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11 Primakoff Experiments with EIC A. Gasparian NC A&T State University, Greensboro, NC For the PrimEx Collaboration Outline Physics motivation: The first experiment at JLab: 0 lifetime Development of precision technique Results for 0 lifetime Experiments with EIC Summary
2 chiral limit: is the limit of vanishing quark masses m q → 0. QCD Lagrangian with quark masses set to zero: Large global symmetry group: The QCD Lagrangian
3 Fate of QCD Symmetries
4 Chiral SU L (3)XSU R (3) spontaneously broken Goldstone mesons π 0, η 8 Chiral anomalies Mass of η 0 P →γγ ( P: π 0, η, η ׳ ) Quark flavor SU(3) breaking The mixing of π 0, η and η ׳ The 0, η and η’ system provides a rich laboratory to study the symmetry structure of QCD at low energy. Lightest Pseudoscalar Mesoms
55 The PrimEx Experimental Project Experimental program Precision measurements of: Two-Photon Decay Widths: Γ( 0 → ), Γ( → ), Γ( ’ → ) Transition Form Factors at low Q 2 (0.001-0.5 GeV 2 /c 2 ): F( * → 0 ), F( * → ), F( * → ) Test of Chiral Symmetry and Anomalies via the Primakoff Effect
66 Physics Outcome Fundamental input to Physics: precision test of chiral anomaly predictions determination of quark mass ratio - ’ mixing angle 0, and ’ interaction electromagnetic radii is the ’ an approximate Goldstone boson?
7 First experiment: 0 decay width 0 → decay proceeds primarily via the chiral anomaly in QCD. The chiral anomaly prediction is exact for massless quarks: Corrections to the chiral anomaly prediction: (u-d quark masses and mass differences) Calculations in NLO ChPT: (J. Goity, at al. Phys. Rev. D66:076014, 2002) Γ( 0 ) = 8.10eV ± 1.0% ~4% higher than LO, uncertainty: less than 1% Precision measurements of ( 0 → ) at the percent level will provide a stringent test of a fundamental prediction of QCD. 0 → Recent calculations in QCD sum rule: (B.L. Ioffe, et al. Phys. Lett. B647, p. 389, 2007) Γ( ) is only input parameter 0 - mixing included Γ( 0 ) = 7.93eV ± 1.5%
8 Decay Length Measurements (Direct Method) 1x10 -16 sec too small to measure solution: Create energetic 0 ‘s, L = v E /m But, for E= 1000 GeV, L mean 100 μm very challenging experiment Measure 0 decay length 1984 CERN experiment: P=450 GeV proton beam Two variable separation (5-250 m) foils Result: ( 0 ) = 7.34eV 3.1% (total) Major limitations of method unknown P 0 spectrum needs higher energies for improvement 0 →
9 e + e - Collider Experiment e + e - e + e - * * e + e - 0 e + e - e +, e - scattered at small angles (not detected) only detected DORIS II @ DESY Results: Γ( 0 ) = 7.7 ± 0.5 ± 0.5 eV ( ± 10.0%) Not included in PDG average Major limitations of method knowledge of luminosity unknown q 2 for * * 0 →
10 Primakoff Method ρ,ωρ,ω Challenge: Extract the Primakoff amplitude from the experimental cross section 12 C target Primakoff Nucl. Coherent Interference Nucl. Incoh.
11 Previous Primakoff Experiments DESY (1970) bremsstrahlung beam, E =1.5 and 2.5 GeV Targets C, Zn, Al, Pb Result: ( 0 )=(11.7 1.2) eV 10.% Cornell (1974) bremsstrahlung beam E =4 and 6 GeV targets: Be, Al, Cu, Ag, U Result: ( 0 )=(7.92 0.42) eV 5.3% All previous experiments used: Untagged bremsstrahlung beam Conventional Pb-glass calorimetry
12 PrimEx Experiment at Hall B JLab JLab Hall B high resolution, high intensity photon tagging facility New pair spectrometer for photon flux control at high intensities New high resolution hybrid multi-channel calorimeter (HYCAL) Requirements of Setup: high angular resolution (~0.5 mrad) high resolutions in calorimeter small beam spot size (‹1mm) Background: tagging system needed Particle ID for ( -charged part.) veto detectors needed
13 Fit to Extract Γ( 0 ) Decay Width Theoretical angular distributions smeared with experimental resolutions are fit to the data 12 C 208 Pb
14L. GanAPS, April 15, 200814 Estimated Systematic Errors Contributions Errors Photon flux1.0% Target number0.1% Background subtraction0.9% Event selection0.5% HYCAL response function0.5% Beam parameters0.4% Acceptance0.3% Model errors (theory)0.25% Physics background0.24% Branching ratio (PDG)0.03% Total1.6%
15 Current PrimEx Result ( ) = 7.93eV 2.3% 1.6%
16 Next Run 16
17 PrimEx @ High Energies with EIC Experimental program Precision measurements of: Transition Form Factors at low Q 2 (0.001-0.5 GeV 2 /c 2 ): F( * → 0 ), F( * → ), F( * → )
18 Primakoff Method ρ,ωρ,ω Challenge: Extract the Primakoff amplitude 12 C target Primakoff Nucl. Coherent Interference Nucl. Incoh.
