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Sustainability Spring 2009 Class 9 Jeff Fletcher.

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1 Sustainability Spring 2009 Class 9 Jeff Fletcher

2 Logistics This I Believe Revision Plans –Original Reviews (peer and instructor) 3pts –Your plan (bulleted list) 7 pts –Ways of Writing Exercise (1 of the 3) 5 pts –There is also 10 points (5 each) for doing reviews, but very few of you have gotten credit so far Slowing Down a bit –This I Believe Final Version due next Monday May 4 (not this Wed.) –Worldchanging Essay: Community due next Wed. May 6 (not April 29) Business due Wed. May 13 Product Life Cycle Video Proposal Portfolio Assignment –Homepage due today (will do in mentor session) Forest—how was the Kauffman talk? Guest presenter on Wednesday –Dani Dennenberg, Northwest Earth Institute (

3 What’s an economy for? Director John de Graaf will screen and discuss his new documentary Thursday Evening, May 21 (MARK YOUR CALENDERS!!) About John de Graaf : –National coordinator of TAKE BACK YOUR TIME ( Overworked, too-busy people are bad for the environment –KCTS-TV, the Seattle PBS affiliate, for 24 years, as an independent producer of television documentaries. –More than 15 of his programs have been broadcast in Prime Time nationally on PBS. –He is the recipient of more than 100 regional, national and international awards for film-making, including three Emmy awards. –He produced the popular PBS specials, RUNNING OUT OF TIME, an examination of overwork and time pressure in America, and AFFLUENZA, a humorous critique of American consumerism. –His other national PBS specials include FOR EARTH’S SAKE: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF DAVID BROWER; VISIBLE TARGET; A PERSONAL MATTER: GORDON HIRABAYASHI VS. THE UNITED STATES; BEYOND ORGANIC; ESCAPE FROM AFFLUENZA; IT’S UP TO US: THE GIRAFFE PROJECT and CIRCLE OF PLENTY.

4 Other Events Coming Up “Shelter” Discussion With Paul Collins, Tim DuRoche, John W. Haines and Ethan SeltzerShelter” Discussion With Paul Collins, Tim DuRoche, John W. Haines and Ethan Seltzer –Tuesday, April 28 (Tomorrow) 7 pm PSU’s Smith Memorial Student Union (SMSU), Room 294 Major Exploration Day –Tuesday, May 5th, 2009 from 11– 3pm in the Ballroom (SMSU 355). –Breakout sessions related to choosing a major, creating an academic plan and connecting co-curricular experience to a future career. –More details at Student, Conci Althouse, filmed a white antiracist activist from the 60s, named Karen Haberman Trusty in class, then created documentary. –Screening Friday May 8, 6:30 pm at Fifth Ave. Cinema –Documentary geared to motivate young people to a life of activism –Free

5 Groups Design ad campaign (or other ideas for changing behavior) for one sustainability increasing issue in Portland (choose the one you think is most important/doable)

6 Flu Outbreak Recent news: dUSTRE53Q7FZ20090427 dUSTRE53Q7FZ20090427 /28docs.html?hpw /28docs.html?hpw /28flu.html?_r=1&hp /28flu.html?_r=1&hp

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