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CS 349: WebBase 1 What the WebBase can and can’t do?

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Presentation on theme: "CS 349: WebBase 1 What the WebBase can and can’t do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 349: WebBase 1 What the WebBase can and can’t do?

2 Summary What is in the WebBase Performance Considerations Reliability Considerations Other sources of data

3 WebBase Repository 25 million web pages 150 GB (50 GB compressed) spread across roughly 30 disks

4 What kind of web pages? Everything you can imagine Infinite Web Pages (truncated at 100K) 404 Errors Very little correct HTML.

5 Duplicate Web Pages Duplicate Sites –Crawl Root Pages first –Find duplicates and assume same for remainder of crawl Duplicate Hierarchies off of main page –Mirror Sites Duplicate Pages Near Duplicate Pages

6 Shiva’s Test Results 36% Duplicates 48% Near Duplicates Largest Sets of Duplicates: –TUCOWS (100) –MS IE Server Manuals (90) –Unix Help Pages (75) –RedHat Linux Manual (55) –Java API Doc (50)

7 Order of Web Pages First half million are root pages After that, pages in PageRank order Roughly by importance

8 Structure of Data magic number (4 bytes), packet length (4 bytes), packet (~2K bytes) packet is compressed packet contains: docID, URL, HTTP Headers, HTML data

9 Performance Issues: An Example One Disk Seek Per Document: –10 ms seek latency +10 ms rotational latency –x ms read latency + x ms OS overhead –y ms processing Realistically 50 ms per document = 20 docs per second 25 million / 20 docs per second = 1,250,000 seconds = 2 weeks (too slow)

10 How fast does it have to be? Answer: 4ms per doc = 250 docs per second 25 million / 250 = 100,000 seconds = 1.2 days Reading + Uncompressing + Parsing == ~3 to 4 ms per document So there is not much room left for processing

11 How can you do something complicated? Really fast processing to generate some intermediate smaller results. Run complex processing over smaller results. Example: Duplicate Detection –Compute shingles from all documents –Find pairs of documents that share shingles

12 Bulk Processing of Large Result Sets Example: Resolving Anchors Resolve URLs and save from - to in ASCII Compute 64 bit checksum of “To” URLs Bulk Merge against checksum - docid table

13 Reliability - Potential Sources of Problems Source code bug. Hardware failure OS failure Out of resources

14 Software Engineering Guidelines Number of bugs seen ~ log(size of dataset) Not just your bugs –OS bugs –Disk OS bugs Generate incremental results

15 Other Available Data Link Graph of the Web List of PageRanks List of URLs

16 Link Graph of the Web From DocID : To DocID Try red bars on Google to find backlinks Interesting Information

17 What is PageRank Measure of “importance” You are important if important things point to you Random surfer model

18 Uncrawled URLs Image links MailTo links CGI links Plain uncrawled HTML links

19 Summary WebBase has lots of web pages –very heterogeneous and weird Performance Considerations –code should be very very fast –use bulk processing Reliability Considerations –write out intermediate results Auxiliary data

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