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European Social Fund Objective 3 The Application Process Direct Bidding Round 13 The Application Form Angeliki StogiaJohn Hacking
Section 4 Selecting Projects
Section 4 This section is scored 4.1 Purpose of project (not scored but very significant section) 4.2 Need for the project (max 33 points) 4.3 Who is the project for (max 20 points) 4.4 Design, delivery and management of the project (max 18 points) 4.5 Results of the project (max 15 points) 4.6 Sustainable Development (max 2 points) 4.7 Information and Communication Technologies (max 3 points) 4.8 Taking account of local initiatives (max 3 points)
4.1 Purpose of project and what is it going to do Section not scored but very important in providing and overview of the proposed project Concisely explain (in one or two paragraphs) what your project will do, who to, why and where Explain how your project links to the proposals in the O3 RDP by specific Policy Field and measures Explain how the project contributes to achieving outcomes linked to proposals in Regional/National/European Strategies relevant to the specific Policy Field and Measure
4.1 Purpose of project and what is it going to do (cont) Explain how the project contributes to the Regional Skills Priorities as summarised in the NW Annual Statement of Learning and Skills Priorities State how the project is linked to other Objective 3 application (s) in the North West stating their name, priority and measure and Indicate if your project will be covering the whole of the region or targets one or more of the County Areas Indicate if it will take place in an Objective 2 Objective 2 Transitional or non Objective 2 area or a combination of these
4.2 Explain why the project is needed (33 points) - Provide local detailed evidence and, if appropriate sectoral evidence in support of your proposed activity (eg labour market research, local surveys, sectoral surveys and consultation with employers etch) also relate this evidence to why your project is needed / being delivered. (Max 9 points) The key here is that evidence is appropriate, recent and relevant to the project As the question asks for local detailed evidence and where appropriate sectoral evidence applicants are expected to provide both, if relevant, to score full marks. For evidence relating to specific measures please refer to pages 16 and 17 of the Regional Application Guidance
4.2 Explain why the project is needed (cont.) Local detailed evidence could come from local/county council surveys/economic assessments, any documentation from the LSCs, or any local labour market information that may be of use in presenting your case for local need. Relate this evidence to project need. It is important that the figures/statistics given back up your case for project activity in your area eg: ‘regional unemployment statistics for BME groups show the rate as being xx%, however, in Townsville unemployment rates are xxx% which is higher than other areas. This clearly demonstrates a need for the local BME population in vocational skills provision and job search activities etch in Townsville. If local/sectoral research is not appropriate say why and provide regional level information to score marks.
4.2 Explain why the project is needed (cont.) -Describe the barriers faced by the target group and how your project will enable these barriers to be overcome (in two parts). (Max 9 points) Describe the characteristic barriers (eg lack of skills, guidance and support, poverty, language barriers etch) that your target group faces, and then state how your project will help the target group to overcome these barriers. Do this for each barrier stated. Eg. Lack of childcare provision – The project will overcome this barrier by providing a crèche facility for all project beneficiaries with childcare responsibilities whilst they are participating on the project… For evidence relating to specific measures please refer to the Regional Application guidance p.17 NB. For capacity building projects the barriers are those faced by the organisation
4.2 Explain why the project is needed (cont.) -Show how your project links with and / or complements government strategies or initiatives. (Max 15 points) NB. This question has the highest allocation of scoring points of any of the questions. Please bear this in mind when answering the question You should explain how your project links to and / or complements one or more of the related UK policy / initiatives listed in the relevant section and table of the RDP for your chosen policy field and measure. Annex 1 of the RDP gives examples of policies/initiatives appropriate to each policy field. The key word here is HOW. State the relevant policies / initiatives and then demonstrate how your project links with / complements them. Eg Connections – our project will complement Connexions activity by doing a,b and c…
4.3 Who is the project for? (20 points) -State which of the priority groups / areas identified in the RDP or SPD that your project aims to help. If your target groups differs from the RDP then explain why (max 2 points) Quite simply state which priority groups you are working with and quote them from the RDP If your target group or area differs from the RDP explain why this is the case and provide justification for your project activity
4.3 What is / are the project’s target groups? -Demonstrate that beneficiary numbers/groups and/or activities proposed are both realistic and achievable (max 12 points) What you need to demonstrate here is that you have the experience and capacity to realistically deliver the project to the number of beneficiaries/timescales/outputs as stated in your application. Base your answer on your past performance: - How many beneficiaries have you worked with previously? (include both ESF and non-ESF projects - Did you deliver on time and to budget? - Demonstrate your confidence in delivering this project - Give details of previous projects with dossier or reference numbers (if applicable) and outputs achieved etc
4.3 What is / are the project’s target groups? -If your project aims to target people for development, how you will recruit them? Demonstrate that the recruitment process is appropriate (Max 6 points) How will you recruit beneficiaries? Through community newsletters? Via the www? Through referral? By word of mouth? Simply state how you intend to recruit your beneficiaries and then go on to say why such methods are appropriate. EG Ethnic Minorities with poor literacy skills are more likely and able to read in their native language than in English. They are also more likely to see course information in their local community centres and community newsletters. If your project is not going to recruit beneficiaries, state so and explain why eg This project is a research project and so will not be recruiting beneficiaries…
4.4 How your project will be designed, delivered and managed to meet the needs of your target group? (max 18 points - Describe the key processes and stages in the delivery of the project (max 3 points) Describe the key stages of carrying out delivery eg implementation of systems, recruitment for beneficiaries, assessment of individuals, training plans, delivery of training, management meetings etc.
