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Proposal for Data Applications Report Chu Ishida JAXA CEOS Plenary, Agenda Item 24 Tromsø, Norway 28-30 October 2014.

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1 Proposal for Data Applications Report Chu Ishida JAXA CEOS Plenary, Agenda Item 24 Tromsø, Norway 28-30 October 2014

2 28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway 28-30 October 2014 2 “CEOS Applications Round Table” was held on November 4 th 2013, as a side meeting of the 27 th CEOS Plenary in Montreal. The meeting identified a growing interest within CEOS agencies with regards to collaboration on applications of Earth observations. Australia, ESA, NASA, UK expressed interest in development of a CEOS Special Report. JAXA proposed to establish a small editorial committee of interested agencies and discuss the concept of the report on September 16 th 2014, a side meeting of CEOS SIT in Montpellier. Background

3 28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway 28-30 October 2014 3 JAXA proposes to develop a CEOS Special Report on Data Applications as one of its CEOS Chairmanship initiatives for 2015 covering; Evolution of EO capabilities and data policies Successful application cases Different business models (inc. new models using free data) Stakeholder benefits (govt, public, industry) JAXA proposes that a summary brochure be published before CEOS Plenary in 2015. Proposal

4 28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway 28-30 October 2014 4 Concept Working Title: Applications of Earth Observations from Space: Serving humanity, society, and industry Targeted readership  Policymakers in government  International organizations active in key application areas, such as UN  Donors such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank Purpose  Provide evidence of the importance and necessity of satellite EO to governments and to improve their understanding  Provide support for funding for the next generation of space agency EO programmes through this improved understanding  Highlight approaches that have worked around the world, including the types of partnerships and programmes

5 28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway 28-30 October 2014 5 Draft Contents (1/2) 1. Introduction CEOS chair / SIT chair / International Organization 2. Satellite Earth Observations The history/size/scale of the endeavor Deliverables for the last decade Evolution in capabilities: # of countries, satellites, measurements, accuracy, spatial and temporal resolution, analysis tools, smartphones, GPS, data analysis and transfer Data policy impact: international examples, inc Landsat, Copernicus Coordination frameworks: CEOS, GEO, WMO... Future possibilities via new technology and service: Dual- use, Skysat...

6 28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway 28-30 October 2014 6 Draft Contents (2/2) 3. EO Applications Public use: “Supporting an informed and secure society” Supporting decisions through GEOSS in 9 SBAs(Disasters, Health, Energy, Climate, Agriculture, Ecosystems, Biodiversity, Water, Weather) Contributing to the project by UN, WB, ADB and etc. Utilization by the government Industrial use: “Stimulating new services and employment” Encouraging Private Sector's initiatives; Service oriented Energy sector, Insurance company, Food industry, Fishing industry, Water resource management sector, Weather Service, etc. Science and research: “Providing unique and sustained insights into the Earth system” Study of Earth system and Climate change Contributing to GCOS, IPCC, Future Earth Science, etc.

7 28 th Plenary session Tromsø, Norway 28-30 October 2014 7 Schedule 20142015 JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Draft Concept Call For Members Call For Abstracts Call For articles for the full report Edit the summary brochure Printing Key Meetings Regular Meetings (Teleconferences) Side Meeting @Technical WS Side Meeting @Plenary Side Meeting @SIT-30 Side Meeting @Technical WS Adoption @Plenary Distribution @Plenary Teleconference Side Meeting @SIT-30 Teleconference

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