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Systems Analysis and Design for Electronic Commerce, Networked Business Processes, and Virtual Enterprises Walt Scacchi, Ph.D. GSM 271 and FEMBA 271 Fall.

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Presentation on theme: "Systems Analysis and Design for Electronic Commerce, Networked Business Processes, and Virtual Enterprises Walt Scacchi, Ph.D. GSM 271 and FEMBA 271 Fall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Systems Analysis and Design for Electronic Commerce, Networked Business Processes, and Virtual Enterprises Walt Scacchi, Ph.D. GSM 271 and FEMBA 271 Fall 2001

2 Overview Introductions Course audience and demographics Administrative matters Foundational concepts Course topics Questions Topic 1: System Life Cycle and Enterprise Architectures

3 Introductions Instructor: Dr. Walt Scacchi Teaching assistant(s): –*** ***** (GSM 271) –**** ***** (FEMBA 271) Administrative support: –Melinda Springer

4 Course audience and demographics: what are your interests/career goals ?  Executive (Corporate Officer, Vice President, Division Director, etc.)?  Mid-Career Manager (IT department manager)?  IT Consultant ?  Entrepreneur?  Academic Scholar?

5 Administrative matters Office, office hours and contact –ICS2-242 –Thursday 1:00-4:00pm, and by appointment –Office: 949-824-4130 –Email:

6 Administrative matters Projects and Exams –Team project, final presentation, deliverables –Mid-term exam Assignments and Discussion –Assigned articles and case studies –System Analysis/Design Web sites/case studies –Web-based business intelligence gathering

7 Administrative matters Recommended textbooks: –See for list of recommended books Attendance and Participation –Both count!

8 Administrative matters Grading policy –Final project: 50% –Mid-term exam: 20% –Assignments and discussion: 20% –Attendance: 10% Project team formation –Team size: 4-5 people –Start building your team today!

9 Foundational concepts  Enterprise system architectures  People, processes, products, tools, infrastructure, artifacts, strategies, and other resources  System life cycle and project planning  System development life cycle:  requirements, analysis, architecture design, detailed component design, implementation, testing, documentation, usage, evolution (enhancement, restructuring, tuning, debugging, conversion)  System integration life cycle:  packaging, posting and advertising, acquisition, installation, testing, training, usage, routinization, evolution

10 Foundational concepts  System requirements  System analysis: modeling/specification  System architecture design

11 Course topics  System requirements  What are “requirements” Whose got them? Why?  Requirements elicitation and capture  Scenarios of usage and Use Cases  to capture system requirements in words/stories  Rich pictures  to capture system requirements with pictures (or multi- media)

12 Course topics  System analysis  Analysis as modeling and specification  Identifying system entities/objects, attributes, relations, methods, control/data flow, constraints  Modeling system entity-relations and object- oriented templates  Specifying systems using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

13 Course topics System architecture design –Modeling and specification of system components and their interrelations for implementation –Modeling system logical design Identifying system components, interfaces, interconnections, connectors, and configuration Identifying schemes for partitioning or organizing interconnected components following reusable architectural patterns/templates.

14 Questions? What do you want to learn or take away from this course? What are your criteria of success? What do you want me to do to help you achieve your success? What about the team project? Others?

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