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Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Honors World History Mr. Green.

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1 Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Honors World History Mr. Green

2 The students will describe changes in Western Europe and North America by identifying factors that led to the economic downturn of the 1970’s Announcement: Hand in your homework Warm-up: Examine the map on page 705 and answer the following: 1. How long have the original members been part of the European Union? 2. Compare this map to the one on page 701. Which former Communist countries are now members of the EU?

3 Winds of Change in Western Europe Economy contracts in the mid 1970’s Higher oil prices one cause The European Economic Community expanded Jan. 1, 1994: European Union Jan. 1, 2002: The Euro 12/15 nations Uncertainties in France Socialist Francois Mitterrand 39 hour work week, higher taxes for rich, government nationalized banks, steel, electronics and insurance firms French unemployment rose to 10.6% in 1993

4 Reunification Woes More money to rebuild Eastern Germany High unemployment in Eastern Germany Attacks on foreigners in 1990’s Great Britain and Thatcherism Fighting in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestants bad economy/ many strikes Margaret Thatcher-1 st female UK prime minister promoted small business old industrial areas experienced high unemployment, violence, and poverty

5 Nixon, Ford, and Carter Nixon resigned from office on August 9, 1974 Ford took over and lost in 1976 Jimmy Carter won in 1976 high inflation, decline in average earnings Iranian revolution Ayatollah Khomeini and the Hostage Crisis Reagan, Bush and Clinton Reagan cut back on the welfare state, instead promoting a military buildup deficit spending Bush served 1 term-bad economy leader during the 1 st Iraq war Clinton G.W. Bush 9/11

6 Complete question 5 on page 709 for a grade prior to the end of class.

7 Read Chapter 21.1 and 21.2 and prepare for a Reading check on Friday.

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