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The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Future Observations of SN IA Geoff Bower.

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Presentation on theme: "The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Future Observations of SN IA Geoff Bower."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Future Observations of SN IA Geoff Bower

2 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 SN Ia SN 2002hp From GOODS

3 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Type Ia Supernovae and Cosmology Filippenko 2003 H0 = 72 +/- 8 km/s/Mpc Omega_lambda = 0.7 Omega_m = 0.3

4 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007

5 Stretch Correction Time dilation correction The more luminous the SN, the longer the timescale

6 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Goals of Supernova Searches Nearby SNe –Calibrate stretch relations –Dependence on environment, SN host –SN rate –Physical understanding of progenitor(s), events, & calibrations Distant SNe –Add points to magnitude-redshift relation

7 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Two Future Directions

8 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 SNAP Space mission 2m telescope 1 sq deg FOV Small NIR imager Spectrometer –0.3 – 1.7 microns Survey 20 sq degrees 2000 SN IA/year –Z = 0.1 – 1.7 Full light curves –2 to 80 days Tight control of systematics Perlmutter et al 2004

9 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007


11 Separating Cosmological Constant from Quintessence

12 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 System Design

13 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 System Design

14 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Redshift Dependence of Results

15 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Quality of Space-Based PSF Z=0.83

16 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Space-Based Observations Win Over Ground-Based

17 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 Comparison with Other Facilities

18 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007 LSST Ground-based telescope 8 meter 5 colors Two observing modes –All sky every 3 days –Staring Photo-red shift only –Delta Z ~ 0.01 250,000 SN IA/year in all sky –Z <0.8 14,000 in Staring mode –Z < 1.4

19 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007

20 Wang et al 2005

21 The Transient Universe: AY 250 Spring 2007


23 Summary SNAP –Limited number –Small FOV –Spectroscopy –Control of systematics –No gaps due to weather LSST –Many objects –Whole sky –Photo-z –Simultaneous BAO –Hubble constant measurement

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