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Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints David G. Lowe – IJCV 2004 Brien Flewelling CPSC 643 Presentation 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints David G. Lowe – IJCV 2004 Brien Flewelling CPSC 643 Presentation 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints David G. Lowe – IJCV 2004 Brien Flewelling CPSC 643 Presentation 1

2 Overview  Introduction Motivation for this work  Related Work Corners and other Local Features Invariant descriptors Similar Detection, Different Descriptor

3 Overview  Scalar Invariant Feature Transform Scale Space Extrema Detection Keypoint Localization Orientation Assignment Keypoint Descriptor  Experiments and Tests Affine Changes, Large Data Bases, Object Recognition  Conclusions and Future Work

4 Motivation …. Why SIFT anyway?  Highly Distinctive Features – Good Matching  Detailed Descriptor – High Uniqueness  Invariance to : Scale – Zoom/Resampling In plane Rotation  Partial Invariance to : Lighting Change Out of plane Rotation

5 Related Work - Corner Detectors Moravec (1981) – Stereo Matching using Corners Harris and Stevens (1988) – Repeatability Improvements Harris Corner Detector (1992) – commonly used in Structure from motion Solutions “Large Gradients at a pre-determined scale”

6 Related Work - Feature Matching Zhang and Torr (1995) – Use of correlation, least squares and geometric constraints to match Harris corners over large image ranges and motions. Schmidt and Mohr (1997) – Use of a rotationally invariant feature descriptor for matching images in large databases with Harris corners. Lowe (1999) – Extension of feature descriptors to achieve scale invariance.

7 Related Work – Stability to Changes  Crowley and Parker (1984) – Scale Space Peaks and matching of Tree Structures.  Lindberg (1993-94) – Scale Selection for good feature detection performance.  (Baumberg, 2000; Tuytelaars and Van Gool, 2000; Mikolajczyk and Schmid, 2002; Schaffalitzky and Zisserman, 2002; Brown and Lowe, 2002). – Affine Covariant Features

8 Related Work – Other Features  Nelson and Selinger (1998) – Image Contours  Matas et al., (2002) – Maximally Stable Extremal Regions  Carneiro and Jepson (2002) – Phase Based Local Features  Schiele and Crowley (2000) – Multidimensional Histogram Descriptors

9 SIFT – Scale Space Extrema Detection  Scale Space – A 1-parameter function of the image data  Gaussian Scale Space - Convolution with a Gaussian Kernel … No False Structure! L(x, y, σ ) = G(x, y, σ) ∗ I(x, y) G(x, y, σ ) = (1/2πσ 2 )*exp(-(x 2 +y 2 )/(2σ 2 ))  Detection of Extrema D(x, y, σ ) = (G(x, y, k σ ) − G(x, y, σ )) ∗ I(x, y) = L(x, y, k σ ) − L(x, y, σ ).

10 The Difference of Gaussian Space  For constant scaling of σ this approximates the Laplacian of Gaussian  Approximating the derivative of the Gaussian function with respect to sigma we can obtain

11 SIFT – Scale Space Extrema Detection  Construct the DOG scale space K – factor of separation S – number of S+3 images in the stack for each octave Resample and repeat  For each location compare to its 26 nearest neighbors in scale space retain only minima and maxima

12 SIFT – Local Extrema Detection  Sampling of scale space is a balance between density of samples and the arbitrary feature frequencies  Test the reliability of matches over matching tasks vs. sampling frequencies  The most stable and useful frequencies can be detected with coarse sampling in scale.

13 SIFT – Local Extrema Detection  Once a Scale Space Extrema is localized: Calculate an interpolated fit for location, scale and ratio of principle curvatures Compute a local Taylor Series Expansion of the DOG function. Find the Zero crossing of the derivative of this function:

14 Evaluating Edge Responses by Comparing Principle Curvatures  The DOG space will have a large response to edges.  Poorly defined extrema have strong principle curvature along the edge but a weak principle curvature normal to it.  We may examine the relationship between principle curvatures by looking at the eigenvalues of the approximated Hessian matrix.

15 The Hessian Matrix and Keypoint Rejection  The Hessian Matrix is approximated using Neighbor Differences  The ratio of the square of the trace to the determinant has a special relationship to the eigenvalue ratio

16 SIFT – Orientation Assignment  To achieve rotational invariance, the local gradient orientations are examined to define a principle direction.  A magnitude weighted orientation histogram is calculated using the DOG image of nearest scale.

17 SIFT – Keypoint Descriptor  The keypoint descriptor structures the local image information in the DOG image of nearest scale with respect to the assigned orientation.  Inspired by work by Edelman, Intrator, and Poggio (1997), the feature descriptor lists the gradient orientations in a structured vector

18 SIFT – Keypoint Descriptor  The number of elements in the descriptor vector is calculated by the product of the number of histogram bins and the number of orientation directions typically 4x4x8 = 128

19 Experiments – Affine Change  The SIFT descriptor was tested against a database of 40,000 keypoints.  The percent repeatability of correct matches vs. affine performs better than 50% for up to 50 degree rotations out of plane

20 Experiments - Large Databases

21 Experiments – Object Recognition  The Process: Match Keypoints  Evaluate the Euclidian Distance between Candidate Matches. Retain the minimum if the next best match is not within a threshold standoff distance.

22 Experiments – Object Recognition  When searching for the best match a prioritized Best Bin First search is used.  For purposes of object recognition a Hough Transform is used to cluster objects in pose space  Large Error Bounds, does not account well for affine variations – 4 DOF vs. 6 DOF

23 Affine Solution  When a cluster of matches in pose space is identified it is verified geometrically by least squares:

24 Results

25 Conclusions  The SIFT algorithm has strength in its detailed descriptor and makes it robust to many transformations  Matching performs with reasonable repeatability for high clutter, occlusion, changes in scale, rotation, and illumination  This method works well for object recognition and the analysis of planar patches but struggles with 3d object geometry

26 Future Work  Color SIFT  Object Classes base on SIFT Feature Distributions  SIFT based High Dynamic Range imagery Project to come stay tuned

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