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EPA Resource Development And Outreach Activities John Leahy, EPA Pesticide Re-evaluation Division.

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Presentation on theme: "EPA Resource Development And Outreach Activities John Leahy, EPA Pesticide Re-evaluation Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPA Resource Development And Outreach Activities John Leahy, EPA Pesticide Re-evaluation Division

2 General Approach Coordinate with Regions and States Focus on areas with highest usage Train-the-trainer Provide information and materials to participants

3 Regional Workshops High-use regions –Pacific Northwest –Southeast –Midwest –California Other regions invited, participating Including state, stakeholder meetings as opportunities arise

4 Program Managers and Senior Staff Pesticide Regulatory Education Program (PREP) –Ft. Myers, FL – May 2010 –1 day focused on soil fumigants AAPCO and SFIREG –Updates, –Detailed presentations –Working sessions

5 Inspectors Pesticide Inspectors Residential Training (PIRT) courses –Tampa, FL – April 2010 –Las Cruces, NM – September 2010 OECA, Regional participation Regional and state inspector trainings –E.g., Oregon, Idaho, Region 4, Region 3

6 Other Meetings and Outreach Activities Topic-Specific Workshops, Meetings –E.g., FMPs in Florida, MBAO Stakeholder Group Meetings –Growers, Applicators –Public Interest –Registrants –Training and Outreach Experts –Researchers Training opportunities for others (e.g., CES)

7 Outreach Materials Overview Developing a range of materials to support outreach activities Providing through webpage and other channels Include –Fact sheets and summaries –Presentations –Tools and templates

8 Soil Fumigant Webpage Visit... Or Google... “soil fumigant implementation”

9 Fact Sheets General overview of new requirements and background on process Chemical-specific Topic-specific, e.g., –Implementation schedules –Buffer zones –Posting –Worker and handler protection measures –Emergency preparedness and response measures –Fumigant management plans

10 Presentations General Overview of New Requirements Detailed presentations on specific measures, modules on –Fumigant uses and risks –Buffer zones and credits –Posting –Good agricultural practices –PPE and respiratory protection –Entry restrictions

11 Presentations Modules continued... Tarp cutting and removal restrictions Fumigant management plans Emergency preparedness and response Difficult to evacuate sites Notice to State Lead Agencies (if required by the SLA) Registrant responsibilities

12 Tools and Templates Sample inspection checklist FMP templates, 2010 and 2011 FMP web-based program Sample posting sign Templates for agreement to include land in buffer zone; emergency response information Buffer zone calculator Soil fumigation planning tool

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