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LARUE COUNTY SCHOOLS Transformation 9/28/2011. In 2003, LaRue County...  Ranked 131 st out of 176 districts in state assessment results.  Was labeled.

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Presentation on theme: "LARUE COUNTY SCHOOLS Transformation 9/28/2011. In 2003, LaRue County...  Ranked 131 st out of 176 districts in state assessment results.  Was labeled."— Presentation transcript:

1 LARUE COUNTY SCHOOLS Transformation 9/28/2011

2 In 2003, LaRue County...  Ranked 131 st out of 176 districts in state assessment results.  Was labeled a Tier 3 district.  Had the largest achievement gap between regular and disability students in Kentucky.  Was assigned a Special Education Mentor due to the achievement gap. 9/28/2011

3 The Learning Team responded...  Setting a goal to provide rigor in READING and MATH for ALL students.  Committing to the goal by making decisions and aligning resources to support the vision.  Setting clear expectations for improvement, providing training, monitoring implementation and following up with additional support, as needed. 9/28/2011

4 Additional Commitments to Address the Disability Population included...  Provision of staff and resources to include students with disabilities in the regular classroom to the maximum extent possible.  Analysis of Individual Education Programs to ensure that each child receives appropriate instruction, intervention, and accommodations congruent with the specific needs of the child and the disability. 9/28/2011

5 Least Restrictive Environment Removal from Regular Class 2002- 2003 2003- 2004 2004- 2005 2005- 2006 2006- 2007 2007- 2008 2008- 2009 2009- 2010 Less than 21% of the day 48.17 % 54.62 % 62.16 % 73.13 % 75.84 % 82.31 % 82.16 % 82.62 % Greater than 60% of the day 11.83 % 10.55 % 9.27%10.85 % 6.70%3.19 % 5.53 % 5.54 % Serviced in residential placement, homebound or hospital programs 10.99 % 11.61 % 10.28 % 9.04%9.09%10.81 % 10.05 % 8.06 % 9/28/2011



8 Graduation & Dropout Rates for Students with Disabilities Reporting Years 2006-20072007-20082008-20092009-2010 Graduation Rate55.17%55.00%80.95%85.71% 9/28/2011 Reporting Years 2006-20072007-20082008-20092009-1010 Dropout Rate3.57%2.22%0.00%

9 Initiatives Impacting ALL Students  2006: Voluntary Partnership Assistance Team  Ever Since Then: Learning Team meets weekly  2006: Curriculum Maps rather than Course Alignment  12 week plan  Revise every year (moved from Essential questions to I CAN statements, critical vocabulary, DATES, resources)  All levels use the same map; note variations  Winter 2007: Common Assessments  Developed collaboratively by teachers (07-08)  Score collaboratively  Use calculators to tabulate results 9/28/2011

10 Walkthroughs & Coaching  Walkthroughs targeting specific areas (math, reading, other instructional areas, co-teaching, etc.) are completed by principals and other district level administrative staff and provide descriptive feedback and coaching to teachers.  Started in 2004, but revamped with VPAT process  Now, we have short and long versions tied to content areas and grade ranges 9/28/2011

11 Scheduling - LaRue County High School  Special education students are scheduled first.  Co-Teaching takes place in all core areas (L.A., Math, Science and Social Studies classes).  Supports are in place for elective classes as deemed necessary.  Intervention Block – 30 minutes every Mon-Thur; used to pull both regular and special education students who need interventions in reading, math, science or social studies. 9/28/2011

12 LaRue County High School Student Progress Checks  LaRue County High School special education teachers meet with regular education teachers every two weeks to discuss student progress.  Other targeted students are monitored by high school staff, as well.  Student’s grades, IEP goals/objectives, provision of accommodations, etc., are discussed and students and parents are brought in for conferences as deemed necessary. 9/28/2011

13 Scheduling - LaRue County Middle School  Schedule special education students first.  All core teachers teach reading. LA teachers have “neediest” kids, both regular and special ed., in their reading classes. Special education teachers and/or instructional assistants are scheduled into these classes.  Seminar classes are offered every day. – Seminars are scheduled at the same time as band and chorus. Interventions are provided for regular and special education students. Math teachers have struggling math students and Language Arts teachers have struggling readers. 9/28/2011

