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Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Habitat for Humanity Design Review
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY National Teams –National Database –Tutorials Local Teams –Headquarters –Restore Team Organization Fall 2004
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Agenda Design Review –Problem Statement –Methodology –Technical Solutions –Next Steps Questions
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Design Review National Database (NDB) Tutorials Headquarters (HQ) Restore
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Rev. 01 Fall 2004 National Database Team John Horst Jeff Ross Noah Solomon Arthur Thompson
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Problem Statement Problems for HFHI –No centralized survey administration and data collection system. Some local affiliates do their own surveying, but data is not shared. –There is no concrete quantitative data, currently, to show the benefits of the Habitat program to the community, both locally and nationally. –Homeowner information and responses must be securely collected, transferred, and analyzed to be in line with Habitat’s organizational mission.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Methodology Proposed Solution –Having a centralized secure server database for survey information and homeowner responses –Homeowner ID’s will be requested from the server but will be kept in paper records as to ensure the security of the information being recorded. –The web-based program will consist of three main parts: A Survey Generator Homeowner Response Collection\Input Statistical Analysis
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Technical Solution The current program relies on a single centralized database to hold the surveys, responses, and a list of questions and answers. It also relies on a web application to act as the front end to the database. HFHI standards are to use Microsoft products. We have adhered to HFHI standards. We are using and MS SQL for this tool.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Tasks Completed –Beta Version Written (Spring 2004) –Reestablished communication (Fall 2004) –Design Documentation (Fall 2004) –Server up and running (Fall 2004) –Team has software (Fall 2004) –Documentation for all Previous Design Steps (Fall 2004) Outstanding –Version 1.0
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Timeline
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Design Review Previously Reviewed Items –ID assignment system Items for review –User Interface –User Management System –Database Design
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Version 1.0 Pending approval from the project partner the following system will be implemented and delivered in Week 12 of Spring 2005: –User Management System (2 User classes) National (1) Local (~1700) –Each user level has different rights National: Make Surveys, Create and manage users, Export Data Local: Data Entry
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY User Interface System will be accessible via the Internet The final product will contain Crystal Reports and will be implemented using ASP.Net User interface will be as intuitive as possible to cater to the audience System will be full integrated into the report system for easy access.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Login Functionality is defined by the type of user logging in. National User: HFHI employee Local User: HFH local affiliate
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY National Level: Users 3 Options: Create, Edit, Delete Stored User Information: Affiliate Code Email Location Login (Username) Password (Hash)
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY National Level: Surveys 4 Options: Create, Edit, Freeze, Decommission Stored Survey Information: Name Questions Response Types Survey Status
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY National Level: Data 2 Options: View, Download Key Issues Downloading text responses Quantifying text responses
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Local Level 4 Options Print Survey Enter Responses View Data Edit Profile Customer name is not stored by the local affiliate Provides protection of personal information
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Database Core of the project Responsible for Holding all Affiliate Data, Homeowner Data, Surveys Questions and Answers, and Results. Ten Tables make up the database –Data (tblAffiliateList, tblCustomerList) –Survey (tblAnswer, tblQuestion, tblSurvey, tblQuestionType) –Results (tblCustomerStats, tblCustomerTxtAnswer, tblAffiliateStats, tblNatlStats)
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Database
