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Rainbows, haloes and glories John Inglesfield Photos by Whin Inglesfield Calculations by Owen Davies and Jeff Wannell Technical help from Rhodri Baker.

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Presentation on theme: "Rainbows, haloes and glories John Inglesfield Photos by Whin Inglesfield Calculations by Owen Davies and Jeff Wannell Technical help from Rhodri Baker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rainbows, haloes and glories John Inglesfield Photos by Whin Inglesfield Calculations by Owen Davies and Jeff Wannell Technical help from Rhodri Baker

2 Rainbow above Pen-y-Ghent, Pennines

3 Formation of primary and secondary bows

4 Concentration of rays around rainbow angle (from Greenler, Rainbows, Halos, and Glories)

5 Raindrops contributing to bows (from Greenler, Rainbows, Halos, and Glories)

6 Ground rainbow, Burnmoor

7 Polar plot of light scattering by raindrop

8 Bright sky, dark sky

9 Caustics in Sardinia

10 Polarization in the Polder (from Minnaert, The Nature of Light and Colour in the Open Air)

11 Rainbow above Pen-y-Ghent, Pennines

12 Waves of red light add up, waves of green light cancel out (adapted from Greenler, “Rainbows, Halos, and Glories”)

13 Diffraction for supernumeraries - drop of radius 0.5 mm

14 Diffraction for fog bow (white bow) - drop of radius 0.05 mm

15 Fog bow above Easedale

16 Corona around moon, Bonvilston

17 Brocken spectre from Steel Fell (by Brian Baker)

18 Glory seen from the air

19 Halo, from Scout Scar above Kendal

20 Minimum deviation in refraction through ice crystal

21 Haloes in Antarctica (from W. Tape, “Atmospheric Halos”, Antarctic Research Series)

22 Halo and parhelic circle

23 Sun-dogs (parhelia) above Cunswick Scar

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