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Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 Meeting of the LCLS Facilities Advisory Committee LCLS Organization & Execution.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 Meeting of the LCLS Facilities Advisory Committee LCLS Organization & Execution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 Meeting of the LCLS Facilities Advisory Committee LCLS Organization & Execution M. Reichanadter / SLAC

2 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 2 Outline Progress in the past six months Status of the Project (work in progress) Cost, Schedule (CP) and Resources TPC, TEC and Contingency LCLS Organization & WBS Project Management Execution & Control Plans for the next six months

3 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 3 LCLS Progress in the Last Six Months Title I Design for LCLS CF Submitted. Scope of the LCLS is defined in LCLS Technical Specifications SLAC establishes the LCLS Division for the construction phase John Galayda named Associate Director, reporting to the SLAC Lab Director Division creates functional groups (Laser, Controls, Engineering, etc.) to support cross-functional systems (Injector, Linac, Undulator, etc.) LCLS to create construction/technical procurement “cell” LCLS continues to add staff (both matrixed and direct) EIR - Burns & Roe submitted report to OECM Cost, schedule & contingency found to be “reasonable” 72 findings …. covering 14 areas of project management as per DOE O413.3 CAP Submitted to DOE-OECM. Project validation letter expected soon DOE “Lehman” Review LCLS is working responding to recommendations on cost, schedule, contingency and organization Assume a Continuing Resolution of 3-months in FY05 funding (Jan05). Current estimates: TPC from $315m to ~$350M, CD-4 from 30Sep08 to 31Mar09, Constr Start from 10/1/05 to 3/31/06 On schedule to submit a revised cost and schedule estimate to DOE on 15Oct04

4 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 4 LCLS Project Cost/Schedule (Jun04) LCLS Cost / Schedule Estimate Current revised estimates; TPC ~$350M CD-4 ~31Mar09 Increase overall float + 3-mo CR Slight increase in contingency Most cost growth is in PM & CF ~29.5% contingency on work remaining LCLS is ~30% complete on PED

5 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 5 LCLS Integrated Budget/Work Schedule (WIP) LCLS is limited by funding. In FY04, we spent FY04 funds + FY03 carry-over planning for a rampup in staff and procurements. FY05 funds allow for full deployment of PED effort ($20M) and LLP ($30M). FY06 construction start. FY09 operations start

6 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 6 LCLS Integrated Budget/Work Schedule (FY04-FY05) 1Q-05 rampup “softened” but still show a shortfall LLP start Jan05 more in Mar05 Working with ANL, LLNL and SLAC to further reduce LCLS costs in 1Q05. Title II effort deferred for 3 months (CP)

7 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 7 LCLS Peoplepower / Lab / Year Latest FTE projections reflecting CR and extended schedule SLAC FTE’s include T&M FY05 staff ~doubles FY09 still needs more start-up

8 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 8 LCLS Peoplepower Rampup Estimate (all Labs) Significant ramp-up in FY05 staff (Controls E/P, E/RF Engr & ME/MD are most critical) Need smoother FY09 transition to operations

9 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 9 LCLS Procured Materials and Services-Lab ANL/LLNL/SLAC Procurement efforts are decentralized SLAC ~$15M/yr w/o Construction ANL FY06-FY07 SC Undulators LLNL modest procurements of mostly commercial items

10 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 10 LCLS Long-Lead Procurements All LLP’s have been reviewed during LCLS TDR’s. Laser system includes a large number of small procurements + system integration. Laser and Conv Fac are most critical to maintaining schedule. Sufficient time is built into the LCLS schedule to provide for the procurement process. APP’s start the procurement process. Contingency on LLP ~31%

11 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 11 LCLS Summary Schedule (WIP) LCLS Schedule Systems are ~decoupled during PED, construction, & I&C. Critical Path Linac (~140 days) Undulator (~170 days) T3-BO-LTU-Dump 1 st Beam in Undulator Increased float with new extended schedule

12 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 12 LCLS WBS Organization LCLS is organized into fully integrated (design through commissioning) decoupled systems. Decoupling allows each system to go as fast as technically possible. Allows phased commissioning Product-based Components Management & Integration I&A – Components into subsystems Physics Commissioning Controls is embedded in technical systems. Improves controls / hardware interface. Configuration management is easier. Needs good coordination between Controls Manager and System Manager. Dual signature authority

13 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 13 LCLS Project Organization thru L3 LCLS Continues to add staff in key areas With FY05 funding; Chief Scientist QA/QC Database Mgr Constr Safety Undulator ME’s Deputy CF Mgr LCLS Division provides functional support below L3 Reorg in process to exploit Injector-Linac common systems

14 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 14 LCLS Technical Specifications Technical baseline specifications are defined. Additional documents are added as the design evolves. Technical specs under configuration mgmt

15 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 15 LCLS is under Configuration Management Management Control LCLS Project Management Plan with Appendices LCLS Advance Procurement Plan w/ Critical Procurements Appendix LCLS Quality Implementation Plan LCLS Risk Management Plan with Risk Registry Appendix Technical Control Technical Specifications Documents With GRD, PRDs, ESDs, ICDs WBS Dictionary Cost/Schedule/Resource Control LCLS P3 Cost & Schedule Database With Baseline Change Requests LCLS L1-L2-L3 Milestones

16 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 LCLS Project Coordination ILCC meets quarterly to address issues affecting resource allocation and coordination to the LCLS project at the partner laboratories. Federal Project Director is invited to ILCC meetings. FAC meets semiannually and provides advice on the construction and technical capabilities of the LCLS. SAC meets semiannually and provides advice on the scientific program of the LCLS.

17 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 17 LCLS Monthly Report (14 months reporting, 6 on Integrated project) Technical Highlights Issues and Assessments Earned-Value Performance Milestone Performance Change Control Log

18 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 18 How do we keep control of the project? What are we doing? Single source of cost/schedule baseline data: LCLS WBS (P3) Technical Specifications (GRD, PRDs, ESDs, ICDs, (see LCLS QIP) (Single Source) Signature authority on Procurements Regular Design Reviews (reduce risk) Plan the work … Work the plan … Need to change the plan? → BCR → work new plan How are we doing? Earned-Value Performance Management Monthly Status on % Complete Actual cost tracking versus budgets Cost / Schedule Variances (PARS) – Emphasize meeting schedules, costs track closely. L1, L2, L3 Milestone Reporting Monitor Critical Path and Float Contingency Usage / Risk Management Who is doing what? Communication & Coordination Weekly / Monthly LCLS Management and Physics Meetings Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly LCLS/DOE Meetings LCLS Monthly Report ANL-LLNL-SLAC MOU Inter-Laboratory Coordinating Council (ILCC) LCLS Website (for all official documentation) Need Help? $$ - Contingency solves alot, though not all problems Resources @ ANL/LLNL/SLAC via the ILCC

19 Mark Reichanadter LCLS FAC Oct12-13, 2004 19 Plans for the Next Six Months CD-2b (Approve Performance Baseline) CD-3a (Authorize Long-Lead Procurements) Make plans for full FY05 funding (~$54M) Get funds out to partner labs Staff up particularly in Controls, PM, and Engineering Establish colocated procurement cell & staff Award Long-Lead Procurements Laser, Undulator, MMF, S20 Authorize Title II (Jacobs) Put out SOW for CF Constr Mgmt

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