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AP US History - APUSH Exam Information
No …. really… you HAVE to read to pass this class! Exam Information
When is it? Friday May 8th 8 a.m.
Need to see evidence of your ability to analyze and use evidence
Need to show ability to think about history and support your ideas with evidence There is NOT a definitive right way to answer the question Things to know
Format of the test 55 Multiple Choice Questions – 55 minutes – 40%
4 Short Answer Questions – 45 minutes – 20% BREAK 1 Document Based Question – 60 minutes – 25% 1 Long Essay Question – 35 minutes – 15% Format of the test
Time Periods Covered Period 1 – 1491 – 1607 – 5%
Period 9 – 1980 – Present – 5% Time Periods Covered ALL about turning points in history!! pre-Columbian Indians to founding of Jamestown Founding of Jamestown to French and Indian War (or Albany Plan of Union) Mixtures of Indians, Europeans, African Americans and created colonies French and Indian War to 1st peaceful transition of power - American Revolution and founding of US, political struggles to make “more perfect union” Transition of Power to Rising of problems with Slavery - New republic in mists of rapid economic, territorial, and population growth Rising of problems with Slavery to Reconstruction - War with Mexico, conflict over slavery and states’ rights, Civil War, Reconstruction End of Civil War to Progressivism - Industrialization, growth of cities, immigration Progressivism to End of WWII - Impact of industrialization during Progressive and New Deal years, WWI, WWII End of WWII to Rise of Conservatism - Cold War, division of society over economic and social justice Conservatism to present - Renewed conservative movement, end of Cold War, globalization, terrorism
Historical Thinking Skills Covered
Skill Type Historical Thinking Skill Chronological Reasoning 1. Historical Causation 2. Patterns of Continuity and Change over Time 3. Periodization Comparison and Contextualization 4. Comparison 5. Contextualization Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence 6. Historical Argumentation 7. Appropriate Use of Relevant Historical Evidence Historical Interpretation and Synthesis 8. Interpretation 9. Synthesis Historical Thinking Skills Covered AP Course and Exam Description: pg. 11 – 19 Every question on exam will require students to apply one or more of these skills; long essay and DBQ will involve more than one skill. Ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate relationships among many historical events; as both cause and effects; involves analyzing and making judgments about their relative significance Ability to recognize, analyze, and evaluate the dynamics of history over periods of time, involves discovering patterns, across long periods of time Ability to analyze and organize history into blocks of time or periods; may overlap Ability to describe, compare, contrast, and evaluate two or more historical developments in the same era or from different periods Ability to see how a specific event or development fits into the context of larger and broader historical developments; often at national or global level Ability to analyze a question and address question through the construction of a plausible and persuasive argument; requires focused and analytic thesis supported by evidence Ability to evaluate evidence from diverse sources: content, author’s point of view, intended audience, purpose of document, historical context Ability to describe, analyze, evaluate diverse interpretation so historical sources and skill to construct your own interpretation; must understand how particular circumstances and perspectives shape historians’ interpretations Ability to apply all other historical thinking skills while drawing and fusing knowledge and methods from diverse sources and disciplines to develop a persuasive understanding of the past; also must combine diverse and contradictory evidence to avoid a one-sided or narrow interpretation
Historical Themes Covered
Belief Systems America in the World Geography and Environment : physical and human Peopling Identity Politics and Power Work, Exchange, and Technology Beginning on page 20 you can use the link below to make sure you understand the overarching questions and learning objectives for each theme: Historical Themes Covered AP Course and Exam Description: pg. 20 – 27 Every question on exam will require students to apply one or more of these themes Ideas, beliefs, religion, values, science, artistic expression, and popular culture; explain why and how cultural components hold constant and change over time, conflicts between traditional and modern values Development of US from origins to world leader in 20th century, domestic debates over foreign policy and impact on policy decisions, economic, labor, and migration impact on international involvement Interaction of Americans with their environment, how geography and climate contributed to regional differences, debates over use and control of natural resources, human-made environments created by technology How and why people moved to and within the USA, impact it had on US society, values and traditions of these people, conflicts from those differences Formation of both national identity and group identities; related to gender, class, ethnicity, religion, or region How governments evolved from colonial period to present, government, democracy, rights, citizenship, authority and power, changes in citizen participation affect political process, roles of political ideology and political parties Development of American economy, role of technology and innovation, agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, industrialization, various labor systems, government policies on economy, how markets and trade impact US economy
Multiple Choice Questions
Designed to test one or more of the historical thinking skills and historical knowledge. Each question is related to a stimulus, with 2 to 65questions questions in 55 minutes Analyze the stimulus Eliminate wrong answers on the test Read all answers then pick BEST choice Avoid absolutes and watch for EXCEPT and NOT No guessing penalty Multiple Choice Questions Period to 3 questions Period 2 – 5 to 6 questions Period to 7 questions Period 4 – 5 to 6 questions Period 5 – 7 questions Period questions Period 7 – 9 questions Period questions Period 9 – 2 to 3 questions Analyze stimulus: point of view of author? Author’s purpose? Intended audience? Context in which it was created? Who, what, when, where, why also helpful
