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Unit III Contented-Based and Immersion Models for TESL.

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1 Unit III Contented-Based and Immersion Models for TESL

2 Objectives of Unit III 1. To present the definitions of Contented based second language instruction.

3 2. To describe some well-established immersion models in CBI.

4 3. To present some practical strategies for content instructors.

5 4. Practical sample unit of CBI by Ms. Anrisa Fannin in “ Fun with Public Speaking Skills”.

6 Definitions Snow, M.A. and L.D. Kamhi-Stein(1997) Content: the use of subject matter for second /foreign language teaching purposes. Subject matter: topics or themes in EFL setting.

7 Contented based Instruction - has a strong English for Academic Purposes orientation.

8 Main instructional goal: To prepare second language students for academic tasks in school.

9 Models of Contented Based Instruction Can be distinguished by 1. Setting 2. Instructional level 3. Degree of emphasis on language and content

10 5 Models of CBI First and Second models ( more content driven) for children at elementary level

11 5 Models of CBI Last three models: (more language driven) for secondary and postsecondary language settings.

12 I. Immersion Model - Established in 1965, now can be found across Canada and U.S. - Students receive most of their schooling through the medium of their second language.

13 They’re different in the amount of time that foreign language is used The grade level in which the program begins

14 In early partial programs: A 50/50 time allocation of English and the foreign language to teach academic content.

15 II. Content-Enriched FLES School curriculum paired with FL objectives. Students use the foreign language to talk about the unit More relevant and richer context to use the language

16 III. Theme based Model Widely implemented in U.S. elementary schools serving -native populations ( Walmsley 1994) -Special ed students ( Falvey 1995) -Second language learners( Gianelli 1997)

17 Also widely applied in language institutes at college or university level. - for students of diverse language backgrounds to improve EAP skills

18 6 T’s Approach by Stroller and Grade (1997) 1. Theme Central ideas that organize major curricular units

19 2. Topics subunits of content which explore more specific aspects of the theme

20 3. Texts: Content resources that drive the basic planning of the theme units. Includes reading, videos, lectures,etc.

21 4. Threads Linkage across units that create curricular coherence e.g., ethics, social problems, etc.

22 5. Tasks Day-to-day instructional activities to teach content and language taking notes, small group discussion

23 6.Transitions Planned actions that provide coherence across topics and tasks.

24 IV. Sheltered Model Exist in secondary and postsecondary settings Students follow regular curriculum Instruction geared to their proficiency level

25 Can offer an effective approach to -integrating language and content instruction for intermediate ESL students

26 V. Adjunct Model Student concurrently enroll in a language and content course. Implemented in postsecondary settings Coordination of objectives and assignments between language and content instructors

27 Strategies for instructors 1. Modifying input 2.Using Contextual Cues 3. Checking for Understanding 4. Designing Appropriate Lessons

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