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NOAA Observing Systems Architecture (NOSA)
Eric Miller NOAA Observing Systems Architect (acting) May 12, 2004
Background: Taskers and Drivers
NOAA Program Review Team Recommendation 32 Centrally plan and integrate all observing systems Develop a NOAA-wide observing system architecture NOAA Strategic Plan Develop integrated global environmental observation and data management system The initial driver for the NOSA effort was articulated during the Program Review process that directed that all NOAA observing systems be centrally planned and integrated. We needed to eliminate the stove pipe management and separate data management systems. In order to get to this point we needed to develop an observing system architecture. As the NOAA Strategic Plan developed another key driver became the overarching goal of developing an integrated environmental observation and data management system.
Background: NOAA Decisions
Establish Observing Systems Council Establish NOAA Observing Systems Architect Matrix managed within NESDIS Implement observing systems architecture toolset across NOAA Document baseline NOAA Observing Systems Architecture (NOSA) Develop target (10-20 years) NOSA The NOAA Executive Council issued the decisions listed here to facilitate the achievement of the tasks.
Benefits of an Architecture
Architecture establishes a semantic bridge between… Mission Technology Facilitates true alignment of mission goals and programs to technology Provides the information needed for informed decision making Provides an ability to prioritize budget initiatives/alternatives Provides a mission goal to technology blueprint Provides reliable impact analysis Provides ability to find cost reductions and/or realignment of resources
What is an Observing System Architecture?
It is analogous to a set of building blueprints To make a change to a building... one consults the blueprints To make a change to an observing system... consult the Observing System Architecture.
Observing System Architecture Relationship Diagram
Observation Control System is controlled by Owner Larger System Support supported by owned by part of provides data directly to Data Handling System Observing System Operator User operated by provides data to provides info to contains is type of Platform / Station situated on < drives located at Stake-holder Sensing Element senses Location is a Environmental Parameter has In putting together the NOSA architecture the main driver is to ensure that NOAA puts in place all the pieces necessary to meet a customers needs. is characterizes Stakeholder Requirement Fixed Mobile Sensor Human Environmental Phenomenon Space Space Air Air Basic Service Requirement Ground Ground < drives < drives Ocean Ocean
GOES R How does this system fit into the overall architecture Satellite Systems cut across all goals.
GOES R Statement of Need
Replacement Satellite required by end of 2012 to maintain GOES Continuity User Requirements Improved Sensors Better temporal, spatial and spectral resolution Climate, coastal, and estuary measurements Traditional meteorological requirements Requires Follow-on System 10 year acquisition cycle 2012 Launch Date 2013 Operational Availability Develop integrated end-to-end ground and satellite systems
GOES R Statement of Need Supports NOAA Strategic Goals
Ecosystem Determine environmental impacts of chaotic processes Ocean Color Ocean Optical Properties Ocean Turbidity Ocean Currents Climate Provide quantitative environmental data for use in weather and climate prediction and analysis Ozone Layers CO2 Concentration Vegetation Index Weather and Water Real time weather data to accurately track and analyze severe weather events and reduce loss of life and property Temperature Profiles Lightening Detection Cloud Measurement Wind Currents Commerce Uninterrupted hemispheric observations and products for safe and efficient transportation and commerce systems Volcanic Ash Solar Radiation Ice
GOES R End-to-End Approach
Implement process to identify and validate user requirements Consistent with new NOAA Requirements Process Addresses NOAA-wide requirements including climate, coastal, estuaries, etc Considers other Federal and International requirements GOES-R End-to-End System includes Space and Launch Segment Command, Control and Communications (C3) Segment Product Generation and Distribution Segment Archive and Access Segment User Interface and Assimilation Segment Working with NASA to develop joint process for major system acquisition approval Select notional architecture as baseline for budget submission and assessing future system trades Establish cost, schedule, performance baseline Will re-assess upon completion of Industry System Architecture efforts and review for compliance with NOAA Observing Systems Architecture
End-to-End Overview Ground System Functions Uplink & Downlink
Data Handling Product Production Data Distribution Archive and Access Spacecraft Operations Users Ground System Functions
NOAA Information Service Enterprise for 2020
ENGAGE, ADVISE, and INFORM National and Regional International National Other Collectors Environmental, Space, and Solar Phenomena NOAA Leadership and Support Services METHODOLOGY INNOVATION & IMPLEMENTATION Info Request/ Discovery Tools Communications and Network Mgmt Metadata Algorithms and Models Management Info Tools Science Applications NOAA Library IV&V MONITOR and OBSERVE ASSESS and PREDICT UNDERSTAND and DESCRIBE This is where we want to get
