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1 Response to “A Disability System for the 21st Century” Presented by Alaine Perry.

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1 1 Response to “A Disability System for the 21st Century” Presented by Alaine Perry

2 2 Transition program participant maintains loose program attachment. Can re-enter transition program or apply for SSDI/SSI without “penalty.” Participation in traditional program is governed by current work incentive and reinstatement rules. Chart 3Adult Model Little or no work history Substantial work history Triage assessment Transition program develop work Rx coordinate supports SSDI/SSI Exit to employment Flexible program re-entry and exit rule; differential work incentive rules and waivers Current work incentive rules; current reinstatement rules (e.g., EPE easy-on) From A Disability System for the 21 st Century: A Report by the Social Security Advisory Board, September 2006, page 14

3 3 Transition program participant maintains loose program attachment. Can re-enter transition program or apply for SSDI/SSI without “penalty.” Participation in traditional program is governed by current work incentive and reinstatement rules. Chart 3 Adult Model Little or no work history Substantial work history Triage assessment Transition program develop work Rx coordinate supports SSDI/SSI Exit to employment Flexible program re-entry and exit rule; differential work incentive rules and waivers Current work incentive rules; current reinstatement rules (e.g., EPE easy-on) x Adapted from A Disability System for the 21 st Century: A Report by the Social Security Advisory Board, September 2006, page 14, chart 3

4 4 Revised Model Little or no work history Substantial work history Informed Consumer Choice Work Support Program Work support plan Coordinated supports Provide information about SSDI/SSI SSDI/SSI Provide information about SSDI/SSI work incentives Provide information about separate work support program Exit to employment Adapted from A Disability System for the 21st Century: A Report by the Social Security Advisory Board, September 2006, page 14, chart 3

5 5 What Does “Do No Harm” Mean ? No changes to the Social Security statutory definition of disability Participation in work, or activities to prepare for work, should be voluntary Eligibility and cash benefits should not be subject to time limits Any new programs to promote employment should not be coupled with cutbacks to existing Title II and SSI disability programs; i.e., eligibility should not be narrowed

6 6 Recommendations Changes within the Social Security disability programs and SSA External Changes

7 7 Improve Administration of Existing Work Incentives Programs and Policies SSA has made progress but much more needed  Better information and supports  Process improvements such as reduction of overpayments Importance of adequate administrative funding

8 8 Reduce Fear Continued attachment or easy re-entry to program Continued access to health care after RTW (including PAS) CDR protections – adequate? Access to accurate information The Ticket to Work Act made a start on all of these, but more is needed.

9 9 External Changes Improved access to health care without needing to access cash benefits Making the workplace more disability friendly – for example, importance of flexible employment

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