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Politics and economy in contemporary Nigeria Failed attempts to overcome politicization of ethnicity through institutional design Overwhelming dependence.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics and economy in contemporary Nigeria Failed attempts to overcome politicization of ethnicity through institutional design Overwhelming dependence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics and economy in contemporary Nigeria Failed attempts to overcome politicization of ethnicity through institutional design Overwhelming dependence on oil

2 Nigeria

3 Overwhelming dependence on oil Loss of export diversity Loss of revenue diversity

4 Composition of Nigerian Exports

5 Destination of Nigerian Oil Exports

6 Oil Taxes and Royalties as % of Federal Government Total Revenue

7 Overwhelming dependence on oil Increased vulnerability to changes in global market  Debt crisis (like Mexico)  IMF “structural adjustment program” Reduce role of state Liberalize trade  NOT followed (less like Mexico)

8 Ongoing Challenges to Democratic Rule Conflict in Niger River Delta over Oil Wealth  Protests by Local communities  Ogoni  Ijaw  Others Oil union workers

9 Overwhelming dependence on oil Reduced bargaining power vis-à-vis multinational corporations  Nigeria needs MNCs Technology to extract, refine oil Oil = ~ 90% of export earnings Oil = ~ 80% of state revenue Ex: 1990s Shell produced 50% of all Nigeria’s oil <10% of Shell profits from Nigeria

10 Overwhelming dependence on oil Environmental degradation  Effluents from drilling leak into soil, water  Oil flares cause air pollution, acid rain  Agriculture, fishing, drinking water contaminated  Shell acknowledged lower environmental standards

11 Overwhelming dependence on oil Reduced bargaining power vis-à-vis multinational corporations  Shell operations concentrated in Ogoniland in SE Nigeria, Niger River Delta  1990, Ogoni people began to organize in protest Violent protest and political repression  Violent attacks on Shell facilities  Shell calls on Nigerian government to maintain order  Hanging of Ogoni leader under Abacha regime Unequal distribution of profits  Oil controlled at national level—little to Ogoni  Lack electricity, piped water

12 Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP)

13 Video clip A2Y&feature=related 6:13 A2Y&feature=related

14 Review of theories As applied to Nigeria

15 15 Neo-colonialism by core countries The exercise of economic and cultural domination over a nominally sovereign state by a core power, often through the presence of multinational corporations based in the core and through the extension of bilateral military aid, without establishment of a formal colonial administration.

16 Statist Theory Characteristics of predatory state bureaucracy  Recruitment based on patron-client ties  Policy based on personal benefit not mission  Not insulated from societal pressures  Lacking in ability to formulate good policy  Lacking in authority/power to implement policy

17 Neo-liberal Theory Deepak Lal, UCLA State intervention is the problem, not the solution  “From the experience of a large number of developing countries in the postwar period, it would be a fair professional judgment that most serious distortions are due not to imperfections of the market mechanism but to irrational governmental interventions.”

18 Dichotomy between modern & traditional (version 1) Modern valuesTraditional values achievement-orientedascriptive rule/merit-basedreliance on personal ties activepassive rationalnon-rational, superstitious 18


20 Dichotomy between modern & traditional (version 2) Civic culture attitudes Traditional attitudes trust distrust satisfaction low satisfaction competence low competence 20




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