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NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc December 4, 2003 Accelerating the New Business Architecture Update to COVCA.

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Presentation on theme: "NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc December 4, 2003 Accelerating the New Business Architecture Update to COVCA."— Presentation transcript:

1 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc December 4, 2003 Accelerating the New Business Architecture Update to COVCA

2 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc List of high priority initiatives developed at COVCA retreat that are being explored Initial Discussions of top 7 initiatives Next Steps: Develop a funding strategy including past and targeted savings Outline

3 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Criteria for Evaluating Initiatives 1.Will the initiative result in significant cost savings/avoidance? 2.Does this demonstrate our willingness and commitment to collaborative solutions that are systemwide or are portable best practices from campus to campus? 3.Is the initiative realistic, and within the domain of the administrative vice chancellors?

4 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc In Priority Order according to Votes received 1.Streamline capital process: Stull bill, certification (MB) 2.Become more aggressive in strategic sourcing (AB) 3.Directive from President to eliminate administrative paper processes (KH) 4.Legislative relief: surepay, whistleblower processes (CN) 5.Clarify roles in business areas beginning with collective bargaining (JB) 6.Consolidate and streamline travel management (AB) 7.Formalize sharing of portal content among campuses (KH) Initiatives Being Explored As a Result of COVCA Retreat (slide 1 of 2)

5 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Initiatives receiving 4 - 6 votes Move to electronic employment, hiring, job cards, classification (JB) Share web - based training content development among campuses (JB) Create systemwide effort reporting system and methodology (AB) Create many more self - service OP applications, similar to UCFY (KH) Challenge Outsourcing restrictions (CN) Migrate return – to - work to all campuses and workers comp reform (AB) Financial/HR Reporting through new data warehouse approach (KH) Streamline method departments use to reconcile transactions (AB) Initiatives Being Explored As a Result of COVCA Retreat (slide 2 of 2)

6 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Initial Discussions of Next Steps Streamline Capital Process (Stull Bill, 1467, Cert. Process, etc) Review proposal to change our interpretation on how we operate under the Stull Bill (provide greater UC flexibility) Real estate will require a separate effort/group Contract Limits: Review proposals to determine if appropriate, what goes into project costs Methods of delivery for projects (use group that would include OGC) Examine ramifications, credibility, legitimacy, cost of construction review Lead Owner: Mike B, working with George Pernsteiner, Mike Bocchicchio, Larry Aull, Lori Hoffman, Ed Denton

7 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Initial Discussions of Next Steps Strategic Sourcing (become very aggressive on system wide contracts) Set a specific target of what UC will save via strategic sourcing contracts: date, # of contracts negotiated, with average savings of __% (or __$), and penetration of total campus spend. Ask Stuart Davis and Anne Broome to develop a plan for addressing the top 20 commodities via systemwide contracts Provide advice to Stuart/Anne on desire to push aggressively on certain large ticket items (e.g. Ohio State desktop initiative). Natural Gas pricing at many campuses is very big cost item, where a very small % savings translates into large $s savings. Build on work done at UCLA, and 3 - Campus Project. Potential large savings in systemwide software licensing (Lead: Kris) Lead Owner: Stuart Davis, Anne Broome Mike on natural gas, waste mgmt)

8 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Initial Discussions of Next Steps Eliminate Paper Processes at UC (systemwide policy, review tools, strategy) Provide a context that is relatively inexpensive, simple, and builds on what exists on campuses Put together a group of a couple of CIOs, Penny White (UCI), policy Go after applications that can save big $s, such as moving W2 forms to electronic form, pay - stubs electronically, etc. Build on success of UC for Yourself, by extending this approach to other self- service applications Build on work done at UCI, UCLA in area of W2s and payroll stubs Lead Owner: Kris Hafner

9 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Initial Discussions of Next Steps Legislative Regulatory Changes (Surepay, 72 - Hour Rule, Whistleblower) Need to prepare proposed legislation that would reduce significant workload at campuses and OP, as part of new Governor’s legislative reform package. New legislation would exempt UC, based on the degree of budget cuts sustained, from current regulations mandating a paper check option for employees. New legislation would allow UC to pay terminated employees in the next regular payment period, electronically (exempt UC from 72 - hour rule). Streamline whistleblower regulations Lead Owner: Colleen, working with General Counsel, Controllers, Bruce Darling

10 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Initial Discussions of Next Steps Clarify Roles in Critical Business Areas What should be UC’s management approach with respect to collective bargaining and other business processes where the campuses and OP share responsibility This is a longer term issue Lead Owner (for collective bargaining): Judy Boyette

11 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Initial Discussions of Next Steps Travel Management Explore development of a preferred, outsourced travel management entity that would provide all travel booking and management. Alternatively, streamline and automate current travel processes to eliminate paper associated with the travel process. Need Data on volume of travel expenses at UC Consider talking to travel experts and travel associations about potential savings from restructuring and outsourcing function. Exploring a very intuitive web site for travel, drop requirement for receipts Lead Owner: Anne Broome

12 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Initial Discussions of Next Steps Portal Content Share portal content among campuses. Look at possible common solutions Initially pick sub - areas of HR to develop content Exploring a very intuitive web site for travel, drop requirement for receipts Kris will work with campus CIOs in pulling together the current state of campuses in this area. Lead Owner: Kris, coordinating Dave Tomcheck, John McCleary, Judy Boyette

13 NBA COVCA Update Project 2010 Jan00 meeting notes.doc Immediate Actions Quantify Savings of Recent Initiatives: This will be critical to establish credibility of our future initiatives. Quantify Cost Saving Targets For High Priority Projects: This will be critical in order to convince President, Regents, Budget Office and other stakeholders to make required investment in technology tools. Quantify number, scope, and cost of legislative mandates. This is important in establishing a context for a key driver of admin workload. Communications with stakeholders

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