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Data tblAffiliateList –Constant Values loaded at the installation of the database. –Table contains: Unique Affiliate ID (assigned by HFHI), Affiliate Name, State, and soon Region tblCustomerList –Assigned as need starting from 1 and incrementing by 1 –New customerIDs created by InsertHomeownerID Procedure.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Survey tblSurvey –Contain a Unique Survey ID, a Survey Name, and two Boolean values which determine the visibility and if the questions and answers can be edited. –Created by CreateSurvey Procedure tblQuestion –Contains a Unique Question ID, A question, the type of question, and the survey ID. –Created by CreateSurveyQuestion Procedure tblAnswer –Contains a Unique Answer ID, the answer, and the question ID it is an answer to. –Created by CreateSurveyQuestionAnswer Procedure tblQuestionType –Loaded at Database install contains constant values representing different question types
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Results tblCustomerStats –Holds the question, answer, and generation of the response. –Created by StoreData Procedure tblAffiliateStats –Is similar to tblCustomerStats except keeps a count of the number of times that answer has been given for a generation. –Created by StoreData Procedure tblNatlStats –Is similar to tblAffiliateStats except for the national level. –Created by StoreData Procedure tblCustomerTxtAnswer –Holds response to text questions. –Created by storeTxtData
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Proposed Changes Adding a Regional Field to tblAffiliateList Adding a Regional Stat table (tblRegStat) More question types –Currently only 3 (Text, Choose all that apply, Choose one) –Proposed add a numeric type, a comment type Built in error checking functions
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Statistical Analysis The team started working with Notre Dame team last semester on Statistical Analysis portion. Statistical Analysis will be done in Crystal Reports for local level. We have reestablished contact with Notre Dame team.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Notre Dame One Full Time Team Member Crystal Reports / Statistical Analysis –Create an expert on the subject –Put him in contact with local affiliates to see what exactly their data needs are. –Include in Version 1.5
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Next Steps Verification of design specs by HFHI Start implementing design specs Waiting on a completed survey from a professor at Ohio State; He is generating the actual surveys that will be used by HFHI. Targeted Delivery Week 12 Spring 2005
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Version 1.5 Delivery Fall 2005 –Crystal reports integrated Local, State, Region will have data analysis report generation capability. –Targeted surveys Ex: National can send a survey to a local requesting how many homes where built. –Any other features that Habitat deems necessary after initial testing and use.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Any Questions
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Tutorials Team Aaron Rueth John Hostetler Hannah Mugford Richard Bowerman
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Problem Statement Affiliates need a professional grade construction tutorial geared towards their volunteer base. Also wish to improve volunteer efficiency by giving them a solid background in their area of contribution.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Methodology Currently, the tutorials are an Internet-based multimedia tool. They incorporate text and images to instruct users on how to perform basic volunteer construction tasks. Volunteer Quick-Reference Card
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Technical Solution Web page based construction tutorials Program to generate these web page tutorials and possibly the Quick Reference Cards.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Web page based construction tutorial template –Level one – Basic steps –Level two – In-depth explanation –Glossary – Vocabulary specific to the tutorial Questions to Address –Are the tutorials effective? –Is the current structure easy to follow? –Do they contain enough information? too much information? Development Components
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Tutorial Generator Program –Help to automate the tutorial design process –Requires minimal skills to produce the tutorials Reference card template (Wisconsin) Development Components
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Tutorial Generator Specifics Web application –ASP.Net and Visual J# –Layout similar to a Setup Wizard Steps –User enters information into the forms –Input is processed and stored in the back end –Information is organized into the HTML template and previewed –HTML documents are generated and saved.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Tutorial Generator Specifics Question to Address –Is the user interface easy to follow? –Where are the finalized tutorials going to be stored? –Can we integrate the Quick Reference Cards into the tutorial generator? –What can be improved?
