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Completing Your Reporting Package and Stand-Alone Financial Statements Presented by Elisa Stilwell Senior Manager - KPMG LLP KPMG LLP.

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Presentation on theme: "Completing Your Reporting Package and Stand-Alone Financial Statements Presented by Elisa Stilwell Senior Manager - KPMG LLP KPMG LLP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Completing Your Reporting Package and Stand-Alone Financial Statements Presented by Elisa Stilwell Senior Manager - KPMG LLP KPMG LLP

2 GAAP Reporting Workshop 2 2005 Reporting Package Components Financial statement audit: Campus management approval sheet Statement of net assets Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets Statement of cash flows Comprehensive analytical review / variance analysis Notes Conversion worksheet for stand-alone statements

3 GAAP Reporting Workshop 3 2005 Reporting Package Components (cont’d) A-133 audit (single audit): Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) Notes

4 GAAP Reporting Workshop 4 2005 Reporting Package – Highlights of Significant Changes Lots of data links! New data added in order to: Help facilitate an efficient audit process Reduce the number of questions and review comments as information will already be available and analyzed Consists of 2 sections, which are in 2 separate electronic files (excel workbook and word document) – refer to reporting package index

5 GAAP Reporting Workshop 5 2005 Reporting Package – Highlights of Significant Changes (cont’d) Prior year data added Statement of net assets Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets Statement of cash flows Note 4 – accounts receivable Note 13 – Operating expenses by natural classification Check formulas added to notes that require prior year balances (i.e. rollforward of capital assets and rollforward of long-term debt obligations)

6 GAAP Reporting Workshop 6 2005 Reporting Package – Highlights of Significant Changes (cont’d) Separate tabs for comprehensive analytical review / variance analysis Contains three years (i.e. 2005, 2004, and 2003) Identification of trends and relationships between financial statement account balances Current year vs. prior year balances – dollar and percentage changes Comparison of balances as a percentage of total assets/ total liabilities and net assets for each year

7 GAAP Reporting Workshop 7 2005 Reporting Package – Highlights of Significant Changes (cont’d) Separate tabs for comprehensive analytical review / variance analysis (cont’d) Components of revenues and expenses by function as a percentage of student and tuition and fees, net of scholarship allowances, for each year Components of revenues as a percentage of total revenues for each year Current year vs. prior year balances – dollar and percent changes for expenses by natural classification Components of expenses 1) by natural classification and 2) by function as a percentage of total expenses for each year

8 GAAP Reporting Workshop 8 2005 Reporting Package – Highlights of Significant Changes (cont’d) Note 4 – Receivables Capital leases receivable due from auxiliary organizations – schedule of future minimum lease payments to be received Note 5 – Capital assets Breakout of depreciation and amortization expense related to capital assets and other assets Reconciliation of capital assets additions per rollforward schedule to acquisition of capital assets per statement of cash flows

9 GAAP Reporting Workshop 9 2005 Reporting Package – Highlights of Significant Changes (cont’d) Note 8 – Long-term liabilities Reconciliation of additions per rollforward schedule to proceeds from capital debt and principal paid per statement of cash flows Note 17 – Net assets component – invested in capital assets, net of related debt Detailed calculation schedule of amount Note 16 – Other information: auxiliary organizations See separate auxiliary organization presentation

10 GAAP Reporting Workshop 10 2005 Reporting Package – Highlights of Significant Changes (cont’d) A-133 Audit (single audit) Separate “overflow page” for additional grants to be included on the SEFA Other Changes More check formulas added Date submitted added to top of each tab Must use standard naming convention when submitting electronic file - include only campus location and submission date (for example: “Chico_RP 2005_10.18.05.xls”)

11 GAAP Reporting Workshop 11 Preparing Your Stand-Alone Financial Statements Campus stand-alone financial statements include the following components: Management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) Statement of net assets Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets Statement of cash flows Notes to the financial statements

12 GAAP Reporting Workshop 12 Preparing Your Stand-Alone Financial Statements Key Dates (refer to Audit Timeline) Campus to provide complete stand-alone financial statements to KPMG – November 10, 2005 Financial statements issued – December 15, 2005 Campus must submit a complete draft of the financial statements, including MD&A, to KPMG in order to begin the review process

13 GAAP Reporting Workshop 13 Preparing Your Stand-Alone Financial Statements Access to technical accounting literature and resources to help ensure successful preparation of GAAP financial statements (refer to Chapter 14) Must use electronic template of proforma financial statements (refer to Chapter 12) to begin the preparation process Option of 1 year or 2 year comparative presentation Electronic template should be tailored as applicable to the individual campus

14 GAAP Reporting Workshop 14 Preparing Your Stand-Alone Financial Statements MD&A If opting for 1 year presentation, presentation of current year and prior year financial data is still required Campus is responsible for drafting the MD&A. KPMG cannot assist under GAO Independence Standards. More details on MD&A in separate presentation today

15 GAAP Reporting Workshop 15 Preparing Your Stand-Alone Financial Statements Required reclassification adjustment for stand- alone reporting purposes only (refer to Chapter 12) Included as separate tab in reporting package

16 GAAP Reporting Workshop 16 Preparing Your Stand-Alone Financial Statements Elimination column - must eliminate nonexchange transactions between the campus and the discretely presented auxiliary organizations, if any (refer to Chapter 4) For CSU, common types of nonexchange transactions may include: Scholarship contributions Donations and other contributions Grants Gifts In-kind gift contributions

17 GAAP Reporting Workshop 17 Preparing Your Stand-Alone Financial Statements Based on the significance of the discretely presented auxiliary organizations to the financial reporting entity, the campus must evaluate whether certain auxiliary information should be included in the notes to the financial statements. KPMG campus teams must revise the opinion accordingly based on which accounting firms audit which auxiliary organizations (i.e. KPMG or other auditors)

18 GAAP Reporting Workshop 18 Questions?

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