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Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 LCLS Undulator System Update FAC Review October 29 th (30 th &31 2007
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 ANL/LCLS Undulator Project Management Chart Bill Berg Lori Cesario
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 ANL/LCLS Undulator System Integration Engineer BERG, WILLIAM Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass, IL 60439 Extension:2-6929 BLDG 401-B2199 Radio Page:4-1882 E-mail E-mail
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 ANL/LCLS Undulator System Program Control Management System (PCMS) Fran Clark retired in September 07 – STA advisor when required Lori Cesario now ANL PCMS main point of contact Lori Cesario Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass, IL 60439 Extension:2-7389 BLDG 362 C169 E-mail Address:
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 ANL LCLS Major Effort Covered for FY08 09/07 – Completed FY08 Agreement sheet estimates for ANL/LCLS workers 10/07 - ANL management agree LCLS effort profiles for FY08 1.4.1 Management: Hired Integration Engineer (replacement for Pile) Secured 2 QA Engineers/Reps(~ 1 FTE) thru Sept 08 Secured 2 QC coordinators for Progress, Task Coordination & Documentation ~ thru July08 Added part-time secretarial assistance 1.4.2 Controls: Sufficient Effort available - continued support required 1.4.3 Undulator Magnet and Support: Sufficient Effort available - continued support required 1.4.4 Undulator Vacuum System: Sufficient Effort available - huge effort is required to meet schedule 1.4.5 Diagnostics: BPM - Additional engineering and technician help added for BPM production BLM - Sufficient Effort available - Using almost one extra FTE from Diagnostics group - huge effort is required to meet schedule for both BPM and BLM
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 ANL LCLS Effort Profile/Plan FY08/09 ANL production engineering effort drops off significantly in March/April 08 April through July 08 technical leads and key players left to help with delivery and installation issues Documentation hand over will be covered through September 08 July 08 through September 08 only key 1.4.1 management left. All management effort is reduced by 50% End of September 08 – ANL plans to be off the project FY09 ANL has small budget to contribute to Undulator Commissioning
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 LCLS Installation and Commissioning Time-Line linac/BC2 Install 20072007 LTU/Undulator System instalation Check out/Commissioning AASSOONNDDJJFFMMAAMMJJJJ Inj./Linac/BC2 Commissioning Beneficial Occupancy. Und. Installation LTU/und. hall “Co occupancy.” 20082008 “Dirty Install” Prep for Support Stand Installation Girder Installation Starts
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Current ANL delivery schedules Co-occupancy Undulator Support Stands Cables/Cable Trays Beneficial Occupancy Support Mover System Girders, Control Electronics
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Major Deliverables & Concern factors scaled to 10 (0-5 schedule 0-5 technical) 1.4.1 Management: Safety Quality Assurance Budget and Schedule Integration and Installation Admin. – Procurement, vendor management and documentation. 1.4.2 Controls: 5 (4s -1t) Cables (tunnel and inter-undulator): cable trays, and racks. Motion controls: sub micron leveling, control algorithms and software. Ancillaries: Thermal monitoring, undulator limit switches etc. Vacuum controls: Interface integration only – some limit protection. Diagnostic controls: Beam Finder Wire, Beam Position Monitor, Beam Loss monitor etc. Integration of Wire Position Monitor (SLAC component) Communications: Integrated Tunnel Electronics Rack with on board IOC etc. EPICs programming.
