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Understanding Children Juniors – 10 – 12 years Presented by Donna J. Habenicht, Ed.D.

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1 Understanding Children Juniors – 10 – 12 years Presented by Donna J. Habenicht, Ed.D.


3 Personal Religion “Children of eight, ten, and twelve years are old enough to be addressed on the subject of personal religion... If properly instructed, very young children may have correct views of their state as sinners and of the way of salvation through Christ.” Ellen G. White Child Guidance, p. 490

4 Growing Physically Noisy, restless, active Growing rapidly Puberty for girls, appearance important Physical skills Well developed skills Love games, outdoors Strong and healthy

5 Growing Mentally Learn by doing Memorize easily Easily bored, change Want facts, many interests, curious Enjoy school skills Learning to reason Collect things Strong humor

6 Growing Socially “Gang age” Hero worshiper May feel insecure Prefer cooperating Tend to generalize Very competitive Crave independence Intolerant and critical Need to learn respect

7 Growing Emotionally Need acceptance Fair play important Sensitive to criticism Despise “sissies” Need adult to respect Need understanding Need love, no PDA Emotional, intense Uncertain, insecure


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