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Brown Bag Meeting 8-11-11.  Dr. Rick Pollenz –  now Assoc. Dean, Undergraduate Studies  And Director of Undergraduate Research  Dr. Peter Harries.

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Presentation on theme: "Brown Bag Meeting 8-11-11.  Dr. Rick Pollenz –  now Assoc. Dean, Undergraduate Studies  And Director of Undergraduate Research  Dr. Peter Harries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brown Bag Meeting 8-11-11

2  Dr. Rick Pollenz –  now Assoc. Dean, Undergraduate Studies  And Director of Undergraduate Research  Dr. Peter Harries – new Interim Assoc. Dean  Asst. Dir. Postdoctoral Affairs - vacant


4 August 19, 2011: Friday  Last day to register for Fall 2011 without a late registration fee of $100.

5 August 22, 2011:Monday  Fall 2011 classes begin. August 26, 2011:Friday  Last day to process any last minute admits.  Last day to pay for Fall 2011 classes and to avoid a $100 late payment fee.

6 September 5, 2011:Monday  Graduate Admissions Office will begin to cancel Open GARs (CN) and MIPs (CP) for Fall 2011.

7 September 19, 2011:Monday  Admissions will begin to finalize all Provisional Admits for Fall 2011.  If the pending items are not received, an Admissions Hold (AG) will be placed on the student’s registration for the next semester.

8 REMINDERS:  When sending Missing Item Packets or Direct Receipt Program GARS, please remember to attach original transcripts and test scores.  A copy of these items should be made for your department file.

9 Semester All Graduate Applications Grad School Fellowships Deadline Priority deadline* for admission to graduate programs & dept assistantships Nominees must be admitted Fall Semester 2012see program deadline15-Feb Spring Semester 2012see program deadlineN/A Summer Session 2012see program deadlineN/A

10 Semester Graduate School Int'l application deadlines (inside US). Earlier program deadlines supersede these. I-20 processing deadline for admit decision & all immigration documents (inside US). Fall Semester 2012 June 1July 15 Spring Semester 2012October 15December 1 Summer Session 2012February 15April 1

11 Semester Graduate School Int'l application deadlines (outside US). Earlier program deadlines supersede these. I-20 processing deadline for admit decision & all immigration documents (outside US). Fall Semester 2012 May 1June 15 Spring Semester 2012September 15November 1 Summer Session 2012January 15March 1

12 Application Deadlines: Published Application Deadline- final or priority? Application processing deadline – your program will be removed as a choice on the application for the term selected by the applicant – can be later than Published Application Deadline to allow for space-available admits.

13 How to change Published Application Deadline:  To push application deadline into the future: Need approval by your College & the Graduate Council; then change can be immediate.  To push application deadline earlier: Change must go through the regular catalog promulgation process for the next catalog.

14  Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) – Planning Grant  Partners: University of Central Florida (prime), Florida Education Fund (McKnight sponsors), Valencia CC, and Hillsborough CC  Broaden the pathways to the professoriate by creating an academic/social support net  Underrepresented Minority Students (URM) in STEM fields

15 The Graduate School received $125,000 from the Sloan Foundation Goal: to enhance success of underrepresented minority students (URM) in STEM fields Grad School will hire a faculty member at 0.5FTE to lead the grant efforts: improve recruitment, coordinate proposal writing, provide workshops on URM student success

16 Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL)  USF has become a core institutional member in the CIRTL network of 25 universities  Network sees graduate education as the nexus for preparing future STEM faculty & advancing STEM undergraduate education. CIRTL seeks to prepare future STEM faculty to be both superb researchers and excellent teachers.  CIRTL will apply for NSF funding for the Network in January 2012.


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