Requirements Collection to Date
Requirements Collected to date span: Agencies 12 Individual Reqs Databases Created - All NOAA Los DoD (AF, Navy, Army) European Communities Operational Weather/Water Operational National Defense Climate Research Domains Atmosphere Ocean Land Space Scales Geographic: Global to Local Temporal: Decadal (Climate) to Minutes (Short Term Warnings) Specifications Priority Categorized Threshold and Objective Values Other Federal Agencies USDA EPA NASA DHS DoD Ecosystems Climate Weather and Water Commerce and Transportation DOC/NOAA Interagency Requirements Collection Process Research and Academic Media and Commercial Meteorological Centers International Partners 48 Req Matrices External Requirements Collection Process In order to determine the most appropriate target architecture for NOAA and it’s partners we have embarked on a very robust observation requirements process led by Pam Taylor
Trade Study or Solution Analysis
Serve Society’s Needs for Weather and Water Information Mission Goal = This activity led to GOES- R Program = Environmental Modeling Capabilities = Weather & Water Forecasts and Warnings Ecosystem Modeling Task/Activities = Measure SST Measure Wave Height Measure Water Column Temperature Trade Study or Solutions Analysis Gap Analysis The architecture process, and in particular a Gap Analysis, was how the initial specifications for GOES R were determined. Once the gap has been identified and verified, a set of trade studies and various solutions are looked at as well as costed so that an investment analysis can be conducted. There can be a whole range of solutions from investing in a new observation system, to upgrading computer or communications capabilities, to discontinuing a particular system, to transferring the responsibility for meeting the requirement to another agency within the government or the commercial sector. Task/Activity = SST SST SST Programs or Capabilities that Support Goals = GOES N-P OAR TAO NWS MAN NOSA Baseline
System Characteristics
NOSA Data Flow Requirements Tool LO 1 Requirements System Characteristics NOAA Forge Architecture Tool LO 2 We used a number of software tools to capture the information and then to present that information to users and decisions makers. Geo-referenced data GIS Tool LO N GIS Geospatial Information System SURVEYS
Here is an example of output information from NOSA in spreadsheet form
Internet Maps: A View For Everyone
And the next several slides are outputs available with the NOSA websites GIS capabilities. These maps are produced on the internet using ArcIMS, the internet map server from ESRI.
Open GIS Map Comparisons
This collection of maps was drawn using the Open GIS Consortium Web Map Server (WMS) standard. This standard allows users to request and receive maps using open non-proprietary tools.
Desktop GIS: A View for Science
This map was produced using a desktop GIS tool (ArcMAP). It combines Sea Surface Temperature from the NESDIS Satellite Active Archive with observatory layers from the NOSA Geospatial Database at NGDC.
Find Your Place: Spatial Searches For Everyone
Environmental Observations US National Environmental
PROVIDER Layer International Global Environmental Observations System US National Environmental Observing System NOAA Information Service Enterprise USER Layer Information On Demand Defense Sector Commercial Sector Civil Sector Private Sector Future Operations will be “On Demand” and require “Autonomous Update” In the defense sector, smart platforms will require environmental information fed directly into the platform such as for manned and unmanned systems (ships, missiles , and unmanned aircraft, etc). Conservation of propellant and the associate weight savings can be realized through more efficient operations when environmental conditions can be taken into consideration. Systems with long loiter capability will be able to re-plan operations factoring changing environmental conditions and predicted conditions. Smart soldier systems to include human personal protection equipment will be able to use environmental data. Civil Highway transportation and re-routing in adverse weather Power Grid and Predictive Optimization and Conservation International Sector
Integrated Planning Process for Target NOSA Development
NOAA Strategic Plan Goal Team Priority Lists Future NOAA CONOPS Annual Strategic Guidance Memo Integrated Planning Process Mission Goal Assessment Operational & Support Tasks Mission Needs Analysis Prioritized Needs Mission Solutions Analysis Concepts & Technologies Integrated Investment Analysis 25-Year Investment Roadmap NOSA Master Plan Requirements Management Process SON MRD PRD Req. Docs (e.g, SON) Program Plans Science & Technology Industry R&D
Further Benefits to NOAA
Provides integrated view of NOAA’s observing systems linked to mission requirements Provide framework for future requirements & costs Reveal how changes in funding levels for one system will impact many others Reveals gaps and duplication Results in more cost-effective overall observation system Facilitates accessibility to all NOAA observations by all NOAA customers Facilitate international partnering Identify opportunities for migration of research to operations The value of an architecture is represented here where many benefits are depicted.
Where we are going? Today’s implementations of architecture, are in reality, knowledge management and decision support tools.
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