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GESTATIONAL TROPHOBLASTIC Assistant Prof. & Consultant

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1 GESTATIONAL TROPHOBLASTIC Assistant Prof. & Consultant
DISEASE Presented by: Dr. Mashael Shebaili Assistant Prof. & Consultant Ob/Gyne Department

2 Classification of gestational Trophoblastic disease
WHO Classification Malignant neoplasms of various types of trophoblats Malformations of the chorionic villi that are predisposed to develop trophoblastic malignacies Benign entities that can be confused with with these other lesions Choriocarcinoma Hydatidiform moles Exaggerated placental site Placental site trophoblastic tumor Placental site nodule Complete Partial Epithilioid trophoblastic tumors Invasive

3 Hydatidiform Mole Definition: In latin Pathologically,
"hydatid" means "drop of water” "mole" means "spot” Pathologically, Hydatidiform moles represents placentas with abnormally developed chorionic villi (enlarged, edematous and vesicular villi with variable amounts of proliferative trophoblast)


5 Hydatidiform Mole Incidence: In the United States, Internationally:
1in 600 therapeutic abortions 1 in 1,500 pregnancies Internationally: In Japan & China, 1-2 in 1,000 pregnancies In Indonesia & India, 12 in 1,000 pregnancies In the United Arab of Emirates, 2 in 1000 deliveries (population-based study; Graham IH, Fajardo AM; 1988) In Saudi Arabia; 1.48 in 1000 live births (hospital-based study; Felemban AA, et al; 1969)

6 In the United States, 1in 600 therapeutic abortions 1 in 1,500 pregnancies In Asian countries, The rate is 10 times higher than in Europe and North America In Saudi Arabia;, 1.48 in 1000 live births (hospital-based study; Felemban AA, et al; 1969)

7 Table1: Factors Associated with GTD Occurrence and Corresponding Relative Risks
Odds ratio Factors Complete Mole Partial Mole Maternal age (years) <20 >40 Reproductive history Parity at conception 3 Spontaneous miscarriages >2 Problems with infertility Contraception Use of oral contraceptives ICUD user Age of 1st pregnancy <25 Previous molar pregnancy 1.5 5.2 0.9 0.8 1.5–3.1 2.4–3.7 1.1–2.6 1.7–3.7 0.6 16.0 0.7 0.5 1.9 3.2 1.3

8 Table1:Factors Associated with GTD Occurrence and Corresponding Relative Risks
Odds ratio Factors Complete Mole Partial Mole Family history Spontaneous abortion (yes) Socioeconomic and lifestyle Education (years) >12 Marital status Never married Smoking Ex-smokers Current smokers > cigarettes per day Alcohol consumption <2 drinks 1.5 0.9–2.1 2.1 1.1 2.2 0.7 1.8 1.4

9 Table1: Factors Associated with GTD Occurrence and Corresponding Relative Risks
Odds ratio Factors Complete Mole Partial Mole ABO blood types Maternal blood AB A Maternal A, husband O Nutrition Vitamin A in diet above control median 2.1 1.7 1.9 0.6 1.2 0.9

10 Pathogenesis and Cytogenetics of HM
Complete Partial Genetic Constitution Diploid Triploid/ teraploid 96% Fertilization of an empty ovum by one sperms that undergoes duplication “Diandric diploidy” 4% Fertilization of an empty ovum by two sperms “Diandric dispermy” 90% Triploid fertilization of a normal ovum by two sperms “Dispermic triploidy” 10% Tetraploid fertilization of a normal ovum by three sperms “Dispermic triploidy” Patho-genesis Karyotype 46XX 46XX 46XY 69XXX 69YXX 69YYX

11 Complete Mole, Pathogenesis
Paternal chromosomes only Empty ovum Duplication 46XX 23X Diandric diploidy Androgenesis

12 Complete Mole, Pathogenesis
Paternal chromosomes only Empty ovum 46XX 23X 23X 23X 23X Dispermic diploidy

13 Partial Mole, Pathogenesis
Paternal extra set Normal ovum 69XXY 23X 23Y 23X 23Y 23X 23X Dispermic triploidy

14 Alterations in gene expression profiles Trophoblastic hyperplasia
Hydatidiform Mole Alterations in gene expression profiles Up-regulation and down-regulation of proteins committed to cell growth control e.g. Up-regulation of growth factor and cytokine mediated pathways, and antiapoptosis genes e.g. Down-regulation of insulin growth factor binding proteins and tumor necrosis factor receptor Trophoblastic hyperplasia

15 A log plot of microarray experiment demonstrating up-regulation of STAT5B expression and downregulation of 1GFBP5 expression in mole.

