resolution. Agrees well with measurement. Allows extrapolation to other energies and gas pressures UH Manoa Sven Vahsen
What Limits The Energy Resolution?
Limited by gas ionization & avalanche processes Limited by analog PHA electronics ArC02 at p=1atm T. Thorpe PHA Good gain resolution for MeV-scale signals, adequate even for few-keV signals! Expect to achieve good head-tail identification, perhaps even in keV range UH Manoa Sven Vahsen
Energy Resolution – Initial Problems
In this first prototype, the energy resolution observed with the pixel chip was however much worse than gain resolution Due to defects in the metallization layer Now resolved July 2013 Sven Vahsen ARI Grantees Conference
D3 Micro-5: ~2.5 cm3 (2013) Pixel chip: active ATLAS FE-I3
50 x 400 µm pixels 7.4 by 11.0 mm CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
D3 Micro-5: 3D Directional Neutron Detection
Source Absent He-recoil measured in HeC02 gas at p=1atm L ~ 5 mm E ~ 350 keV/c2 Mean direction of nuclear recoils corresponds to neutron source location Nuclear recoil Cf-252 Source Present Incoming neutron Scattered neutron neutron source 27-sigma evidence for “neutron wind” in our lab! Recoils point back to source, in 3D.
D3 Micro-20: 20 cm3 (2013) CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
~60 cm3 TPC w/ Field Cage (2014) Pixel chip: active
ATLAS FE-I4 50 x 250 µm pixels 20.3 by 19.2 mm Prototype fast neutron detector. Small footprint enabled by Parylene coating on inside of pressure vessel Latest CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 16
Final Micro-TPC Prototype Design
Sensitive volume Field cage Charge amplification (GEMs) Charge Detection (Pixel Chip) Aluminum vacuum vessel CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 17
Micro-TPC Assembly and Testing in Hawaii Clean Room
CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 18
Micro-TPC Prototype: First Events
Figures show 2-D projection of charge measured w/ pixel chip 𝛼 – particle event: Po-210 source inside vacuum vessel at z=15 cm, i.e. charge has drifted through entire detector Neutron recoil event: Cf-252 source outside vacuum vessel, pointed at z=8 cm (middle of TPC) 𝛼 – particle charge no noise hits! neutron 𝐻𝑒 – recoil charge Final prototype exceeds performance objectives. Uniformity issue also solved. CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 19
Internal Calibration Sources
Three Po-210 alpha-particle sources source 3 source 2 source 1 in-situ, time-dependent , and z-dependent calibration of energy scale and detailed response to helium recoils CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 20
Long Term Stability Test
Continuous operation and DAQ for >1 month, summer 2014 Flow-rate controller and pressure regulator Excellent gain stability, at ~1% level per week, pre-calibration, during stable lab conditions, as shown on right Can be calibrated out with the calibration source data source 1 source 2 ionization measured source 3 time (one week total) Sufficient stability to observe annual oscillation in WIMP rate / spectrum CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 21
Angular and Energy Resolution – 2cm alpha tracks
I. Seong I. Seong Sub-1-degree angular resolution even after ~15 cm drift. Energy resolution now comparable to gain resolution. CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 22
High Energy Nuclear Recoil in 3D
each block: 50x250x250 μm3 Color: ionization density He n Ionization cloud from ~1MeV recoiling He-nucleus, measured in 3D CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
Medium Energy Nuclear Recoil in 3D
each block: 50x250x250 μm3 Color: ionization density Ionization cloud from Eee~25 keV recoiling He-nucleus, measured in 3D CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
Absolute Position Measurement
P.Lewis Measurement of charge-profile (not width) of track, enables accurate measurement of transverse diffusion obtain absolute position in drift direction CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 25
Absolute Position Measurement
P.Lewis 2-mm track segments. 8-mm track segments. enables 3D-fiducialization, even for very short track, presumably for more or less any gas Charge profile analysis also enables “Energy Recovery” (unpublished) December 18, 2014 US Belle II Project Mini Review
Fast Neutron Detection (preliminary, unpublished)
Extended absolute position measurement to neutron recoil events Neutron detection w/ Cf-252 source at U. Hawaii 1 background event from internal radioactivity per week, 2x105 lower than assumed in design simulations! Neutron Signal Selection efficiency, estimated w/ GEANT4: ~40 % With source present Without source present I. Seong CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 27
Cf-252 data, recoil ionization energy spectrum, before position cut
With source present I. Seong Without source present From cathode mesh. Rejected by position cut Detector is essentially background free for high-energy neutron recoil events. CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 28
D-D neutron generator test at LBNL
Deployed from Hawaii to California Neutrons observed, but not easily Surprises: huge x-ray background, E&M interference, and GND line fluctuations CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 29
D-D neutron generator test at LBNL
CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 30
LBNL test: Observed Neutron Signal
I. Seong Measured neutron rate follows generated neutron rate Max generated rate is 2x107 neutrons / second, approx. isotropic CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 31
LBNL test: observed neutron signal
Measured energy spectrum in reasonable agreement with simulation Note: Plot shows observed ionization energy of recoils. Further analysis needed to obtain neutron energy distribution. Must correct for detection losses & scattering angle Rich analysis – in progress I. Seong CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii) 32
Existing and Next Generation Detectors
2011 2014 2013 µD3 (1cm3 ) mD3 (~10 liters) 1 pixel chip 4 pixel chips Ingredients ATLAS FE-I4 pixel chips thick GEMs existing ATLAS DAQ negative ion drift (potentially multiple benefits: reduced diffusion, track tomography, electron counting) electrostatic focusing of drift charge planned D3 (~1m3 ) ~400 pixel chips CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
Conclusion m3-scale gas TPC w/ low energy threshold may be sufficient to investigate hints for low-mass WIMPs w/ directionality Will require superior S/N and 10 keV track energy threshold A TPC with charge readout via GEMS and Pixel might have the required performance characteristics A series of prototypes have been built Performance measured and limiting factors understood from the ground up Excellent S/N, spatial resolution, and energy resolution The apparently excessive spatial resolution enables new BG reduction techniques Detectors based on this technology also of interest for precision studies of nuclear recoils CYGNUS 2015 Sven Vahsen (U. Hawaii)
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