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ENGR 3 rocks. my account hw1 hw2 ENGR3 hw3 capacitor IntTable.cfindPi.c capacitor.c change.c timestable.c pythagroean.c.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGR 3 rocks. my account hw1 hw2 ENGR3 hw3 capacitor IntTable.cfindPi.c capacitor.c change.c timestable.c pythagroean.c."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGR 3 rocks

2 my account hw1 hw2 ENGR3 hw3 capacitor IntTable.cfindPi.c capacitor.c change.c timestable.c pythagroean.c

3 my account hw1 hw2 ENGR3 hw3 capacitor IntTable.cfindPi.cchange.c timestable.c pythagroean.c capacitor.c

4 my account hw1 hw2 ENGR3 hw3 capacitor IntTable.cfindPi.c capacitor.c change.c timestable.c pythagroean.c

5 my account hw1 hw2 ENGR3 hw3 capacitor IntTable.cfindPi.c capacitor.c change.c timestable.c pythagroean.c testcode

6 “counter controlled repetition” Memorize how to write the beginning of a program #include int main() { return 0; } Memorize how to compile and execute a generic program, i.e., gcc –lm example.c –o example.out

7 Memorize which %s %d %f %lf code to use when dealing with strings, integers, floats, and doubles Memorize how to write a “for loop” for (i = 0, j = 0 ; j+I <= 10 ; j--, i+=2) { } Which means you better know the increment (a+++ vs ++a) codes and comparison (== >= ) codes Don’t forget to memorize what the “continue” and “break” statements do

8 Memorize how to define and use an array And also how to define and use a custom function Memorize how to gather user input and print it

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