16 Passage of hydropic villi
Hydatidiform Mole Clinical Presentation: Complete mole: Vaginal bleeding Severe anemia Passage of hydropic villi

17 Usually, in association with,
Hydatidiform Mole Clinical Presentation: Complete mole: Excessive uterine enlargement Theca lutein cysts Usually, in association with, Hyperthyroidism Hyperemesis gravidarum Preeclampsia Markedly elevated hCG 100,000 mIU/mL

18 Hydatidiform Mole Hugh resolution ultrasonography Accurate hCG testing
The clinical presentation has changed Per-vaginal bleeding An ultrasound showing the classic findings of a “snow storm pattern”

19 Hydatidiform Mole Table 2: The change of the clinical presentation of molar pregnancy among current patients Study, site, sample size Soto-Wright et al, New England (n 74) Gemer et al, Israel (n 41) Lindholm & Flam, Sweden (n 75) Mean maternal age 27.7 years (range 16-51) 30.1 years -- Mean estimated gestational age 11.8 weeks (range 6-22) 10 weeks (range 7–14) 12.4 weeks Mean uterine size (range 7–20) Mean level of pre-evacuation hCG mIU/ml (range 828– ) IU/l (range 2011– ).

20 Hydatidiform Mole Table 2: The change of the clinical presentation of molar pregnancy among current patients Study, site, sample size Soto-Wright et al, New England (n 74) Gemer et al, Israel (n 41) Lindholm & Flam, Sweden (n 75) Vaginal bleeding 84% 58% 77% Uterine size greater than that for the expected date 28% 44% 20% Anemia 4% 2% -- Hyperemesis 8% 19% Preeclampsia 1.3% 0% Hyperthyroidism Asymptomatic 9% 41% 16%

21 Hydatidiform Mole Clinical Presentation: Partial mole: History:
Vaginal bleeding Usually diagnosed as missed or incomplete abortion Physical: A uterus small or equal to gestational age

22 Hydatidiform Mole Diagnosis: History Clinical examination
Ultrasound examination Serum hCG levels Histopathological examination Cytogenetic and molecular biological examination

23 Hydatidiform Mole Diagnosis: Ultrasonography: Complete mole
* The diagnosis of molar pregnancy is nearly always made by ultrasonography The classical finding is a “snow storm" pattern Theca lutein cysts are frequent findings on ultrasound Complete mole

24 The snow storm appearance of complete hydatidiform mole

25 Theca lutein cysts, a frequent finding on ultrasound

26 Hydatidiform Mole Diagnosis: Partial mole Ultrasonography:
Abnormal gestational sac The classic vesicular sonographic findings of a complete mole are usually not seen Focal sonographic cystic changes and/or hydropic changes in the placenta are significantly associated with the diagnosis of a partial molar pregnancy Partial mole

27 Hydatidiform Mole Diagnosis:
Ultrasonography: However, based on ultrasound, correct diagnosis can be suspected in only: 84% of patients with complete mole and 30% of patients with partial mole (Lindholm and Flam, 1999) The accuracy of ultrasonogrophy is gestational age dependent In comlete mole: 100% of cases cane be diagnosed at a gestational age of 13 eeks or more 50% of cases cane be diagnosed in earlier pregnancies (Lazarus et al, 1999)

28 Hydatidiform Mole Diagnosis: Serum hCG levels:
Serum hCG levels of greater than IU/l associated with absent fetal heart beat indicate a diagnosis of complete hydatidiform moles (Romero et al, 1985) Serum hCG level decreases quickly if the patient has an abortion, but it does not in molar pregnancy

29 Hydatidiform Mole Diagnosis: Histopathological examination:
It should always be done as far as possible and samples should be kept for DNA analysis for a final diagnosis when histology can not differentiate molar pregnancy from abortion

30 Table3: Pathological features of complete and partial hydatidiform mole
Complete Mole Partial Mole Macro-scopically A mass of large, edematous villi that are diffusely distributed, typically described as resembling a cluster of grapes The placental tissue is less bulky A few enlarged villi with a focal distribution A fetus may be identified grossly that often has multiple congenital anomalies including syndactyly of the fingers & toes

31 The grape like vesicles in gross appearance

32 Table3: Pathological features of complete and partial hydatidiform mole
Complete Mole Partial Mole Micro-scopically Enlarged edematous villi which show a central acellular fluid-filled space referred to as a “central cistern” Abnormal trophoblastic proliferation that is circumferential in contrast to normal villi in which trophoblastic proliferation is at one end of the villus Absence of fetal tissue Two distinct populations of villi. One with large, edematous villi with central cisterns. The other contains small villi that show some degree of stromal fibrosis Abnormal circumferential trophoblastic proliferation Irregular, scalloped outline to some of the villi, often referred to as “fjord-like” which appear in other microscopic as islands of trophoblast in the interior of villi referred to as trophoblastic pseudoinclusions which are highly suggestive of the diagnosis Fetal tissue, RBSs

33 Normal villi from first trimester placenta, showing directional, polar growth of trophoblast from one end of the villi toward the basal plate.

