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Writing a Memo Practical Skills for Work and Study Secondary 6.

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1 Writing a Memo Practical Skills for Work and Study Secondary 6

2 Introduction You are going to learn the following things about memos (memorandum)… The purpose The format The organization The language

3 Memo ~ The Basics To communicate with people who work in the same organization – internal communication Greeting (e.g. Dear Mr.XXX) and complimentary close (e.g. Yours faithfully) are omitted Less formal language

4 Memo ~ The Purpose To inform Policies Meetings Updates To request action Follow-ups To build up goodwill

5 Memos ~ The Format Header “Memorandum” / “Memo” Receiver “To:…” Name + “,” + Position E.g. Mr. Kingswick, Course Coordinator

6 Memo ~ The Format Sender: “From:…” Name + “,” + Position Date Subject: Mainly noun phrases E.g. Lesson Plans for 28 April lecture

7 Memo ~ The Organization Simple ideas: keep everything in one paragraph Complicated ideas Organized in logical order Introduction: the aim of writing the memo  “I am writing here to draw your attention to…”  “With reference to…, I would like to…” Body: explain the ideas in details Conclusion: sum up the ideas + ask for actions  “Please finish this no later than…”  “Would you please…?”

8 Memo ~ The Language Straightforward + concise Use the active voice Write in 1 st person “I cannot accept your proposal” Use action verbs instead of phrases X OK: “We made a payment of $15,000” OK: “We paid $15,000.”

9 Memo ~ The Language Avoid too much transitional phrases “in view of” / “in spite of” / “in event of” X OK: “In view of the likelihood (possibility) that the local market…” OK: “Since the local market is likely to…”

10 Exercise ~ Task 2 Make the sentences more straightforward so that they can be used in the memo… 1. We have come to the decision that it is not possible for our company to accept the offer. We have decided that our company cannot accept the offer.

11 Exercise ~ Task 2 2. In view of the fact that we will lose a big contract next year, we have to cut expenses. Since we will lose a big contract next year, we have to cut expenses. 3. We find the quality of the samples to our satisfaction but the design will have to be changed. We find the quality of the samples satisfactory but the design will have to be changed.

12 Memos ~ Ways to Make Reading Easier Underlining Underline the keywords to attract attention Specific details are important (e.g. reminder of a meeting) e.g.All members should arrive at Central Station before 9:00 am to make arrangements. “All members”: People who are members should follow this instruction “Central Station”: The specific location “before 9:00am”: Be punctual

13 Memos ~ Ways to Make Reading Easier Numbering Number the paragraphs or points To show the steps (usually instructions) Sample (Task 3) Tabulating Presenting statistics and figures Placed in the middle Sample (Page 5)

14 Memos ~ Assignments Compose a proper memo for either of the two situations below. Use proper sentence structure and punctuation. Review the rubric before beginning this activity. Situation #1 Choose a business situation with which you are familiar and imagine you are a manager over a group of young employees. Next, envision you are an employer who has had recent problems with poor customer service. In order to remind your employees of good business practices you must compose a memo to your employees explaining the proper behaviour for dealing with customer service problems. In your memo remind your employees of the basic protocol or steps that should be taken to remedy the problem to make the customer happy. Situation #2 Choose a job situation in which you have had experience and imagine you are an employee who is representing all of your fellow workers who have been unfairly reprimanded by your manager. The problem stems from a customer service issue that occurred one week earlier. In your memo to your manger you must explain the customer service problem in brief, the steps taken to aid the customer, and defend your actions as a staff. Furthermore you should request some sort of apology from your manager.

15 Start working on it …

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