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Major Deliverables & Concern factors scaled from 0 to 10 (0-5 schedule 0-5 technical) 1.4.3 Undulator Magnet and Support: 4 (3s+1t) Undulator Magnet Assemblies Quad magnets and translation stages Fixed Supports and Motion Systems 1.4.4 Undulator Vacuum System: 7 (3.5s+ 3.5t) Aluminum Vacuum chamber + Support and leveling System Pumping – acquisitions move to SLAC Bellows 1.4.5 Diagnostics: 8 (5s+3t) Beam Position Monitors Beam Loss Monitors Beam Finder Wire
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 1.4.3 Magnets and Supports Undulators 39 Undulators @SLAC 1 Undulator @Argonne Support Mover System 1 Support & Motion System @Argonne 8 Support & Motion Systems @SLAC 4 Support & Motion System @Hi-Tech ready to ship Remaining 25 Support & Motion Systems now in production @Hi-Tech/Metalex Date Totals SM systems Delivered to SLAC (current estimate) 10/24/20078 11/7/200712 11/21/200718 12/7/200723 12/21/200728 1/15/200833 1/23/200838
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Quadrupoles Two 1st articles - marginally low in field They were rejected and the revised design has 123 laminations instead of 115. Two new replacement first articles are in production and will be delivered to ANL this week; we have negotiated with ET to speed up the rest of the schedule and bring us back on track. 1 production Quadrupole stage is at Argonne; the rest were delivered to SLAC. Date Totals Delivered to SLAC (current estimate) 11/5/20071 11/13/20072 11/19/20073 11/29/20075 7 12/4/200711 12/19/200715 1/9/200819 1/18/200823 1/30/200827 2/8/200831 2/19/200835 2/25/200837
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Long Term Test Update Final Design 1st Article support stands and girder delivered to ANL – installed QA accepted in September 07. The support motion and girder assembly installation process is a “work in progress” – see LTT slides The pre-production girder has been cut in half. We are using it with the two pre-production supports to create the short and long break sections too.
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 1.4.4 Vacuum System Un-resolvable questions with Stainless Chambers - Decision made in September 07 to build production Extruded Vacuum chambers Two full sized Aluminum prototypes have been built. All planned fabrication steps have been performed. The chambers have been baked and their measured out-gassing rate is lower than the specification Many preparations for production are in-process or in place.
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Aluminum Extrusion Prototype Conclusions… The extrusion can be manufactured and machined with wall thickness and straightness required to meet final installation tolerances. The full length chamber can be produced within all acceptable dimensional tolerances. Uniform 0.5 mm nominal wall thickness and vacuum integrity required to maintain the specified average pressure was achieved. Average surface finish achieved in testing - meets current PRD spec. The polishing process improves the surface finish without introducing contaminants
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 1.4.4 Vacuum System ANL will be the “General Contractor” for manufacture of the Aluminum Extruded Vacuum Chambers Extrusions (in House) Explosion bonded C-fix Flanges (on order) Extrusion Polishing in process (outside Vendor) Extrusion Machining in process (outside vendors) Ready for flange welding and vacuum processing (in House) Significant in house Engineering and QA oversight required Outstanding progress so far on very demanding schedule (almost parallels SS working schedule) but experienced group fully committed to meet it.
