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8. Characters and Strings HTML version. Properties Length of every character variable must be specified in advance: CHARACTER STR*10 CHARACTER STRA(20)*10.

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Presentation on theme: "8. Characters and Strings HTML version. Properties Length of every character variable must be specified in advance: CHARACTER STR*10 CHARACTER STRA(20)*10."— Presentation transcript:

1 8. Characters and Strings HTML version

2 Properties Length of every character variable must be specified in advance: CHARACTER STR*10 CHARACTER STRA(20)*10

3 Character constants : CHARACTER STR*(*) PARAMETER ( STR  'This is a string' ) Dummy character variable : CHARACTER STR*(*) Length of STR = Length of actual argument. STR is a passed-length dummy argument. Assumed Length Declarations

4 Character assignments Padding and chopping are on the right. CHARACTER AUTHOR*30, SHORT*5, EXPAND*10 AUTHOR  'SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM' SHORT  AUTHOR EXPAND = SHORT  SHORT is ‘SHAKE’ EXPAND is ‘SHAKE ’ ( with 5 trailing blanks )

5 Character Substrings CHARACTER METAL*10 METAL  'CADMIUM'  METAL(2:4) gives ‘ADM’ METAL(:4) gives ‘CADM’ METAL(4:) gives ‘MIUM ’( with 3 trailing blanks ) METAL(8:8) gives ‘ ’( 1 blank )

6 Character Expressions Concatenation operator // : ‘CAD’ // ‘MIUM’ gives ‘CADMIUM’ CHARACTER METAL*10 METAL  'CADMIUM'  METAL(4:) // METAL(2:4) gives ‘MIUM ADM’


8 CHAR(I) CHAR(48)gives 0 CHAR(65) gives A CHAR(97) gives a CHAR(1) gives Ctrl-A CHAR(27) gives ESC ICHAR(char) ICHAR(a) gives 106


10 INDEX( string, pattern ) gives position of the 1st occurrence of pattern in string. Result is 0 if pattern is not in string. LEN(string) gives the length of string.

11 Relational Expressions String1.RO. String2.EQ..NE..LT..LE..GT..GE. ‘abc12’.RO. ‘abcde’  ‘1’.RO. ‘d’ LGE LGT LLE LGT LGE( ‘a’, ‘1’ ) is always equal to T.

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