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100 200 300 400 500 Cells Bio- chemistry Life Processes Energy Reproduc -tion Round Two.

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2 100 200 300 400 500 Cells Bio- chemistry Life Processes Energy Reproduc -tion Round Two

3 100 200 300 400 500 Genetics Botany Animals Ecology Body Systems END Round One

4 CHECK YOUR ANSWER CELLS FOR 100 Cells with a true nucleus

5 GAMEBOARD Back What are eukaryotes? CELLS FOR 100

6 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Control center of the cell; houses DNA CELLS FOR 200

7 GAMEBOARD Back What is the nucleus? CELLS FOR 200

8 CHECK YOUR ANSWER This cell organelle is responsible for the production of proteins This cell organelle is responsible for the production of proteins CELLS FOR 300

9 GAMEBOARD Back What is the ribosome? CELLS FOR 300

10 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane CELLS FOR 400

11 GAMEBOARD Back What is osmosis? CELLS FOR 400

12 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The cell powerhouses; these organelles produce energy CELLS FOR 500

13 GAMEBOARD Back What are mitochondria? CELLS FOR 500

14 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Name the four main organic molecules. BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 100

15 GAMEBOARD Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, & Nucleic Acids Back BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 100

16 CHECK YOUR ANSWER BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 200 Six elements common to all living things

17 GAMEBOARD Back BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 200 What are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, & sulfur (CHNOPS)

18 CHECK YOUR ANSWER BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 300 A solution with a pH less than 7; Greater than 7

19 GAMEBOARD Back BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 300 What is an acid? A base?

20 CHECK YOUR ANSWER BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 400 The building blocks of proteins

21 GAMEBOARD Back BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 400 What are Amino acids?

22 CHECK YOUR ANSWER BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 500 Abundant substance that makes up 75% of the earth’s surface & is needed by all living things

23 GAMEBOARD Back BIOCHEMISTRY FOR 500 What is water?

24 CHECK YOUR ANSWER LIFE PROCESSES FOR 100 A cell’s ability to maintain its internal environment despite changes on the outside

25 GAMEBOARD Back What is homeostasis? LIFE PROCESSES FOR 100

26 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The reaction of an organism to stimuli LIFE PROCESSES FOR 200

27 GAMEBOARD What is a response? Back LIFE PROCESSES FOR 200

28 CHECK YOUR ANSWER When an organism becomes better suited to its environment increasing ability to survive LIFE PROCESSES FOR 300

29 GAMEBOARD What is adaptation? Back LIFE PROCESSES FOR 300

30 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The process of breaking down food particles LIFE PROCESSES FOR 400

31 GAMEBOARD What is digestion? Back LIFE PROCESSES FOR 400

32 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The process by which organisms take in nutrients LIFE PROCESSES FOR 500

33 GAMEBOARD What is absorption? Back LIFE PROCESSES FOR 500

34 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Process of food production by capturing sunlight energy ENERGY FOR 100

35 GAMEBOARD ENERGY FOR 100 What is photosynthesis? Back

36 CHECK YOUR ANSWER An organism that absorbs energy from sunlight for use in making food ENERGY FOR 200

37 GAMEBOARD ENERGY FOR 200 What is an autotroph? Back

38 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The ultimate source of energy for all living things ENERGY FOR 300

39 GAMEBOARD ENERGY FOR 300 What is the sun? Back

40 CHECK YOUR ANSWER In order to produce the energy required by all living things, these two processes form a continuous cycle In order to produce the energy required by all living things, these two processes form a continuous cycle ENERGY FOR 400

41 GAMEBOARD ENERGY FOR 400 What are Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration? Back

42 CHECK YOUR ANSWER This energy storage molecule is responsible for storing all of your body’s energy. This energy storage molecule is responsible for storing all of your body’s energy. ENERGY FOR 500

43 GAMEBOARD ENERGY FOR 500 What is ATP? (adenosine triphosphate) What is ATP? (adenosine triphosphate) Back

44 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Reproduction with one parent; two parents REPRODUCTION FOR 100

45 GAMEBOARD REPRODUCTION FOR 100 What is asexual? sexual? Back

46 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The cells used by animals to produce other animals like themselves The cells used by animals to produce other animals like themselves REPRODUCTION FOR 200

47 GAMEBOARD REPRODUCTION FOR 200 What are gametes (sex cells) (egg and sperm) What are gametes (sex cells) (egg and sperm) Back

48 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Nuclear division that results in the production of two diploid daughter cells REPRODUCTION FOR 300

49 GAMEBOARD REPRODUCTION FOR 300 What is mitosis? Back

50 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The fertilized egg that results when a sperm and egg unite REPRODUCTION FOR 400

51 GAMEBOARD REPRODUCTION FOR 400 What is a zygote? Back

52 CHECK YOUR ANSWER A type of asexual reproduction in which the parent cell divides itself in half to produce an offspring A type of asexual reproduction in which the parent cell divides itself in half to produce an offspring REPRODUCTION FOR 500

