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Motion Tracking System Research and Testing Rochester Institute of Technology DAVID J. MONAHAN (ME) JAMES K. STERN (ME) JAHANAVI S. GAUTHAMAN (EE) ASSIS.

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Presentation on theme: "Motion Tracking System Research and Testing Rochester Institute of Technology DAVID J. MONAHAN (ME) JAMES K. STERN (ME) JAHANAVI S. GAUTHAMAN (EE) ASSIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motion Tracking System Research and Testing Rochester Institute of Technology DAVID J. MONAHAN (ME) JAMES K. STERN (ME) JAHANAVI S. GAUTHAMAN (EE) ASSIS E. NGOLO (CE) CORY B. LAUDENSLAGER (EE) BRIAN D. GLOD (CE) BACKGROUND: National Science Foundation (NSF) has extensively helped RIT’s Assistive Devices family develop a strong relationship with the Nazareth College Physical Therapy Clinic. Physical therapists at Nazareth have long expressed a desire for portable motion tracking devices enabling monitoring of patients’ motion in their natural environments. Previously, two motion tracking projects, one tasked to track limb motion, and the second focusing on lower back (lumbar) motion were slated. Due to challenges identified from these prior motion tracking projects, the two were combined to create this P10010, project. Instead of creating a fully functional motion tracking system, P10010 will focus on developing a foundation of knowledge for future motion tracking projects. MISSION STATEMENT: To research sensors and implementation methods for portable motion tracking systems capable of measuring patients' range of motion in their natural environments. The various aspects of a motion tracking system: sensors, a portable micro-controller, interface circuitry, software, and human interfaces are explored. The primary ranges of motion of interest: Motion of a human limb, where a limb is defined as a 3-bar linkage, for example: upper leg, lower leg, and foot. Motion of a human's lower back, where it is defined as the lumbar region, with 3 points of contact: sacrum, L1-L2, L3-L5. TEST PLAN OVERVIEW: ComponentMeasurement of Interest Test FixtureDegrees of Freedom & Range Test Fixture Accuracy of Individual Measurements Test FixtureAccuracy over Time Test FixtureSafety/Nondestructive Testing SensorsOutput Signal SensorsPower SensorsOutput Signal Quality SensorPower Sensors Accuracy of Individual Measurements SensorsAccuracy over Time SensorsDegrees of Freedom & Range SensorsAccuracy/DOF with Enclosures MCU Read and Store MCUPrecision MCUFunctionality MCU-PCData Format MCUData MCU-SensorAmplify Signal MCU-SensorFilter MCU-SensorPower Sensors & MCU'sDimensions, Weight P10010 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Nazareth Physical Therapy Institute (Primary Customer) Dr. Elizabeth DeBartolo (Team Guide), RIT Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Daniel Phillips (Sensors Guide), RIT Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dr. Roy Czernikowski (Micro-controller Guide), RIT Dept. of Computer Engineering CUSTOMER NEEDS: The Product should be Portable The Product should be Accurate The Product should be Easy to Use The Product Should be Sanitary The Product should be Comfortable for Patient The Product should be Durable TEST FIXTURE DESIGNS CONCEPTS: SELECTED MICRO-CONTROLLER: Arduino Mega Microcontroller PROJECT DELIVERABLES: Provide future research teams with sufficient tools to create a portable motion tracking device. Enhance the knowledge base of the RIT Biomedical Systems and Technologies Track regarding sensor usage in human motion tracking. SYSTEM OVERVIEW: +/-2g Tri-axis Accelerometer 6 DoF Razor Ultra-Thin IMU Output ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information visit our team website online at: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. BES-0527358. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. FINAL KNOWLEDGE Sensor & MCU: Research, Selection Matrices, Detailed Sensor Information, & Sensor Evaluation Results Test Fixtures Research & Manufacturing Plans Test Plan Procedure for Testing & Analyzing Data FINAL INFRASTRUCTURE 4 Completed Test Fixtures Sensor & MCU Hardware Extensive MCU Code  General Operation, Data Storage/Translation MATLAB Code: Testing/Analysis FUTURE APPLICATIONS RIT Multidisciplinary Senior Design Teams Physical Therapy Clinics Entertainment (Video Gaming, Animation) Bio-robotics Medical Applications 6 DoF- Atomic IMU on Pendulum Fixture: Output vs. MATLAB Model 6 DoF- Atomic IMU 6 DoF Razor Ultra- Thin IMU SENSOR RESULTS OVERVIEW: 6 DoF- Atomic IMU

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