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Summary of … 3 rd Workshop on Affective and Attitude User Modeling Assessing and Adapting to User Attitudes and Affect: Why, When and How? Co-Chairs: Cristina.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of … 3 rd Workshop on Affective and Attitude User Modeling Assessing and Adapting to User Attitudes and Affect: Why, When and How? Co-Chairs: Cristina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of … 3 rd Workshop on Affective and Attitude User Modeling Assessing and Adapting to User Attitudes and Affect: Why, When and How? Co-Chairs: Cristina Conati, Eva Hudlicka, Christine Lisetti

2 Objectives   Explore core issues in expanding user models to include information of affect and attitudes:   Detection   Modeling   Adaptation   Validation and Evaluation  ... across a range of applications

3 Focus Questions 1. 1.Can we begin to identify a taxonomy of circumstances requiring affective user modeling? 2. 2.What are existing methods of constructing affective user models? (detection/modeling) 3. 3.Can we define guidelines for model use? (adaptation) 4. 4.What are methods and issues in validation and evaluation?

4 Workshop Organization   8 long papers in 3 Sessions   5 posters in Poster Session   Small Group Discussion and Presentation   Panel (Fiorella de Rosis, Anthony Jameson, Roz Picard, Amy Kruse)

5   Possible Applications   Training and Tutoring   Dialogue Systems   CSCW   Telehealth Identify a Taxonomy of Circumstances Requiring Affective User Modeling? NecessaryUndesirable Chainsaw   Critical Factors   Affect central to task (e.g. psychotherapy)   Affect influences user performance (e.g., learning)   Degree to which adaptation is possible   Placement on spectrum must be empirically tested ??

6   Factors   Context   User’s goals and traits   Target of the adaptation User affective state Consequences of affective states (e.g., attention) Can We Define Guidelines for Model Use: When and How to Adapt?   Critical issues   User control   Empirical evaluations of adaptation strategies

7 What are Existing Methods of Constructing Affective User Models?   Detection   Biometric Sensors – Effectiveness varies along various dimensions Diagnosticity (GSR good for arousal) Intrusiveness (depends on application, wireless is good) Reliability (BVP and Respiration low)   NL and speech (Emotionally tagged grammars)   Modeling   Bayesian and Dynamic Belief Networks   Finite State Machine   Other methods analized in small group discussion

8 What are Methods and Issues for Validation and Evaluation? EVALUATION, DAMN IT!

9 What are Methods and Issues for Validation and Evaluation? Evaluate the detection/modeling directly   Challenges   Ephemeral   Idiosyncratic   Not always observable   Possible Solution: Multiple Measures (e.g. observations + self-reports) Evaluate the adaptation built on the model for:   User satisfaction   Task performance

10 Conclusions  Prototype systems exist which can sense frustration / stress and provide adaptive response (e.g., empathy)  Variety of promising detection/modeling methods exist  Critical Needs/Issues  Corpora of Labelled Data  Gold standards for validating measures  Clear definition of constructs  Privacy  Understand level of modeling resolution required: do not overmodel!

11 For more…see workshop Web page Thanks to workshop and panel partecipants!

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