4.4 How your project will be designed, delivered and managed to meet the needs of your target group? (max 18 points - How will target group needs be measured, assessed and monitored? (max 3 points) Refer to the needs of your target group / beneficiaries (not management needs). How will you measure, assess and monitor them? Will you consult them? Do an initial interview? Individual workplans? Ongoing consultation etc.? Show that this will be ongoing
4.4 How your project will be designed, delivered and managed to meet the needs of your target group? (max 18 points - Describe any relevant experience your organisation has had in running previous projects (max 3 points) Refer to pas ESF and non-ESF funded projects (give dossier numbers if applicable) How did you perform? Give examples. Outline the experience that your organisation has in delivering projects eg. Staff competencies/experience etc.
4.4 Design, management and delivery of the project - Describe any research you have carried out (max 3 points) How do you know that there is a need for the project? Give examples of this need – studies undertaken by your organisation or local / sectoral bodies etch. For research projects describe any studies you have undertaken to establish the need for further research.
4.4 Design, management and delivery of the project - How will you publicise your project during its life and when you have finished it? (max 3 points) Launch events? Press releases? Websites? Through local partnerships? Newsletters? Annual reports? Networking? Publicity materials? Explain how during the project’s lifetime and after.
4.4 Design, management and delivery of the project -What is your strategy for sustaining the project after ESF support? (max 3 points) This question is asking what is your strategy after the project finishes. Explain what your strategy is. Further accession of funding? Working in partnership? Project will become self-sustaining? Self-financing?
4.5 Results of the project (15 points) NB. For all results, demonstrate that they are achievable in terms of the project, the nature of the target group and the area of activity proposed. For research projects you must demonstrate clearly identified results to be achieved and the ultimate appropriateness to the policy field and measure. -What will the outcomes lead to (max 6 points) State what the results of the projects will be: x number of beneficiaries gaining NVQs (level 4/5) or equivalent or units towards x,y,z. any other relevant qualifications including research documents or soft outcomes etc – state why they are relevant. You should also argue that these will ultimately lead to increased economic activity / employability and that they are appropriate to the needs to the group and project
4.5 Results of the project -How do the results relate to the Regional Development Plan? (max 6 points) refer to the tables p 27-47 contribute towards of the RDP and say your project will contribute towards regional outputs as stated in these tables. You should also refer to other sections from the RDP eg section 3.7 Skills and Qualifications page 38-39 -How will you make sure that project outcomes will be achieved? (max 3 points) Here you need to demonstrate that you have rigorous monitoring systems / quality standards in place. Refer to previous successful projects and demonstrate a good track record in project delivery
4.6 How will your project support regional approaches to sustainable development? (2 points) -To answer this question you should refer to one or more of the following four aims: - effective protection of the environment - prudent use of natural resources - social progress which recognises the needs of everyone - maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment * For your answer you can refer to the action for sustainability website:
4.7 Involvement of the Information Society and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) (3 points) All projects should explain: -What ICT they will use? -How they will use this ICT? -What are the expected benefits and results of using the proposed ICT Refer to ICT involving both project beneficiaries as well as project management procedures
4.7 ICT’s (cont) Describe what equipment of ICT facilities will be used Explain how you will assess prior knowledge of ICT and whether training will be offered in ICT use if this is not the main thrust of your project Explain what the impact the use of ICT will have on your project and beneficiaries
4.8 How will your project fit in with local initiatives (3 points) All projects should describe: -The extent to which any local partnerships will be involved in running or developing the project – describe how your project relates to local initiatives and explain local involvement in terms of development, management and delivery of the project -How flexible the project will be in meeting local needs – describe how your project will be flexible and respond to local need and participation in terms of development, management and delivery of the project -How the project contributes to the Regional Skills Priorities as summarised in the North West Annual Statement of Learning and Skills Priorities
What you need to do Completed application forms need to be returned to North West Network by 12 noon on Friday 2 nd June 2006 Please ensure that you enclose an exported disk along with 4 hard paper copies (one original and 3 copies) of the application and signed and stamped public match funding certificates / letters of intent No draft applications will be accepted. The disk and hard copies must be in the final validated version of the application. The validation code, version number and audit code must be consistent throughout the application and match those on the disk Signed and stamped promoters declarations for racial or sexual discrimination must be provided (if applicable)
Project Submission Everyone is advised to arrange for a third party to read their completed application – it is essential that the application form clearly explains what your intentions are. Remember that the assessors will only have the information you provide on the form Note that you must not amend a previous application form as it will be rejected by Government Office software and be returned to you Ensure that you have a secure funding package in place including all of your match funding Make sure that the project results in Section 6 of the application form are same as stated in the body of the form No draft applications will be accepted Check that your validation and audit codes are consistent prior to submission
What happens if your application is successful? Contract forwarded by GO together with an invoice for technical assistance levy of 1.2% of ESF grant and the project profile proformas and claim forms First advance of 30% on approval of project Min of 2 (max 12)claims to be made within any 12 months 20% is retained for final claim after the project completes Projects with ESF over £20K per project/over 12 months need an external audit certificate (annually) Project closure report to be forwarded to the GO within 60 days of project finishing
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