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Language Teaching Approaches and Methods Dr. Desmond Thomas, International Academy, University of Essex.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Teaching Approaches and Methods Dr. Desmond Thomas, International Academy, University of Essex."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Teaching Approaches and Methods Dr. Desmond Thomas, International Academy, University of Essex

2 Why do people learn English? Communication with native speakers Work Career prospects Academic study Travel Access to information Access to literature and culture Prestige?

3 What do they need to learn? (1) Pronunciation of individual sounds Word and sentence stress Intonation Grammar Vocabulary Language functions

4 What do they need to learn? (2) Appropriacy in discourse Structure of discourse Language varieties And they need to develop: reading, listening, speaking, writing skills

5 How languages are learned: theories Behaviourism. "Verbal behaviour" by B.Skinner (1957) Cognitivism (Innatism). "Review of Verbal Behaviour" (1959) and "Syntactic Structures" (1957) by N.Chomsky. Interactionism (Socio-constructivism) See works by Piaget and Vygotsky.

6 Which approaches lead to success? 1.The structural approach? 2.The notional-functional approach? 3.The communicative approach? 4.The lexical approach? 5.The task-based approach? 6.An eclectic approach?

7 Approaches leading to methods Grammar-translation (R&R p.3) The direct method (p.9) Situational language teaching (p.31) The audiolingual method (p.44) Communicative language teaching (p.64) and post-CLT Alternative methods: TPR, CLL, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Natural Approach

8 Characteristics of CLT Based on the idea of 4 types of communicative competence (grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse, strategic) and therefore... Focus on function rather than form Focus on linguistic appropriacy Focus on actual language use

9 Implications for the CLT classroom Communicative speaking activities Communicative writing activities Use of ‘authentic materials’ Emphasis on S-S interaction and on learner autonomy Attitude to error-making changes Role of the teacher changes

10 Further reading Lightbown, P. & Spada,N. 1999, How Languages are Learned, OUP. Littlewood, W. 1981, Communicative Language Teaching, CUP Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. 1986, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, CUP

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