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MD Simulations of PEO/PMMA blends May 6 th 2008 F. Alvarez, A. Arbe, Prof. J. Colmenero M. Brodeck, Prof. D. Richter Universidad del Pais Vasco Forschungszentrum.

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Presentation on theme: "MD Simulations of PEO/PMMA blends May 6 th 2008 F. Alvarez, A. Arbe, Prof. J. Colmenero M. Brodeck, Prof. D. Richter Universidad del Pais Vasco Forschungszentrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 MD Simulations of PEO/PMMA blends May 6 th 2008 F. Alvarez, A. Arbe, Prof. J. Colmenero M. Brodeck, Prof. D. Richter Universidad del Pais Vasco Forschungszentrum Jülich Eurothesis

2 Eurothesis, sponsored by SoftComp, spending time at different SoftComp labs during the PhD  San Sebastian and Jülich MD-simulations of PEO and polymer blends (PEO/PMMA) with very different T g Validation of simulations by experiments (PEO) Analysis of fully atomistic simulations Rouse mode analysis Coarse grain simulations? Motivation What is this all about?

3 Overview Introduction –Validation PEO/PMMA in blend –Structural properties –Self-correlation functions and non-Gaussianity –Mean Square Displacements –Rouse Modes

4 Introduction to the Simulation Setup and Software Software by Simulation engine: Discover –Periodic boundary conditions Densities determined by NPT-simulations Forcefield: COMPASS –condensed-phase optimized molecular potentials for atomistic simulation studies Simulation time: 100 ns Δt = 1 fs 100,000,000 steps

5 PEO as Homopolymer Confirmed results Dynamics of individual hydrogen atoms protonated sample* Collective dynamics deuterated sample TOFTOF *A.-C.Genix, A.Arbe, F.Alvarez, J.Colmenero, L.Willner and D.Richter, Phys.Rev.E, 2005, 72, 031808. *M.Tyagi, A.Arbe, J.Colmenero, B.Frick and J.R.Stewart, Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 3007.

6 PEO as Homopolymer Confirmed results Dynamics of individual hydrogen atoms protonated sample* Collective dynamics deuterated sample NSE temperature corrected

7 PEO/PMMA in blend Introduction Simulating the blend –5 PEO chains 43 monomers 15 PMMA chains 25 monomers  7170 atoms cell size ~41.5 Å –Density determined by NPT T: 300 (running), 350 and 400 K 100 ns for each temperature Huge data files, ~90Gb for 100ns * * Povray

8 PEO/PMMA in blend Structure


10 Composition of the blend (weight): 20% PEO, 80% PMMA

11 PEO/PMMA in blend Comparing the Blend with the Homopolymer







18 PEO/PMMA in blend MSD of PEO-hydrogens Movement of PEO atoms restricted by the rather stiff PMMA-matrix

19 PEO/PMMA in blend MSD of hydrogen-atoms Methyl-group Ester-group Main-chain Complex, stiff structure

20 PEO/PMMA in blend Comparing the MSD for two temperatures

21 PEO/PMMA in blend Forming Blobs

22 PEO/PMMA in blend Results – Rouse Modes We investigate the behavior of PEO in the blend! Fourier transformation of blob-coordinates

23 PEO/PMMA in blend Results – Rouse Modes

24 PEO/PMMA in blend MSD of hydrogen-atoms Methyl-group Ester-group Main-chain Complex, stiff structure Rouse regime

25 PEO/PMMA in blend MSD of hydrogen-atoms Methyl-group Ester-group Main-chain Complex, stiff structure Rouse regime

26 PEO/PMMA in blend Results – Rouse Modes



29 Conclusion Simulation of homopolymer validated by various experimental techniques Simulation of the blend: extraction of valuable information from full trajectories Development of a second peak for high Δt Caging-effect or simulation artifact? Formation of blobs  Rouse mode analysis

30 Thank you… Softcomp Eurothesis Project DIPC, University of the Basque Country San Sebastian –J. Colmenero –F. Alvarez –A. Arbe Forschungszentrum Jülich –D. Richter

31 ---



34 PEO as Homopolymer Coarse Graining PEO Micro – Meso mapping –Simplest idea: 1 monomer = 1 blob –Obtain probabilities from MD simulations Bond distance Bond angle … –Assume that the probability distributions factorize –Boltzmann factors of interaction potentials

35 PEO as Homopolymer Coarse Graining PEO Micro – Meso mapping –Determine potentials and forces –Repeat for different temperatures –Compile into tables (no analytical form necessary) –Write software (or use free open source alternative) –LAMMPS – Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator,

36 PEO as Homopolymer Results – Coarse Graining From these probabilities we can calculate an effective potential

37 PEO as Homopolymer Coarse Graining – Effective Potentials

38 PEO as Homopolymer Coarse Graining – Non-bond interactions

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