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Next Steps Testing the usability of our current templates Making necessary changes to the templates Finalizing the tutorial generating application Tying the quick reference cards into the generator
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Any Questions
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Restore Team Garth Peterson Mitchell Harris Peter Morici
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Current State of Operation Beginning Detailed Design phase –GUI Prototypes complete –Starting development of database
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Work Done Finished Problem Identification and Specification development Finishing Conceptual Design
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Design Goals Transactions Tab GUI Scanned Item shows up in Item Window with price Search option for the event the barcode falls off Manual entry for the event object can not be found Checkout button to finish transaction
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Design Goals Donations Tab GUI Allows for the entry and categorizing of new donations Categorized list for easy entry of items Description of objects may be added in Description window
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Design Goals Inventory Tab GUI Allows for a search of the inventory of the store Search by Category then Sub-Category
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Design Goals Reports Tab GUI Generates financial reports Ability to search by any time period Ability to print report
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Linux mySQL Server ReStore Computer Headquarters Computer (Future) Other Client Computers
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Design Goals Category* Sub Category* General Item General Table* Item* Specific Item Specific Table* Item* Specific Table* Item* *Multiple Instances Database Structure
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Project Partner Meetings August 31, 2004 –Entire team met with HFH –Oriented new team members to the Team September 17, 2004 –Met with Adam Murphy (restore representative) –Defined project orientation and goals –Discussed possible solutions
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Project Timeline
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Related Products Many POS Systems on the market Cost $2000 to >$3500 Complicated front ends designed for paid employees with formal training No opportunities for customization
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Any Questions
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Rev. 01 Fall 2004 Headquarters Team Jaime Alexander Dan Rorick Tim Chou Josh Copeland
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Problem Statement The current building used by Habitat for Humanity in Lafayette is too small for their anticipated future needs. Project Objective Assess the feasibility of constructing or renovating a building for HFH use. Report our findings regarding the financial and physical aspects of building use.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Existing Project Work Owner specifications Zoning information Observations of Indianapolis HFH building Contacts in commercial realty and architecture The owner specifications were carried over to this semester. The other information was evaluated and found to be irrelevant.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Project Partner Specifications 9 small offices 3 large offices 2 conference rooms, one large, one small Restrooms Warming Kitchen First aid/Lounge Receptionist area Pre-fabrication area Warehouse Paint Room Tool Storage Utilities room Restore space
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Functional Decomposition: Offices Separate offices, not just cubicles, for private discussions with Partner Family Sound Resistant 3 offices should be large for extra desk space (executive offices) Construction manager office needs direct access to the prefab area
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Functional Decomposition: Large Conference Room Fire codes require: –Sprinkler system –Direct exit to outdoors (max thru one hallway) –2 outward swinging exit doors –Exit signs HVAC system requirements Located adjacent to warehouse Rated for occupancy of 100
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Functional Decomposition: Small Conference Room 8-12 occupants Approx. 12’ x 16’
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Functional Decomposition: Restrooms Presence of Restore implies public use restrooms Need either: –Separate restrooms for office and Restore, or –Locking hallway for restrooms accessible to both
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Functional Decomposition: Warming Kitchen Fire codes require draft hoods and fire protection for any food preparation. State Board of Health is not a concern for a private organization such as HFH. A ‘warming kitchen’ serves HFH’s needs without incurring the expense of draft hoods. –No gas appliances –No ‘cooking’ food – only warming
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Functional Decomposition: First Aid Station / Lounge First aid cot Storage for bandages, medicine, etc..
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Functional Decomposition: Receptionist Area Airlock front door Separate office for Receptionist –Window to greet visitors in waiting area –File storage area – accessible from other offices
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Functional Decomposition: Warehouse Loading Docks Proper HVAC Tool Storage Contains Prefab Area –Space for up to 12 people to work –8 ft wall sections Restore Area –Separate HVAC –Restroom Access Paint Room –Storage for paint and painting supplies, opened and unopened
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Timeline Design Process 62 days Thu 8/26/04 Fri 11/19/04 Problem Identification 4 days Thu 8/26/04 Tue 8/31/04 Specification Development6 days Tue 8/31/04 Tue 9/7/04 Conceptual Design Report7 days Thu 11/11/04 Fri 11/19/04 Project Partner Meeting 1 day Thu 8/26/04 Thu 8/26/04 Headquarters Project 68 days Fri 9/3/04 Tue 12/7/04 zoning questions5 days Fri 9/3/04 Thu 9/9/04 Floor Plans/Locations 6 days Thu 9/9/04 Thu 9/16/04 Structures 6 days Thu 9/16/04 Thu 9/23/04 Sanitation/Plumbing/Water6 days Thu 9/23/04 Thu 9/30/04 HVAC 11 days Thu 9/30/04 Thu 10/14/04 Electrical/Lighting6 days Thu 10/14/04 Thu 10/21/04 Network/Phones 6 days Thu 10/21/04 Thu 10/28/04 Interior Spaces 11 days Thu 10/28/04 Thu 11/11/04
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Budget This project has a low budget as we will not need to be purchasing anything to complete our tasks. We do have a small amount of money set aside in case we run in to any small issues that will require money.
Habitat for Humanity PURDUE UNIVERSITY Any Questions
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