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1 How to transform an abstract analyzer into an abstract verifier.

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1 1 How to transform an abstract analyzer into an abstract verifier

2 2 Type verification in a functional language §we choose the let-polymorphic type interpreter l type verification à la ML same type system verification does not require any fixpoint computation

3 3 Abstract verification  F  = abstract semantic evaluation function  S  = specification of the property, i.e., abstraction of the intended concrete semantics  partial correctness:  (lfp F)   S   sufficient partial correctness condition: F  ( S  )    S 

4 4 The language: syntax §type ide = Id of string §type exp = l | Eint of int l | Var of ide l | Sum of exp * exp l | Diff of exp * exp l | Ifthenelse of exp * exp * exp l | Fun of ide * exp l | Rec of ide * exp l | Appl of exp * exp l | Let of ide * exp * exp l | Letrec of ide * exp * exp

5 5 The abstract domain of parametric polytypes type evalt = Notype | Vvar of string | Intero | Mkarrow of evalt * evalt type tscheme = Forall of (string list) * evalt type eval = tscheme * (evalt * evalt) list

6 6 Abstract verification of types F  ( S  )    S  §a program is an expression in the language  its specification S  is its intended type l rather than taking an element of eval, we take an element of evalt a further abstraction in which we forget quantifiers and constraints not important for closed expressions without global environment  the abstract semantic evaluation function F  is of course the abstract interpreter sem what is the meaning of F  ( S  ) 

7 7 The meaning of F  ( S  )    S  §in a language with constructs which create a global environment (typically containing functions), S  is an abstract environment associating to each global name its specification l the new expression is evaluated in such an environment assuming that all the global values satisfy their specification using the specification rather than the semantics for the global objects l small, modular proofs, which allow us to locate possible bugs §in our language we have closed expressions only F  ( S  ) is exactly the same as F  for all the syntactic constructs, apart from recursive function definition, where S  (when available, top level) has to be used as first approximation of their abstract value

8 8 The implementation of F  ( S  ) let new (e:exp) spec = let r = emptyenv in match e with | Rec(i,e1) -> sem e1 (bind(r,i,(Forall([],spec),[]))) | _ -> sem e r)

9 9 Why checking F  ( S  )    S  rather than lfp F    S    why computing F  ( S  )  rather than lfp F   §no fixpoint computation l more efficient l possible even with non-noetherian domains §modular proofs l in which the proof of a component uses the specification rather than the semantics of the other components

10 10 The implementation of F  ( S  )    S  let le (t,spec) = let sigma = unifylist [(spec,t)] in match sigma with |Fail -> false |Subst(_) -> let t1= (generalize spec (Subst []) emptyenv,[]) in let t2= (generalize (applysubst sigma spec) (Subst []) emptyenv,[]) in abstreq(t1,t2) let check (e:exp) spec = let r = emptyenv in match new e spec with |(Forall(_,Notype),_) -> false |(Forall(_,t1),_) -> le(t1,spec)

11 11 Examples 1 # let f x = x in f f;; - : '_a -> '_a = #let ff = Let(Id "f",Fun(Id "x", Var(Id "x")),Appl(Var(Id "f"),Var(Id "f")));; # sem1 ff [] 0;; - : evalt * (string * evalt) list = Mkarrow (Vvar "var2", Vvar "var2"), [] # check ff (Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Vvar "a"));; - :bool = true # check ff (Mkarrow (Intero, Intero));; - :bool = true # check ff (Mkarrow (Intero, Vvar "a"));; - :bool = false # check ff (Mkarrow (Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Vvar "a"), Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Vvar "a")));; - :bool = true # check ff (Mkarrow (Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Vvar "a"), Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Vvar "b")));; - :bool = false

12 12 Examples 2 # sem1 monster [] 2;; - : evalt * (string * evalt) list = Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Vvar "var43", Vvar "var43"), Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Vvar "var43", Vvar "var36"), Mkarrow(Intero, Mkarrow (Vvar "var43", Vvar "var36")))), [] # check monster (Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Vvar ”A", Vvar ”A"), Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Vvar ”A", Vvar ”B"),Mkarrow(Intero, Mkarrow (Vvar ”A", Vvar ”B")))));; - :bool = true

13 13 Examples 3 # let loop = Rec(Id "loop",Fun(Id "p",Fun(Id "f",Fun(Id "x",Ifthenelse(Appl(Var(Id "p"),Var(Id "x")),Var(Id "x"), Appl(Appl(Appl(Var(Id "loop"),Var(Id "p")),Var(Id "f")), Appl(Var(Id "f"),Var(Id "x"))))))));; # sem1 loop [] 0;; - : evalt * (string * evalt) list =Mkarrow (Mkarrow (Vvar "var15", Intero), Mkarrow (Mkarrow (Vvar "var15", Vvar "var15"), Mkarrow (Vvar "var15", Vvar "var15"))), [] # check loop (Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Intero), Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Vvar "a"), Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Vvar "a"))));; - :bool = true # check loop (Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Vvar "b", Intero), Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Vvar "a"), Mkarrow (Vvar "a", Vvar "a"))));; - :bool = false # check loop (Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Intero, Intero), Mkarrow(Mkarrow (Intero, Intero), Mkarrow (Intero, Intero ))));; - :bool = true

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