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French Cuisine & Traveling. Eating in France Many restaurants close between lunch and dinner In restaurants and cafés, the bill often includes a 15% tip.

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Presentation on theme: "French Cuisine & Traveling. Eating in France Many restaurants close between lunch and dinner In restaurants and cafés, the bill often includes a 15% tip."— Presentation transcript:

1 French Cuisine & Traveling

2 Eating in France Many restaurants close between lunch and dinner In restaurants and cafés, the bill often includes a 15% tip (service compris) Each course commands equal respect Dinner guests are expected to bring a gift, however modest The French keep their arms above the table, not in their lap

3 Traveling Carry ID at all times Driving in the right hand lane Customarily yield to drivers approaching from the right

4 French Etiquette Social Etiquette

5 Greeting –Formality –Handshakes Language –French Please Private Dinner Party –Caution –Gift-Giving

6 Appropriate Behaviors Speak at a closer distance. Chewing gum in public Put your hands in your pockets Eating while walking down the street Patting someone on the back Snapping your fingers

7 First Name or Title? 1.“vous” or “tu” ? 2.'Madame' & 'Monsieur' 3.surname & first name 4.'bonjour' or 'bonsoir', & 'au revoir'

8 Business Hours 1. Ten minutes late is OK! 2. France practically 'shuts down' in August.

9 Business Lunches 1. Business lunch 2. Do not switch knives and forks. 3. Always pass dishes to your left. 4. Adding salt, and other condaments

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