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Communication and Theatre 4/516: Leadership Seminar Structure and Organizational Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication and Theatre 4/516: Leadership Seminar Structure and Organizational Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication and Theatre 4/516: Leadership Seminar Structure and Organizational Design

2 Morgan: from bureaucracies to networks (six models of structure) Rigid bureaucracy (chain of command)

3 bureaucracy with senior management team

4 bureaucracy with project teams and task forces

5 Matrix for an aircraft company Design Production Marketing Civilian Commercial Military Thus each type of project must cooperate with each department at every level

6 The project organization (a network of interaction)

7 The loosely-coupled organic network (outsource, subcontract)

8 Nohria: characteristics of networks (which are the communication links we maintain.)

9 Because of complexity and information overload, the way to keep up is to belong to a sufficient number of networks to ensure access to information needed somewhere in the network system.

10 Characteristics of networks: organizations are social networks (formal & informal)

11 an organization exists in and participates in a sea of networks.

12 Individual actions are a result of position in the networks.

13 networks inform actions, and actions shape networks (reflexivity).

14 Advantages of looking at organizations as networks: Centrality in networks is a source of power.

15 Advantages, cont. One can be a central member in a group

16 Advantages, cont. One can be a link between groups

17 Advantages, cont. One can belong to many groups Steve’s memberships: spouse, father, grandfather, son, uncle, father-in-law, teacher, colleague, Provost’s council, union, elearning trainee, friends, fisherman, muscian, church, aarp, nca, costco, seattle art museum, YAM, PBS, KEMC, man, older, home owner, etc.

18 Advantages, cont. Who gets to play (be involved in a project) is dependent on chooser’s networks

19 Advantages, cont. In a very dense network system, alliances among companies can be formed.

20 Advantages, cont. Networks are a distinct form of organizing efficient, governable, flexible, linking pin.

21 Fisher: self-directed work teams, or we must use our human resources. I like the empowerment formula e (empowerment) = f (functionality)

22 f = authority + resources + information + accountability F-8&hl=en&tab=ws

23 Review this and come to class being able to state why empowerment = 0 if any of A,R,I,A = 0.

24 The Empowerment Continuum low high Employee Suggestions Task Forces, Quality Circles Self-Directed Work Teams

25 Comparing SDWT with Traditional Orgs. Customer driven, multi-skilled workforce vs. management-driven work force of isolated specialists

26 Few job descriptions vs. Many jobs descriptions Mention job description

27 Information shared widely vs. Information limited

28 Few levels of management vs. Many levels of management

29 Whole business focus vs. Departmental focus Welcome to the Department of Communication and Theatre

30 Shared goals vs. Segregated goals

31 Purpose achievement emphasis vs. problem-solving emphasis

32 High worker commitment vs. High management commitment

33 Continuous improvements vs. Incremental improvements

34 Self controlled vs. management controlled

35 Values based vs. Policy/procedures based

36 Smith & Sims: teams at the top, or at least it takes commitment of top management to encourage teamwork throughout the organization


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