34 Villus from a complete mole demonstrating the characteristic large, acellular central

35 Villus from a complete mole
Villus from a complete mole. There is florid, circumferential hyperplasia of the trophoblast around the periphery of the villi

36 Low power view of a partial hydatidiform mole showing the two distinct populations of villi. Asingle large villus with multiple smaller villi

37 Partial mole, showing irregular, scalloped outline and trophoblastic pseudoinclusion

38 Partial Mole Complete Mole
Table3: Pathological features of complete and partial hydatidiform mole Partial Mole Complete Mole Cytogenetics 69, XXX triploidy most common 2+ paternal haploid sets & 1 maternal haploid set 46, XX diploidy most common All chromosomes of paternal origin Pathology features Hydropic villi Trophoblastic proliferation Fetus or fetal rbcs Focal, variable Focal, usually slight Usually present Diffuse, often marked Diffuse, variable intensity Absent Clinical course Clinical or ultrasound diagnosis Uterus large for gestational dates Theca lutein cysts Pre-eclampsia Hyperemesis Thyrotoxicosis Malignant sequelae Rare <5% Rarely metastatic Persistent mole >50% 25–50% 25–35% 10–20% 5–10% 20% 10–20% metastatic 25–33% choriocarcinoma

39 Hydatidiform Mole Management:
1 Complete history and physical examination 2 Investigations Medical and surgical care 3

40 Hydatidiform Mole Management: History and physcal examination:
Should aim to rule out the classic symptoms and signs that would lead to a diagnosis of: severe anemia dehydration preeclampsia thyrotoxicosis The patient should be stabilized hemodynamically 

41 Hydatidiform Mole Management: Investigations: Laboratory: Imaging:
Pre-evacuation hCG Complete blood count Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine Liver function tests Thyroid function tests Imaging: Pelvic ultrasound Chest x-ray

42 Hydatidiform Mole Management: Medical care: Correction of: Anemia
Dehydration Hyperthyroidism hypertension

43 Suction curettage (with oxytocin or prostaglandin infusion)
Hydatidiform Mole Management: Surgical care: Suction curettage (with oxytocin or prostaglandin infusion) The method of choice Hysterectomy Increased risk of medical complications Associated with a markedly decreased rate of malignant sequelae (3.5%) when compared with suction evacuation.

44 Hydatidiform Mole Complications associated with molar pregnacy:
Those related to the increased trophoblastic tissue volume: Theca-lutein cysts Pregnancy-induced hypertension, hyperthyroidism, Respiratory distress Hyperemesis Those related to its management: Uterine perforation

45 Hydatidiform Mole, complications
Theca-lutein cysts: Prevalence: Clinically evident theca lutein cysts (usually >5–6 cm) are detected in about 25-35% of women with molar pregnancies Association: They usually correlate with marked elevation of serum hCG levels above 100,000 IU/l Complications: Pain or pressure that may require percutaneous aspirations. Torsion, rupture, or bleeding are rare complications that can require oophorectomy Bilateral theca letein cysts increase the risk of post-molar GTD Course: The mean time for theca luteal cysts to regress is approximately 8 weeks

46 Hydatidiform Mole, complications
Respiratory distress syndrome: Prevalence: Rare Pathophysiology: Embolization of trophoblastic tissue Transient impairment of left ventricular function during induction of anesthesia for suction D&C of molar pregnancy coexisting conditions such as anemia, hyperthyroidism, hypertension from preeclampsia Risk factors: Uterine size larger than 14 to 16 weeks’ High levels of hCG

47 Hydatidiform Mole, complications
Respiratory distress syndrome: Presentation: Tachypnia and tachycardia following evacuation Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on chest x-ray Management: Central venous monitoring Ventilatory support Course: It should resolve within 24 to 48 hours after molar evacuation

48 Hydatidiform Mole, complications
Hyperthyroidism: Prevalence: Clinical hyperthyroidism is seen in less than 10% of patients with molar pregnancies A small number of patients may have elevated thyroid function tests without clinical evidence of disease Management: Beta-blockers should be administered prior to molar evacuation to prevent thyroid storm that may be induced by anesthesia and surgery.

