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Presentation on theme: "2015 ISA 25% GCSE BIOLOGY."— Presentation transcript:


2 week beginning Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Homework 11 May Briefing lesson Aim to complete briefing sheet in lesson Theory lesson (not ISA) Text 2.5 Orgs and environmental factors and examples. Briefing sheet in (Complete briefing sheet) Revise unit 1 Green rev guide 12-29 18 May 2.6 Data and experiment design Check ALL briefing sheets in and teacher to SIGN before paper 1 Paper 1 Planning Pp 21-28, HALF TERM Pp 30-43 1 June Practical lesson Process data Graph Paper 2 prep lesson Revise vocabulary for ISA paper 2 8 June Paper 2 B1 revision/buffer Summary 15 June EXAMS

3 ISA briefing lesson Week beginning 11 May

4 Your problem: Investigate a factor that may affect how quickly muscles become fatigued What factors do you know that affect how fast a muscle becomes fatigued? What theory do you know to support your ideas…

5 Syllabus

6 To prepare for paper 1 Complete candidate research notes
– BUT NOT as a draft! Bring to next lesson – write this in your diaries now! If you have extra time in exams – let us know now.

7 CRN sheet Fatigue BU2.5

8 Context – copy on How athletic training can reduce the likelihood of fatigue.

9 Q1 A Good Hypothesis What are your independent
and dependent variables? Include a bit of Science

10 Q1 Hypothesis - how to get 3 marks (write your own on CRN sheet now)
I think that if I change the light intensity, the rate of photosynthesis will change (1) Explanation: Unclear – I think this is because photosynthesis uses light (1) Clear – Increasing light intensity increases the amount of energy available for chlorophyll to absorb for photosynthesis (2)

11 Q2 Research Sources (write on)
Name 2 sources (book or internet) – which is more useful and why? Can I access your sources? Can an examiner access your sources? e.g. “I used wikipedia” = 0 marks Internet needs to be typed in to find the webpage Books need title / author or editor AND PAGE

12 Q2 Possible research sources
10 minutes to look around lab – Website print AQA text book Would these sources get full marks? You need two sources clearly identified, say which source is most useful for your plan and give reasons why. DO NOT USE CHEAT WEBSITES AS A REFERENCE

13 Q3 – Method (write on sheet)
Includes: Equipment list How equipment is used Measurements you will make (your variables…) How you will make it a fair test Risk assessment (what is the safety??) 3 is it better to have a continuous or categoric independent variable? What is the range of your independent variable? How will you know if this range is suitable at the end of the experiment? What is the interval of the independent variable? How will you measure your dependent variable? 4 What control variables are needed for a fair test?

14 Q4 is always variable, be prepared

15 Q5 Your Blank Table In the ISA you will get 2 marks for drawing a blank table to record your results in. What should you ALWAYS ensure you include? Correct clear headings headings – independent then dependent variable All units for relevant variables Repeats and means not needed I should be able to look only at your table and know exactly what you are investigating without reading anything else at all

16 Bring a black pen, pencil, ruler and calculator





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