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Class 3b: Winds (global and local)

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Presentation on theme: "Class 3b: Winds (global and local)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class 3b: Winds (global and local)

2 Atmospheric pressure

3 Atmospheric pressure Warm air rises, cold air sinks

4 Measuring pressure

5 Mapping pressure Isobars connect points of equal pressure

6 What is wind?

7 Local winds: sea and land breezes

8 Land and sea breezes

9 Valley and mountain breezes

10 Foehn/chinook winds

11 Global circulation Hadley cells

12 Coriolis effect Deflection from Earth’s rotation

13 Global circulation

14 ITCZ Convergence of rising air

15 Tradewinds

16 Subtropical highs

17 Westerlies

18 Polar highs and easterlies

19 Seasonal shifts

20 Monsoons

21 Monsoons Half the world’s population relies on monsoons

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