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Capture Cavity 1at A0 SIMCON2.1 with MATLAB  closed loop with max gain ( 250 )  RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.07%  RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2°  closed.

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Presentation on theme: "Capture Cavity 1at A0 SIMCON2.1 with MATLAB  closed loop with max gain ( 250 )  RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.07%  RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2°  closed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capture Cavity 1at A0 (@1.8K) SIMCON2.1 with MATLAB  closed loop with max gain ( 250 )  RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.07%  RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2°  closed loop with max gain ( 250 )  RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.07%  RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2°  closed loop with gain of 40  RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.4%  RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.4°  run with beam  closed loop with gain of 40  RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.4%  RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.4°  run with beam SIMCON3.1 with DOOCS  closed loop with maximum gain  RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.02%  RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2°  closed loop with maximum gain  RMS amplitude noise ≈ 0.02%  RMS phase Noise ≈ 0.2° SNS-LLRF with EPICS

2  SIMCON2.1 Closed loop with maximum gain Achieved amplitude peak to peak noise of 0.07% Achieved phase peak to peak noise of 0.2° MATLAB interface  for development only  SIMCON3.1 Closed loop with gain of 50 MAX Developed DOOCS control interface Achieved amplitude peak to peak noise of 0.4% Achieved phase peak to peak noise of 0.4° Run with beam  SNS Closed loop with maximum gain Used EPICS control interface Amplitude peak to peak noise of 0.02% Phase peak to peak noise of 0.2° Capture Cavity 1at A0 (@1.8K)

3 Capture Cavity II at Meson (@4.5K, no beam) Running closed loop with FB gain of 12 Running open loop and modifying the cavity resonance frequency using the piezo actuators 37% 1.04 ms (153 Hz) Measurement of the cavity half bandwidth ~153 Hz

4 Capture Cavity II at Meson (@4.5K, no beam)  What we’ve achieved so far: Run closed loop, but with a feedback gain of 12 only (issue under investigation) LLRF support for some cryo tests (impact of RF power on cryo bath temperature) LLRF support for piezo tuner measurements  What our near term goals are: Achieve a higher feedback gain  upgrade SIMCON3.1 firmware  run at 1.8K  revise SIMCON3.1 hardware to reduce noise (ADCs, I/O, Power supply, external clocks…) Run CCII using SNS-LLRF system  What our long term goals are: Collaboration with DESY for the next generation SIMCON board R&D for an FNAL-LLRF system suited for ILC specs

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