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Electronic Commerce Khaled M. Elleithy, Ph.D. Department of Computer Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Commerce Khaled M. Elleithy, Ph.D. Department of Computer Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals."— Presentation transcript:


2 Electronic Commerce Khaled M. Elleithy, Ph.D. Department of Computer Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

3 Internet Services Internet Services g E-mail g FTP g Telnet g finger g Mailing lists g USENET WWW Gopher Veronica Archie WAIS

4 Internet: Strengths and Weaknesses Internet: Strengths and Weaknesses g Worldwide connectivity g 148 out of 185 UN countries (1995) g 73 out of 159 UN countries (1991) g Interactive g Relatively Inexpensive g No central authority g Reliability ? g Security ?

5 Rationale g A recently published report by Ernst & Young entitled Internet Shopping reported that 41 percent of US households have computers, 20 percent are online, with 11 percent more planning to go online within the next twelve months, bringing the total up to 1 in 4 US households online. 32 percent of those online have purchased online with another 30 percent interested in web shopping. Computer products, books, travel, clothing and music are the most commonly purchased online products.

6 Electronic Commerce Electronic Commerce

7 What is Electronic Commerce? g Electronic commerce is using the networks to facilitate the selling and buying of goods and services and related activities involved in the transaction of business. g Big business has been conducting electronic commerce for several years using electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

8 g Now wide scale electronic commerce over the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) is becoming possible. g Global electronic commerce and payments business on the Internet will reach $800 billion within five years. g An annual growth rate of 16 percent

9 Advantages g Cut the cost of finding customers and suppliers g *Expand trading areas from local to global g Speed the time it takes to purchase and receive goods and services g Pay for and receive goods as they are needed without having to rely on large inventories

10 Disadvantages g The perception that transacting business is risky for both buyers and sellers g The lack of standards for digital money and other electronic payment systems

11 New Technologies in Using Internet for Electronic Commerce New Technologies in Using Internet for Electronic Commerce

12 Conventional Electronic Commerce g Online catalogs in hypertext format g Fax, telephony, imaging g Electronic orders

13 New Technologies g Digital cash g Malls g Virtual companies

14 Cash Cash g Characteristics: g Anonymity g Liquidity g Weaknesses g High risk of robbery g Expensive to store and move g $60 billion a year in USA for transportation

15 Electronic Payments Electronic Payments g Agents: buyer, seller, intermediary g Steps g buyer initiate transaction with the seller, g seller demands payment, g buyer obtains a certification from intermediary, g buyer gives the certification to the seller, g the seller gives the certification to intermediary

16 Advantages of Electronic Fund Transfer Advantages of Electronic Fund Transfer g Saved time g Reduced costs for paper handling g Flexibility g ATM

17 Disadvantages of Electronic Fund Transfer Disadvantages of Electronic Fund Transfer g Non-anonymity g Low Liquidity

18 Prepaid Cards Prepaid Cards g Advantages g Anonymity g Security g Disadvantages g Liquidity

19 Digital Cash Digital Cash g Steps g Withdrawal of the digital cash from client’s digi-cash account g Transfer of the digi-cash to client and storing it in an electronic format g Transfer of digi-cash from client to seller using Internet services (ftp, e-mail,..) g All transferred digit-cash should be encrypted

20 Merits Merits g Advantages g Anonymity(cash) g Security(ETF) g Low risk of robbery (ETF) g Non Expensive to store and move (ETF)

21 g Problems g Liquidity g more people should have access to the Internet g US. Export restrictions on advanced encrypted systems.

22 Example: Ecash Example: Ecash g Developed by Digicash Co. of Amsterdam g Implemented by Mark Twain Bank in US. g Ecash accounts: g Funds are not deposits in the bank g Funds are not insured

23 g Procedure g Withdraw Ecash using Internet g Store Ecash in hard disk (electronic wallet) g Ecash is stored electronically and encrypted g Transfer Ecash to others using Internet g Encryption g Asymmetric RSA g 768 bits key size

24 Internet Malls g Malls on WWW housing some thousands retailers g The number of malls is doubling every year

25 g List of some established online shopping malls: g g g g g

26 First Virtual Company First Virtual Company g Four Founders lived in San Diego, Orange county, Silicon Valley, and Northern New Jersey. g Formed early 1994, first product announced October 1994 g No Physical offices until 15 months after the company was founded (eight months after system become operational) g The servers were setup in Cleveland g The data 800 numbers were in Portland

27 First Virtual Company First Virtual Company g The voice 800 numbers were in Oregon g Marketing from Washington g Public relations in San Diego g Most of transactions, marketing, public relations, maintenance of machines are done through the Internet.

28 g Internet payment system g Intermediary payment system g Does not relay on encryption g Sensitive information (postal service) g Credit card numbers, PIN numbers (buyer) g Bank account (seller) g Non sensitive information (Internet)

29 g Steps g The buyer issues a transaction using Internet protocols (web pages, email, ftp,…) g The server check for the PIN number g An email message is sent to the buyer to confirm transaction g Transaction is initiated by the payment system

30 Impacts Impacts g Velocity of money flow g credit cards (ETF) g Digi-cash g Evolutionary steps g gold coins to fiat currency g bills in wallet to electrons on hard disk g Interest rate margins g 40% of interest charged on loans is for branch delivery and management costs (citicorp).

31 Ambiguities Ambiguities g Technological constraints g Institutional constraints g Financial institutions acceptance g Consumer acceptance



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