Short Answer Questions 3 points each
These do not require a thesis but need to be answered in complete sentences. Two of the four questions will have choices, providing you the opportunity to write what you know best. Each questions has three tasks and you get one point for each task for a total of three points per question. 4 questions in 45 minutes Read each question carefully to understand everything that is being asked. Write clear and complete sentences supported with accurate evidence. Time is limited, briefly is the key word Short Answer Questions 3 points each Sometimes require students to respond to a stimulus Always have three score points NO thesis Must be in complete sentences Do NOT quote from the documents Label your responses (a) (b) and (c) Do the tasks in order, there is a natural progression of ideas Stay within the box, responses outside the box will not be read NO generalizations, be specific but get to the point NO bulleting
Writing a Thesis You MUST have a thesis for the long essay and the DBQ and it MUST answer the question. It needs to be in the first paragraph and should take a stand on what event or issues is suggested by the question. It should be state in one or two sentences and then followed by an organizing list of what you will cover in the answer. To assure complexity begin thesis with word “although” You MUST take a stand
Long Essay Question - 6 points
You will have the choice between two long essay questions that focus on the same thinking skill but may apply to different time periods. 35 minutes to answer 1 question Evaluated on: Argumentation Use of Evidence Targeted Historical Thinking Skill Synthesis – in depth examples of this large-scale phenomena To be effective: Analyze the question Organize the evidence Develop a thesis Write the introductory paragraph Write the supporting paragraphs and conclusion Evaluate your essay To Long Essay Question - 6 points Develop a thesis or relevant argument that addresses all parts of the question Support thesis using specific evidence, clearly linked to thesis Each will assess thinking skill(s) Need to synthesize the argument, evidence, and context in coherent and persuasive essay Consider what question really asks, what is targeted historical thinking skill, you MUST be able to make some judgment that results in a thesis statement Spend some time planning before starting to write an essay The readers are not looking for a right answer, but for your ability to interpret the evidence and use historical support for that interpretation; you must take a position on the question and focus on the appropriate historical thinking skill; must offer interpretation of events Must have background or context for the question, a thesis statement, an introduction to the main arguments of the essay to be developed in the body or supporting paragraphs You must explain how specific historical evidence is linked to your thesis and you must synthesize your argument; has to be an analytical essay that supports your argument with specific knowledge – you must take a stand! Another way besides using the word “although” in the thesis to show complexity is to use phrases like controversial, turning point, underlying cause, primary, and secondary Avoid absolute terms Does NOT fit 5 paragraph form! No using the worlds “I think, I feel, or I believe” Practice self evaluation of everything your write
The DBQ – Doing it Right! 7 points
There will be seven documents and you need to provide plausible analysis for all of them. You must include for EACH document one of the following: a) Historical context b) Intended audience c) Purpose of the document d) Point of View One question in 60 minutes: read and plan for 15 minutes, write for 45 minutes The documents vary in length and are chosen to illustrate interactions and complexities within the material. It will include charts, graphs, cartoons, and pictures, as well as written materials. Not all documents will have equal weight in supporting your thesis, communicate your awareness of the bias or unreliability of the document or how the document that does not fit your thesis fits into the context that is relevant to the question. The DBQ – Doing it Right! 7 points In first 15 minutes; read the readings, give a sentence summary under each document; then outline thesis A good one is 3 ½ to 5 pages long DO NOT quote from documents Identify the document by its source, using document letters is not encouraged (but is allowed) Must use ALL of the documents: support thesis and give contrary view Only put a conclusion if you have time The arrangement of the documents in the DBQ does NOT control the organization of the essay. Brief summaries of the documents are appropriate, you do not quote them. Outside knowledge is very important and must be incorporated into your essay to get the highest scores possible Response should have Thesis – must address all parts of the question Plausible analysis of each documents HIPP for each document Outside information Connecting to broader events Addresses disparate evidence OR connects it to other time periods/areas/circumstances OR
The DBQ– application in class
Please highlight the following once you are done writing any DBQ in class: in YELLOW highlight the thesis in GREEN highlight HIPP for each document in PINK highlight outside information in BLUE highlight CONTEXUALIZATION in ORANGE highlight SYNTHESIS point By doing this, it forces you to include each of these points into your DBQ!
The Long Essay – application in class
Please highlight the following once you are done writing any Long Essay in class: in YELLOW highlight the thesis in GREEN highlight the support the support and evidence for your thesis in PINK highlight the correct usage of the required historical thinking skill in BLUE highlight the SYNTHESIS point By doing this, it forces you to include each of these points into your Long Essay!
Writing – What do What to remember
Write essays (ALL historical essays, ALWAYS) in third person Use active voice, not passive voice Use specific words Define or explain key terms Communicate awareness of the complexity of history Anticipate counterarguments Remain objective Communicate the organization and logical development of your argument Writing – What do What to remember 5. Distinguish between primary and secondary causes and effects, between significant and the less important
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