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 The Schedule… The Cost…… EventOriginal Completion Date Updated Completion Date Polishing of all extrusions 12/07/0711/30/07 Machining of all extrusions 4/21/08 Chamber Processing at ANL 4/23/08 Ship Chambers 1-5 to SLAC 1/23/082/1/08 1-6 Ship Chambers 6-10 to SLAC 1/28/082/22/08 6-11 Ship Chambers 11-20 to SLAC 3/10/083/14/08 11-22 Ship Chambers 21-30 to SLAC 3/26/084/4/08 22-33 Ship Chambers 31-40 to SLAC 4/25/084/29/08 33-40 Cost ItemsUpdated Estimates and Quotes…Oct 07 Extrusions$11,165.44 Flanges$41,310.00 Polishing Prep$350.00 Polishing$152,819.85 Straightening$15,600.00 Machining$238,400.00 Crating$4,979.60 Surface Sampling$5,040.00 ANL labor~$220,000 Total$689,664.89
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 BPM Status X-Band Cavity BPM Development phase complete Production procurement in place First machined production units expected in November Receiver Electronics 4 First article prototypes assembled and tested with good results 3-BPM testing prototypes incorporate receiver, local oscillator and filter first article packaging Production procurement ongoing -10 units at SLAC 1/4/08, 20 units by 1/5/08, 30 units by 1/6/08, 40 units by 1/7/08 Test Qualification Successful collaborative effort testing and qualifying BPM system Qualified system with the same ADC (PAD) as SLAC LINAC BPM upgrade to minimize risk of integration
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Comprehensive BPM Test Program 1 m Resolution spec met: (09/27/07) < 0.6 m Long term drift spec for 1 hour spec met Gain stability spec met 1 hour temperature stability spec met 24 hour temperature stability spec met electronics with simulated beam
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Cavity BPM Production Status Cavity BPM machining contracts placed with parts expected 11/27/07 Two vendors will provide a single machined First Article production BPM for evaluation Vacuum window first lot delivery 11/12/07 Vendor for brazing BPM pending contract award Group & #Totals Delivered to SLAC Date RFI: Group A(2)21/15/2008 RFI: Group B (6)82/17/2008 RFI: Group C (10)183/15/2008 RFI: Group D(8)264/16/2008 RFI: Group E(10)365/10/2008
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 1.4.5 Diagnostics Beam Finder Wire Weldment, Machined Parts, Chamber, Catalog Items and all Hardware Design and Procurement Documents are complete and are in the procurement and production phase. Wire Card is currently under final design at SLAC. Alignment and Assembly Procedures are 90% complete Schedule for production looks tight and will require good vendor management to keep on target Lot #1 ( 3) 12/12/2007 Beam Finder Wires at SLAC Lot #2 (10) 1/14/2008 Lot #3 (10) 2/11/2008 Lot #4 10) 3/20/2008
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 BFW Assembly (Body Sectioned) Wire Card Down in Inactive Mode Wire card (Down Position) Lower Limit Switch (Actuated Position) Pneumatic Solenoid Valve (Cylinder Vent Position) Internal Return Spring (Expanded Position) Electrical Connectors (Down Position) Internal Kinematic Stop Plates (Open Position) Bellows Seal (Compressed Position) BEAM Potentiometer (Out Position) From J. Bailey et al. 1.4.5 Diagnostics
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 1.4.5 Diagnostics Beam Loss Monitor Engineering re-design - design is for MPS system and not Diagnostic PRD complete – This design does not meet PRD Current proposal for BLM is only as an MPS input for now Even in simple form the cost and schedule is still of concern. Future ANL/SLAC collaboration on upgrade may be viable later?
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Beam Loss Monitor A Simple MPS/Beam Loss Monitor system for now! Production design will inhibit beam when beam loss is detected above a pre- determined set-point. Requires limited dynamic range from the detector(s) Expect to install in undulator tunnel July 08 **************************************************************************************************** A more Sophisticated BLM may be required – no reasonable solution available at present. Future design will meet PRD requirements. This design will keep track of the total accumulated exposure of the magnets in each Undulator. Helps predict, understand and curtail operational scenarios that may cause long term magnet damage. Requires a large dynamic range for the radiation detector(s) and much more sophisticated electronics and software.
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Production BLM design Detector Moves with the Undulator and protects during undulator roll out
Geoff Pile LCLS Und. System FAC 29 th, 30 th & 31 st October 2007 Summary Good progress is being made in all areas Hot spots Quadrupoles Schedule – close attention req. Vacuum Flanges Very finicky – “first time” sealing <100% Good QA, inspection and careful handling required Vacuum Chamber Production quality, surface finish, straightening and machining all require careful oversight BPM moves into Production Lots of oversight required Beam Loss Monitor Completion of design Final Large Procurements Vacuum Chamber Machining BPM body manufacturing, BPM electronics manufacturing Schedule Concerns RF BPM Vacuum Chambers Beam Finder Wire Card Beam Loss Monitor
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