14 Early Release Fridays  Began in 2010-2011  Students dismissed early every Friday  Provides staff time for regular collaborative planning (PLC activities)  Elementary Schools release students at 1:40  Middle and High Schools release students at 1:30 9/28/2011

15 Early Release Activities – LaRue County High School  Department Meetings – Teachers review lesson plans, score common assessments, or analyze CATS, PAS, ACT and PLAN data. Instructional decisions are made based upon data. Each department documents activities and submits to the principal.  Special Education Teachers work with staff on various co-teaching strategies. They also meet in grade/content level teams to determine interventions for students.  Technology Training – The Tech Team works with small groups of teachers on various programs.  Assessment Literacy Training—Network teachers lead staff in learning about and analyzing their use of Assessment for Learning 9/28/2011

16 Early Release Activities – LaRue County Middle School  Grade Level Teams meet to plan reading instruction for the next week.  Content Area Teams meet to score common assessments, review curriculum maps, identify gaps in learning, or analyze data. 9/28/2011

17 Early Release Activities – Elementary Schools  Review curriculum maps and common assessments to ensure alignment with core content and new common core standards.  Principals meet with teachers in grade level teams to coach them on the aspects of the new reading and math programs.  Teachers review benchmarking data and PAS data in order to inform instruction and meet the needs of students. 9/28/2011

18 Early Release Activities – Elementary Schools, continued  Teachers plan reading and math lessons based on feedback from the training that has occurred throughout the year.  Grade level teams revise common assessments, score common assessments and analyze data to inform instruction. 9/28/2011

19 Intervention for Targeted Students READING  Leveled Literacy Intervention  Earobics  Soar to Success  Barton Reading and Spelling System  *Reading Mastery, DIBELS, Carbo, and Great Leaps were used through 2009.  Reading Support, LCMS and LCHS (Reading Support Personnel) 9/28/2011 MATH  Do-The-Math  Accelerated Math  Drops in the Bucket  Mastering Math Facts  SNAP Activities  PAS Probes  KCCT Coach  Math Support, LCMS and LCHS (Math Support Personnel)

20 WHAS Crusade for Children Grant LCHS and LCMS  2006-2007 $20,000 - Reading Support Position  2007-2008 $19,000 - Reading Support Position  2008-2009 $17,000 - Math Support Position LCHS and LCMS  2009-2010 $17,000 - Math Support Position  2010-2011 $16,000 – Reading Support Position  2011-2012 Projected – Reading Support Position 9/28/2011

21 ESS Daytime Waivers LCMS  2006-2007 Math Interventionist  2007-2008 Math Interventionist  2008-2009 Reading Interventionist  2009-2010 Reading Interventionist LCHS  2006-2007 Math Tutor  2007-2008 Math Tutor  2008-2009 Reading Tutor  2009-2010 Reading Tutor  2010-2011 Math Tutor 9/28/2011

22 IDEIA ARRA Funds  Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Kits  Early Literacy Skills Builders - Structured Classroom  Reading Professional Development PreK – Grade 5 (Literacy Links - Joan Knight Training/Coaching)  Funding for resources recommended by Joan Knight for reading intervention  Math Professional Development (SNAP Training - Offered through Math Recovery, Karen Karp Training, etc.)  Co-Teaching Training to be a National Model Site - LCHS  Subs to cover for regular and special education teachers attending math, reading, co-teaching trainings, etc. 9/28/2011

23 Laptops of LaRue  2010-2011 - First year of implementation  Each student at LCHS issued a laptop  Train the Trainer Model - Core group of teachers trained. They become experts of various tools.  Each teacher at LCHS receives extensive training on use of technology in instruction.  Used Early Release time to provide training for teachers.  LCHS expanding technology integration with writing to learn, writing to demonstrate learning, and formative assessment strategies with student laptops (all subjects). 9/28/2011

