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Bored of Pop Quizzes? How about the answers to the final exam? Or at least the questions? Identification –Erechtheion –cavea.

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3 Bored of Pop Quizzes? How about the answers to the final exam? Or at least the questions? Identification –Erechtheion –cavea

4 Acropolis - Philopappos Hill - Piraeus

5 View from Agora

6 Acropolis view from northeast - Propylaia




10 Parthenon - Pheidias - Iktinos 447-432


12 entasis

13 South Metope 27

14 South metope 31


16 Cavalcade - Ionic Frieze

17 Ionic Frieze - peplos

18 East Pediment

19 East Pediment - horse of Selene

20 Three goddess - east pediment

21 East Pediment - Birth of Athena

22 West Pediment

23 West pediment

24 West pediment - contest between Athena and Poseidon

25 Erechtheum from southwest (421-406)

26 Erechtheon - south view

27 Erechtheon - east façade - Athena Polias

28 South porch - Caryatids - Erechtheon

29 Temple of Athena Nike - Ionic c,. 425

30 Propylaia 437-432


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