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[title of project/thesis] Your name Project or Thesis (select one)

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Presentation on theme: "[title of project/thesis] Your name Project or Thesis (select one)"— Presentation transcript:

1 [title of project/thesis] Your name Project or Thesis (select one)

2 Identify the “larger” problem This study looks at: This study looks at: The research question is: The research question is: Hypothesis/es (if any) is/are: Hypothesis/es (if any) is/are:

3 Describe Proposed Method (should inform issue of human subjects) Sample Sample Nature of data Nature of data Where you will obtain data Where you will obtain data What you will do to collect data What you will do to collect data

4 Human Subjects Concerns Need University Review? Yes or No Confidentiality Confidentiality Vulnerability Vulnerability Informed Consent Informed Consent

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