49 Hydatidiform Mole A hydatidiform mole and a co-existent fetus:
Prevalence: Rare (1 in 22,000–100,000) partial moles and twin gestations with co-existent fetuses and molar gestations Diagnosis: Usually, by ultrasound Few, after examination of the placenta following delivery Complications: Increased risk of medical complications Increased risk for postmolar gestational trophoblastic disease Management: No clear guidelines for management

50 Hydatidiform Mole Risk Factors for post-molar gestational trophoblastic disease: Advanced maternal age Factors that reflect the volume of trophoblastic tissue:Clinical factors that are associated with high hCG levels (>100,000 mIU/mL) uterus large for date, bilateral theca lutein cysts, Respiratory distress syndrome after molar evacuation, eclampsia, hyperthyroidism, Uterine subinvolution with post evacuation hemorrhage. (With any one of these factors or a combination of many, the risk of post-molar GTD has ranges from 25% to 100%)

51 Hydatidiform Mole Risk Factors for post-molar gestational trophoblastic disease: The presence of “invasive trophoblast antigen (ITA)” which has 100% sensitivity and specificity for invasive trophoblastic tumors (Cole et la, 2003) *There is no correlation between the degree of anaplasia and the risk of post-molar GTD

52 Hydatidiform Mole Prophylactic Chemotherapy:
In one randomized clinical trial, a single course of methotrexate and folinic acid reduced the incidence of postmolar trophoblastic disease from 47.4% to 14.3% (P <.05) in patients with high-risk moles: hCG levels greater than 100,000 mIU/mL, uterine size greater than gestational age, ovarian size greater than 6 cm), However, the incidence was not reduced in patients with low-risk moles On the other hand, the use or prophylactic chemotherapy increases the risk of drug resistance Because of the excellent primary cure rates among women with post-molar GTD, and mortality achieved by monitoring patients with serial hCG determinations and instituting chemotherapy only in patients with postmolar gestational trophoblastic disease outweighs the potential risk and small benefit of routine prophylactic chemotherapy.

53 Hydatidiform Mole Surveillance after molar pregnancy evacuation:
Rationale: Prompt identification of patients who develop malignant postmolar gestational trophoblastic disease Method: Serial quantitative serum hCG determinations using commercially availableassays capable of detecting β-hCG to baseline values(<5 mIU/mL) Frequency: within 48 hours of evacuation, weekly while elevated and then monthly when undetectable for 6 months in the case of partial moles and 12 months in the case of complete moles Pelvic examination: Duration: while hCG is elevated to monitor the involution of pelvic structures and to aid in the identification of vaginal metastasis

54 Hydatidiform Mole Surveillance after molar pregnancy evacuation:
Contraception: Rationale: Pregnancy obscures the value of monitoring hCG levels during this interval and may result in a delayed diagnosis of postmolar malignant gestational trophoblastic disease Method: Oral contraceptive pills Advantages: They do not increase the incidence of postmolar gestational trophoblastic disease They do not alter the pattern of regression of hCG values In a randomizedstudy, by Berkowitz et al in 1998, patients treated with oral contraceptives had one half as many intercurrent pregnancies as those using barrier methods, and the incidence of postmolartrophoblastic disease was lower in patients using oral

55 Hydatidiform Mole Surveillance after molar pregnancy evacuation:
What are the characteristics of false-positive hCG values, also known as “phantom hCG”? False positive hCG assays have been identified recently Cause: the presence of non-specific heterophil antibodies in the patients’ sera directed against animal antibodies present in commercial kits Should be suspected if hCG values plateau at relatively low levels and do not respond to therapeutic maneuvers Evaluation of patients with suspected false positive hCG: Urinary hCG Serial dilutions of the serum

56 Hydatidiform Mole Prognosis:
Post-molar gestational trophoblastic disease: Risk: Following complete mole: 20% Following partial mole: 5% Type: 70% to 90% are persistent or invasive moles 10% to 30% are choriocarcinomas Diagnosis: A rising, plateauing, or persistent elevation of human chorionic gonadotropin after evacuation of a hydatidiform mole or an ectopic or term pregnancy

57 The current FIGO criteria for diagnosis of post-molar GTD
Hydatidiform Mole The current FIGO criteria for diagnosis of post-molar GTD a) Four values or more of hCG documenting a plateau (±10% of hCG value) over at least 3 weeks: days 1, 7, 14, and 21. b) A rise of hCG of 10% or greater for 3 values or longer over at least 2 weeks; days 1,7 and 14. c) The presence of histologic choriocarcinoma. d) Persistence of hCG 6 months after mole evacuation.

58 Pregnancy after Hydatidiform Mole:
Risk of another molar pregnancy: Increased by 10-fold (1–2% incidence) Current recommendations for management of subsequent pregnancies: an early ultrasound to confirm normal gestational development and dates A chest x-ray to screen for occult metastasis masked by the hCG rise of pregnancy Examination of the placenta or products of conception histologically at the time of delivery or evacuation for evidence of occult trophoblastic disease An hCG level should be obtained 6 weeks post evacuation or delivery to confirm normalization.

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