19 Increase Primakoff cross section: Better separation of Primakoff reaction from nuclear processes: Momentum transfer to the nuclei becomes less reduce the incoherent background Why do we need high energy?
20 Direct measurements of slopes: F( * → 0 ), F( * → ), F( * → ) Interaction radii: F γγ *P (Q 2 ) ≈ 1 - 1/6 ▪ P Q 2 ChPT for large N c predicts relation between the slopes. Extraction of Ο(p 6 ) low-energy constant in the chiral Lagrangian Extraction of decay widths: Γ( 0 → ), Γ( → ), Γ( ’ → ) Precision test of chiral anomaly predictions Transition Form Factors at Law Q 2
21 Experimental Status for Experimental Status for F( * → 0 ) F( * → 0 ) ≈ 1 – a Q 2 /m 2
22 Experimental Status for Experimental Status for F( * → )
23 PrimEx @ High Energies with EIC Precision Measurement of → decay width All decay widths are calculated from decay width and experimental Branching Ratios (B.R.): Γ(η → decay) = Γ( → ) × B.R. Any improvement in Γ( → ) will change the whole will change the whole - sector in PDB - sector in PDB
24 There are two ways to determine the quark mass ratio: Γ( η→ 3 π ) is the best observable for determining the quark mass ratio, which is obtained from Γ(η →γγ ) and known branching ratios: The quark mass ratio can also be given by a ratio of meson masses: The quark mass ratio can also be given by a ratio of meson masses: Determination of quark mass ratio
25 Γ(η → 3 )=Γ( → )×B.R. Determination of quark mass ratio
26 Mixing corrections: Decay Decay constant corrections: Γ( η/η´→ γγ) widths are crucial inputs for obtaining fundamental mixing parameters. Mixing Angles
27 Summary Extrapolation to Q 2 =0 will define the radiative decay widths: Γ( 0 → ), Γ( → ), Γ( ’ → ) It looks possible to perform high precision transition form factor measurements of light pseudoscalar mesons at low Q 2 with EIC at high energies Fundamental input to Physics: precision test of chiral anomaly predictions 0, and ’ interaction electromagnetic radii extraction of Ο(p6) low-energy constant in the chiral Lagrangian determination of quark mass ratio - ’ mixing angle is the ’ an approximate Goldstone boson?
28A. GasparianHall D, March 7, 200828 The End
29 The Primakoff Effect ρ, ω Challenge: Extract the Primakoff amplitude
30 ( 0 → ) World Data 0 is lightest quark-antiquark hadron The lifetime: = B.R.( 0 → γγ )/ ( 0 → γγ ) 0.8 x 10 -16 second Branching ratio : B.R. ( 0 → γγ ) = (98.8±0.032)% 0 → ±1%
31 Estimated Systematic Errors Contributions Errors Photon flux1.0% Target number0.1% Background subtraction0.9% Event selection0.5% HYCAL response function0.5% Beam parameters0.4% Acceptance0.3% Model errors (theory)0.25% Physics background0.24% Branching ratio (PDG)0.03% Total1.6%
32 Electromagnetic Calorimeter: HYCAL Energy resolution Position resolution Good photon detection efficiency @ 0.1 – 5 GeV; Large geometrical acceptance PbWO4 crystals resolution Pb-glass budget HYCAL only Kinematical constraint
33 15 Days Beam Time and Statistics Target: L=20 cm, LHe4 N He = 4x10 23 atoms/cm 2 N γ = 1x10 7 photon/sec (10-11.5 GeV part) = 1.6x10 -5 mb N( ) = N He xN γ x xεx(BR) = 4x1023x 1x107x 1.6x10-32x0.7x0.4 = 64 events/hour = 1500 events/day = 45,000 events/30 days Will provide sub-percent systematic error
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