24 Q & A  How many special education students do you have in grades 9- 12?  The December 1, 2010 Child Count reported 106 special needs students in grades 9-12.  Of the 106, 82 are enrolled at LCHS.  1 student receives homebound services.  23 students are enrolled at The Life Connection facility – State Agency Children. 9/28/2011

25 Q & A  What is the percentage breakdown, at the high school level, regarding removal?  Decisions are made each year based upon the unique needs of the student population.  84% - 69/82 are removed from the regular classroom less than 21% of the school day.  6% - 5/82 are removed from the regular classroom between 40 and 80% of the school day.  9% - 8/82 are removed from the regular classroom greater than 60% of the school day.  1% - Homebound 9/28/2011

26 The Life Connection - State Agency Facility 9/28/2011  Staff includes: 1 Principal/Regular Education Teacher; 3 Special Education Teachers  Dec. 1, 2010 Child Count documents:  33 special needs students serviced in residential placement  10 middle school special needs students  23 high school special needs students

27 Q & A  Describe how special education staff is utilized – how many teachers? Instructional assistants? Additional staff?  Current LaRue County High School enrollment is 702.  LCHS Staff 5.5 LBD Certified Teachers 1 FMD Certified Teacher 3 Instructional Assistants  Alternative Center (LCMS and LCHS Students) 1 LBD Certified Teacher 1 Emergency Certified Special Education Teacher 9/28/2011

28 Q & A  Current LaRue County Middle School enrollment is 554.  LCMS Staff 3.5 LBD Certified Teachers 1 FMD Certified Teacher 4 Instructional Assistants 9/28/2011

29 Q & A  Current Hodgenville Elementary School enrollment is 598.  HES Staff 5 LBD Certified Teachers (1 is assigned to a Structured Classroom to support students with behavioral needs) 1FMD Certified Teacher 5 instructional assistants  Current Abraham Lincoln Elementary School enrollment is 503.  ALES Staff 5 LBD Certified Teachers (1 is assigned to a Structured Classroom to support students with significant language and social needs – i.e. autism, etc.) 4 instructional assistants 9/28/2011

30 Q & A  What training have you provided for general education setting?  LCHS and LCMS Teachers have participated in Co- Teaching training with Dr. Marilyn Friend through RRC.  The district has committed funds ($8,000) for LCHS teachers to work with Dr. Marilyn Friend to become a “model site” for co- teaching. This opportunity is provided through RRC. 9/28/2011

31 Q & A  What is the ratio of special education students/general education students in the collaboration classes?  Special Education Teachers work with guidance counselor to schedule students into collaborative classes.  Special Education Students are scheduled first.  In most cases, 10 or fewer special education students in co-taught classes of 25-30 students total. 9/28/2011

32 Q & A  What additional supports are being provided to students? LCHS – Reading  Interventions in Friday rotations (monthly)  Small group interventions with Reading Support Teacher using Open Book. LCMS – Reading  Targeted students working with Reading Support Teacher  ESS Reading 9/28/2011

33 Q & A – Supports continued LCHS - Math  Targeted interventions during Friday rotations.  Additional intervention, as needed.  Math XL – Small targeted groups.  Math Lab - Math Teacher working with students one period per day, students come from electives a few days per week, rotating groups – emphasis on 11 th grade. 9/28/2011

34 Q & A – Supports continued LCMS - Math  Seminar classes target struggling math students in grades 6, 7, and 8. Focused planning and flexible grouping are key components. 9/28/2011

35 Q & A  Is student performance (grades, earning credits, etc.) aligning with improved KCCT performance?  2009-2010 Exit Data LCHS - 19 Diplomas 2 Certificates of Attainment 0 Dropouts TLC - 5 Diplomas 2 Certificates of Attainment 0 Dropouts 9/28/2011

36 Contact Information 9/28/2011  Sam Sanders—Superintendent   Amanda Reed—Instructional Supervisor   Denise Skaggs—Instructional Supervisor   Camille Turner—Director of Special Education   Rollanda Grubbs—Curriculum Specialist   Penny Cecil—Curriculum Specialist 

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