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Announcements Prayer for Westmont College When you receive your paper back via e-mail attachment, please be sure that you can view the comments. If not,

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Prayer for Westmont College When you receive your paper back via e-mail attachment, please be sure that you can view the comments. If not,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Prayer for Westmont College When you receive your paper back via e-mail attachment, please be sure that you can view the comments. If not, do ask as I have added rather extensive comments in a number of cases. For those doing extra credit for Monday, it must cover –1 Kings 21 through the end of 2 Kings –2 Chronicles 18 through the end of 2 Chronicles

2 Let’s Sing Psalm 51:10-12 Lev tahor b’rah li - Elohim –A pure heart create for me O God V’ruah nahon hadesh bekirbi - Elohim And a right spirit renew within me [O God] Al tashlikheni miliphanekha v’ruah kodshekhah –Do not cast me away from your Presence and Your Holy Spirit al tikakh mimeni (2x) –Do not take from me Hashivah li seson yishekha v’ruah nedivah tismekheni (2x) Restore to me the joy of your salvation and an upright spirit put within me.

3 Divided Kingdom: To the Fall of Jerusalem

4 Review Chronology

5 International Politics Assyria – Sennacherib besieged Jerusalem during the time of Hezekiah Babylonia – Nebuchadnezzar (or Nebuchadrezzar) – note OTP and the Lachish Letters and Jeremiah 34:6-7 Egypt – Pharaoh Necho (or Neco) responsible for the death of Josiah

6 Neo - Babylonian Empire

7 Catching up “down south”… Overview of rulers from Jehoshaphat and Jehoram to Uzziah –Ahaziah – assassinated by Jehu –Athaliah – grand-daughter of Omri –Joash – established as king by Jehoiada –Amaziah – also assassinated Azariah/Uzziah (2 Chr 26) –A good king –Pridefully entered the Temple to burn incense and was afflicted with leprosy –Jotham was his son Ahaz (2 Chr 28) –Alliance with Assyria –Adoption of foreign altar and temple style –Shut the doors of the Temple –The message in Isaiah

8 Revival Under Hezekiah [2 Chronicles 29-31; 2 Kings 18] Religious reforms –Attacked idolatry – including the bronze serpent –Cleansed the Temple –Celebrated Passover in the second month Political chutzpah – rebellion against Assyria Sennacherib’s invasion

9 Sennacherib’s Threat to All Judah

10 Sennacherib Prism Storming Lachich



13 Siege of Jerusalem: God’s Provision and Deliverance [2 Kings 19; 2 Chronicles 32] Hezekiah’s prayer Deliverance foretold - Isaiah Hezekiah’s defenses – the walls and water system [2 Kings 20:20; 2 Chr 32:2-5] Removal of Assyrian forces Lessons

14 Schematic Map of Jerusalem City of David Gihon Spring Hezekiah’s Tunnel

15 Hezekiah’s defenses

16 The Evil of Manasseh Low spiritual ebb (2 Chr 33; 2 Kings 21) –Re-established idolatry –Shed much innocent blood –Taken prisoner by king of Assyria Repentance –In response to his prayer, God brought him back (2 Chr 33:13) –Note 2 Kings 24:4 – the consequences for the people of the broken covenant

17 Josiah’s Reform Finding the book of the Torah Discovery – Hilkiah Interpretation - Huldah Covenant renewal Purging Temple, its precincts, Jerusalem and the Land Fulfillment of the prophecy made at Bethel Celebrating Passover Josiah’s character

18 The Last of the Kings Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim [sons of Josiah] First invasion by Babylon (597) Jehoichin [son of Jehoiakim] – taken to Babylon Zedekiah, a puppet king [son of Josiah] Final invasion (586) –destruction of the Temple –Exile to Babylon –The land had its rest Gedaliah, the governor, assassinated

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