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A structured learning framework for content- based image indexing and visual Query (Joo-Hwee, Jesse S. Jin) Presentation By: Salman Ahmad (270279)

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Presentation on theme: "A structured learning framework for content- based image indexing and visual Query (Joo-Hwee, Jesse S. Jin) Presentation By: Salman Ahmad (270279)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A structured learning framework for content- based image indexing and visual Query (Joo-Hwee, Jesse S. Jin) Presentation By: Salman Ahmad (270279)

2 Introduction Motivation –To do content based image retrieval from non-specific images in a broad domain.

3 Literature Review Semantic labeling approach by Town & Sinclair into 11 visual categories by ANN. Monotonic tree Approach for classifying image into semantic regions (8 in total). Associating image with words but not scalable for image with diverse content.

4 Image Retrieval Cycle User images Feature extraction Feature & Image storage User Query term comparison with features Result StorageRetrieval

5 Semantic Gap Semantic Extraction –Requires object recognition & scene understanding –Monotonic tree Semantic Interpretation –Pre-query (manual annotation), query, post query (relevance feedback)

6 Semantic Gap Image Low level feature extraction Object recognition User search term & requirement

7 Structured learning for Image Indexing Based on SSR – salient image patches that exhibit semantic meaning. SSR are learned a priori and detected during image indexing. No region segmentation step is required. Image indexing onto the classification space spanned by semantic label.

8 Semantic Support Region (SSR) Introduced to address the issue of high content diversity Modular view based object detector Generate spatial semantic signature Similarity based and fuzzy logic based query processing. Not restricted to the main area of attention in image.

9 Semantic Support Region (SSR) FaceFigureCrowdSkin FlowerGreenFarBranch CloudyClearFloorBlue sand Rocky PoolGrass FarCity wall Old wooden Pond china River FabricLight

10 Semantic Support Regions (SSR) SSR are segmentation free image region. Have semantic meanings. Detected from tessellated image blocks Reconciled across multiple resolution Aggregated spatially

11 SSR learning Use of Support Vector Machines Features employed –Color (YIQ) – 6 dimensions –Texture (Gabor coefficient) – 60 dimensions 26 classes of SSR – 8 super classes (People(4), sky(3), ground(3), water(3), foliage(3), mountain(2), building(3), interior(5)) Kernel – polynomial with degree 2 and a constant. Total data for train & test – 554 image regions from 138 images. Training data – 375 image regions from 105 images. Test data – 179 image regions.

12 SSR Detection

13 Feature vectors z c and z t (for color & texture) 3 color maps and 30 texture maps from Gabor Coefficient. Windows of different scales used for scale invariance. Each pixel will consolidate the SSR classification vector T i (z)

14 Multiscale Reconciliation Object detected in different region in image Fusing multiple SSR detected from different image scale Comparing two detection map at a time (from 60 x 60 & 50 x 50 to 30 x 30 & 20 x 20) Smallest scan windows consolidating the result

15 Spatial Aggregation Summarize the reconciled detection map in larger spatial region. Spatial aggregation Map (SAM) variable emphasis (weights). SAM are invariant to image rotation & translation SAM effected slightly by change of angle of view, change of scale, occlusion.

16 Spatial Aggregation Map

17 Scalability Modular Nature Independent training of binary detectors. Parallel computation of feature map. Multiple SSR detection simultaneously Concurrent spatial aggregation by different nodes in SAM. Retraining of SVM with the addition of new SSR.

18 Query Methods Low-level features –QBE (Query By Example) –QBC (Query By Canvas) Semantic Information –QBK (Query By keywords) –QBS (Query By sketches) –QBSI (Query By Spatial Icons)

19 Query Formulation & Parsing QBME (Query by multiple examples) Similarity computed based on the similarity between their tessellated blocks. Larger block for similar semantics but different spatial arrangement. Smaller blocks for spatial specificity. City block distance provide best performance.

20 Query Formulation & Parsing QBSI (Query by Spatial icons) –Spatial arrangement of visual semantics –Q (Visual query term) specify region R for SSR i. –Chaining of these term VQT. –Two level is-a hierarchy of SSRs –Use of max in abstract visual semantics.

21 Query Formulation & Parsing Disjunctive normal form of VQT can be used (with or without negation). Fuzzy operation to remove the uncertainty in values. Vocabulary for the QBSI limited by the semantics Graphical interface provided for VQT Indexing the images with 3 x 3 spatial tessellation with 26 SSR.

22 Experimental Results Tested on consumer images »More challenging & complex »Diverse content »Faded, over exposed, blurred, dark »Different focuses, distances and occlusion. 2400 heterogeneous photos of a single family taken over the span of 5 years Indoor and outdoor settings Resolution of 256 x 384 converted to 240 x 360 No pre-selection of images.

23 QBME Experiment 24 semantic queries for 2400 images Truth values based on the opinion of 3 subjects Comparison with feature based approach (CTO). »Best performing parameters selected

24 QBSI Experiment 15 QBSI queries for 2400 photos Query examples for QBSI

25 QBSI Experiment Results Precision on top retrieved images for QBSI experiment

26 Advantages of QBSI Explicit specification of visual semantics with combination Better and more accurate expression than sketches and visual icons.

27 Conclusion & Future Work SSR allows image indexing based on local semantics without region segmentation A unique and powerful query language. Extendable to other domains like medical images.

28 Questions

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