53 GAMEBOARD REPRODUCTION FOR 500 What is binary fission? Back

54 CHECK YOUR ANSWER A dihybrid cross of two heterozygous individuals (such as RrYy) would likely yield this ratio GENETICS FOR 100

55 GAMEBOARD GENETICS FOR 100 What is 9:3:3:1? Back

56 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Tallness (T) is dominant to shortness (t) in pea plants. Give the genotype of a pea plant that is heterozygous for tallness GENETICS FOR 200

57 GAMEBOARD GENETICS FOR 200 What is Tt? Back

58 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Since the allele for colorblindness is located on the X chromosome, colorblindness is this kind of trait GENETICS FOR 300

59 GAMEBOARD GENETICS FOR 300 What is sex-linked? Back

60 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The device use to predict the outcome of a genetic cross GENETICS FOR 400

61 GAMEBOARD GENETICS FOR 400 What is a punnett square? Back

62 CHECK YOUR ANSWER An organism that has inherited two of the same alleles of a gene from its parents GENETICS FOR 500

63 GAMEBOARD GENETICS FOR 500 What is homozygous? Back

64 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Plants that produce naked seeds BOTANY FOR 100

65 GAMEBOARD What are gymnosperms? Back BOTANY FOR 100

66 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The growth & development of a seed BOTANY FOR 200

67 GAMEBOARD What is germination? Back BOTANY FOR 200

68 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The male reproductive organ in plants BOTANY FOR 300

69 GAMEBOARD What is the stamen? Back BOTANY FOR 300

70 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Monocots have this kind of leaf veins BOTANY FOR 400

71 GAMEBOARD What is parallel? Back BOTANY FOR 400

72 CHECK YOUR ANSWER This plant structure is responsible for anchoring, absorption, and storage BOTANY FOR 500

73 GAMEBOARD What is the root? Back BOTANY FOR 500

74 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Animals that do not have a backbone ANIMALS FOR 100

75 GAMEBOARD What are invertebrates? Back ANIMALS FOR 100

76 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Clams, snails, & sea slugs belong to this phylum ANIMALS FOR 200

77 GAMEBOARD What is Mollusca? Back ANIMALS FOR 200

78 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Animals that maintain a constant body temperature are called this ANIMALS FOR 300

79 GAMEBOARD What is endothermic (warm-blooded)? Back ANIMALS FOR 300

80 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Whales, dolphins, & bats are classified as this type of animal ANIMALS FOR 400

81 GAMEBOARD What are mammals? Back ANIMALS FOR 400

82 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Humans have this type of symmetry ANIMALS FOR 500

83 GAMEBOARD What is bilateral symmetry? Back ANIMALS FOR 500

84 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The study of how organism interact with each other and their environment ECOLOGY FOR 100

85 GAMEBOARD ECOLOGY FOR 100 What is ecology? Back

86 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Caused by the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ECOLOGY FOR 200

87 GAMEBOARD ECOLOGY FOR 200 What is the greenhouse effect? Back

88 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The biome generally found in Georgia. ECOLOGY FOR 300

89 GAMEBOARD ECOLOGY FOR 300 What is temperate deciduous forest? Back

90 CHECK YOUR ANSWER Two factors that make up an ecosystem ECOLOGY FOR 400

91 GAMEBOARD ECOLOGY FOR 400 What are abiotic and biotic factors? Back

92 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The regular pattern of changes over time in the types of species in a community ECOLOGY FOR 500

93 GAMEBOARD ECOLOGY FOR 500 What is succession? Back

94 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The mouth, esophagus, and the small & large intestines are all a part of this body system BODY SYSTEMS FOR 100

95 GAMEBOARD What is the digestive system? Back BODY SYSTEMS FOR 100

96 CHECK YOUR ANSWER This body system transports blood throughout to body to supply cells with needed materials BODY SYSTEMS FOR 200

97 GAMEBOARD What is the circulatory system? Back BODY SYSTEMS FOR 200

98 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The nervous system is composed of these two parts BODY SYSTEMS FOR 300

99 GAMEBOARD What are the brain and spinal cord? Back BODY SYSTEMS FOR 300

100 CHECK YOUR ANSWER The ball & socket joints of the hip, hinge joints of the knees, & pivot joints of the wrists and ankles are all a part of this system BODY SYSTEMS FOR 400

101 GAMEBOARD What is the skeletal system? Back BODY SYSTEMS FOR 400

102 CHECK YOUR ANSWER White blood cells, responsible for fighting germs, are a part of this system BODY SYSTEMS FOR 500

103 GAMEBOARD What is the immune system? Back BODY SYSTEMS FOR 500

104 END

105 Online Resources GA DOE EOCT Study Guides: ageReq=GUIDES ageReq=GUIDES NY State Regents Exams: More NY State Regents Questions: NC EOCT Questions:

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