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FPGA Technology Mapping
2 Technology mapping: Implements the optimized nodes of the Boolean network to the target device library. For FPGA, library elements = LUT − LUT-based technology mapping Objectives: − Number of LUTs (area) − Signal delay (speed) − Routability − Power (very few work) LUT-Technology Mapping
3 Types of Algorithms Classification: 1.Based on objective functions: Area-driven Performance-driven Routability-driven Power-driven 2.Based on input network: Combinational −Assumes fixed positions for sequential elements −Only considers the combinational logic between sequential elements Sequential −May relocate FFS during mapping (retiming) −Can explore a much larger solution space (better quality) 3.Based on employed transformation technique: Structural Functional
4 Types of Algorithms Structural TM: Does not modify the input netlist (except logic duplication). Covering a netlist with logic cells (e.g., K-LUTs) of the target FPGAs Efficient for large designs −Most algorithms are structural. Functional TM: Boolean transformation/decomposition of the input design into a set of interconnected logic cells Mixes Boolean optimization with covering Can potentially explore a larger solution space than structural mapping Time-consuming − Restricted to small designs (or small portions of a large design)
5 Fan-in of v or input(v): the set of nodes whose outputs are inputs of v Fan-out of v or output(v): the set of nodes, which use the output of v as inputs Primary Input: a node with no predecessor Primary output: a node with no successor Level of a node: the length of the longest path from PI to that node Depth of a graph: the largest level of a node in the graph K-bounded Boolean network: if |input(v)|≤ K for all nodes in the graph Definitions
7 Tree (fan-out-free circuit): node v, max(fan-out(v)) =1 Forest: an independent set of trees Leaf-DAG a combinational circuit in which − no gates have fanout > 1 (except PIs). Definitions
8 Cone C v at node v: the tree with root v and which spans from v to PIs. K-feasible cone : C v is K-feasible at node v if: − |input(C v )| ≤ K and − any path connecting a node in C v and v lies entirely in C v Fanout-free cone: a cone in which the fanouts of every node other than the root are inside the cone −For each node ν, there is a unique maximum fanout-free cone (MFFC v ) A K-feasible Cone at v Definitions −i.e. contains every fanout-free cone rooted at ν
10 FPGA Tech Mapping Cost (number of inputs) doesn’t always increase with added functions:
11 FPGAs vs. Custom Logic Cost metric for custom static gates is literal: ax + bx’ has four literals, requires 8 transistors. Cost metric for FPGAs is logic element: All functions that fit in an LE have the same cost.
12 LUT-technology mapping problem: Covering a Boolean network with a set of K-feasible cones. − The Boolean network is usually 2-bounded (if not, it is converted to 2-bounded) Graph covering with conesLUT Mapping LUT-Technology Mapping [Chen06]
13 LUT-technology mapping problem: Covering a Boolean network with a set of K-feasible cones. Graph covering with conesLUT Mapping LUT-Technology Mapping
14 LUT-based logic synthesis Find the largest logic cone that will fit into the LUT: r = q + s’ q = g’ + h s = d’ d = a + b
15 How much fits in a LUT? One 2-input NAND gate frequently used for comparison. Approximately 12 ~ 15 gates per four-input LUT. 2 16 functions -> 80 after IO swapping 14 after IO inversion A B C D A B C D
16 LUT-technology mapping problem: For a combinational logic network, LUT TM (binding): to find an equivalent logic network, such that −each vertex is associated with a function implementable by a LUT. Objective: −number of vertices −or minimum critical path delay Starting point: Decompose into base functions (e.g. ANDs and ORs) LUT-Technology Mapping
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