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Impact of Research on Faculty Development by Salih Duffuaa Professor, Systems Engineering Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of Research on Faculty Development by Salih Duffuaa Professor, Systems Engineering Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of Research on Faculty Development by Salih Duffuaa Professor, Systems Engineering Department

2 Objective of Talk w To highlight the role of research in faculty development and outline a road map for success in research at KFUPM

3 Mission of a Typical University w Creation and dissemination of knowledge w Graduation of competent graduates to meet market needs in a country or region. w Society service.

4 Functions a University w Teaching and learning w Research w Community service

5 Research  Research is the sole of the University  It distinguish institutes of higher learning from higher schools.  faculty are expected to demonstrate excellence and leadership in research

6 Research That Counts w Refereed journal publications. w Refereed conference publications. (25% or 16.6%) w Refereed technical reports from specialized university centers. (25% or 16.6%) w Refereed text and reference books. (25% or 16.6%) w Referred authentication reviews of rare books. (25% or 16.6%)

7 Research That Counts w Refereed translation of specialized scientific books. (25% or 16.6%) w Referred books and research reports published by scientific societies /authorities approved by the Scientific Council (SC). (25% or 16.6%) w Inventions and novelties that have patents. w Distinguished creative activities to a basis recommended by the SC. (25% or 16.6%)

8 Research Weight w Teaching 25% w Research 60% w Service 15% w Research has additional conditions (35/60 or 40/60). Also opinion of experts counts and could be fatal.

9 KFUPM Research Environment w Encourages and support research. w Research is an integral part of promotion process. w It is an essential component of annual evaluation process. w Culture and values view research as prestigious.

10 Impact of Research w Research is the soul of the University and teaching and learning is the heart of it. A body without its soul or heart will dead. w A faculty member career must be in line with the University mission. Therefore the inability to conduct the research component will have a lasting effect on the faculty member career.

11 Expected or Forced w Scholar/Leader ( Ego and Fame) w Good standing and at neck with peers. ( Ego and not to be left behind) w Survival in teaching and learning, just be current ( To keep my job) w Give up situation

12 Stages of Research Development w Infant w Baby w Manhood w Maturity w Scholarship/leadership w Wisdom

13 Road Map for Success w Research is process that requires learning, a lot of time, a lot of effort and patience. w It is a trade that must be mastered. w Start with publishing your thesis work w Knock at the door of senior faculty. w Attend as many conferences as possible. w Get in a team within the Department

14 Road Map for Success w Submit for KFUPM/SABIC and KACST grants. w Get in theses committees. w Be patients with referees and address their comments professionally. w Use the Summer effectively. w Allocate 6-8 hours weekly for research.

15 Conclusion w Research is an essential component of any decent university and it will be part of KFUPM mission statement. w KFUPM values and encourages research and has many avenues for supporting research. w The promotion process at KFUPM emphasizes research over teaching and learning.

16 Conclusion w Research is positively correlated to effective teaching and learning especially for graduate studies. w Research has a substantial impact on faculty member development at KFUPM and represent cornerstone for success. w KFUPM research environment could be enhanced to facilitate faculty development in research by adopting less conservative review process, minimizing duplication of work and encouraging sabbatical leaves.

17 Conclusion w The research environment at KFUPM can be enhanced by increasing the graduate student body by using no-traditional approaches. The increase in graduate students body will have a positive impact on faculty development in research. It is time for KFUPM to become a graduate and a research University.

18 w Questions w Comments

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