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Follow on Follow on “Like” EngageNY on Facebook #NTIny.

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1 Follow on Instagram: @Engage_NY Follow on Twitter: @EngageNY “Like” EngageNY on Facebook #NTIny

2 Curriculum Development Workshop Designing Assessment Maps

3 3 Session Objectives Participants will be able to: create an End-of-Unit and Lesson-Level Assessment that will form the foundation for a module or unit assessment map.

4 Session Agenda 1.Assessment Mapping: Building the Spine of the Curriculum 2.Guided Practice: Designing an Assessment Map 3.Reflection and Closing 4

5 Lesson-Level Assessment Mapping: Guiding Principles Texts lend themselves to specific standards Chunk and excerpt texts for depth, not coverage Scaffold and backwards map towards the end-goal, making sure students are supported throughout Draft standards-aligned lesson assessment prompts that aim to teach whole standards Integrate opportunities for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language throughout * You may need to reconsider text chunking as necessary, and in some cases, text selection and juxtaposition. 5

6 Analyzing an Assessment Map Independently, read the annotated Assessment Map, paying attention to the comments. Then write down: 1)Three observations 2)Two questions 3)One thing you learned about mapping 6

7 Analyzing an Assessment Map In groups, answer the following questions: What do you notice about the alignment of the assessment prompts to the wording of the standards? How do the assessment prompts scaffold and build throughout the module? How do the lessons scaffold students to the expectations of the Performance Assessment? 7

8 Activity: Develop an End-of-Unit Assessment Materials:  Assessment Map Template  Curriculum documents from Session 1  Your text  Your Curriculum Planning Worksheet (homework) Instructions:  If you can, work with a partner using the same text and design an End-of-Unit-assessment. Your Assessment Map may only be one unit long, and that’s fine. 8

9 Talk About It In table groups, each pair should present their EOU Assessment. For each assessment, discuss the following two questions, with the goal of trying to make this assessment better. How will this assessment elicit evidence of skills and abilities with respect to the standards that are its focus? What supports will you build into this assessment to ensure accurate and fair results for all students? 9

10 Activity: Develop a Mid-Unit Assessment Materials:  Assessment Map Template  Curriculum documents from Session 1  Your text  Your Curriculum Planning Worksheet (homework) Instructions:  If you can, work with a partner using the same text and design a Mid-Unit Assessment. 10

11 Talk About It In table groups, each pair should present their Mid-Unit Assessment. For each assessment, discuss the following two questions, with the goal of trying to make this assessment better. How will a student’s performance on this assessment tell you whether they are on track with their skill development to be successful on the End- of-Unit Assessment? What will you do for students who are not on track to close the skill deficit? How does this assessment create space for multiple modes of representation? 11

12 Practicing Assessment Map Design In groups, you will begin designing an Assessment Map for Steinbeck’s, Of Mice and Men. 1.Start by identifying which standards you want to assess students on in the End-of-Unit Assessment.  Try to limit EOU Assessment to two standards  Make sure these standards are overly-represented in unit  Don’t worry about crafting the EOU Assessment prompt 2.Integrate opportunities for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language into the map 3.Work on chunking and assessments for lessons 1-3 Reminder: Have the CCSS and text out at all times! 12

13 Reflect and Check for Alignment In pairs or small groups, revisit your Performance Assessment against the End-of-Unit and Mid-Unit Assessments you have designed, using the following questions. Does the End-of-Unit Assessment scaffold to the Performance Assessment? How? Does this collection of assessments make sense against the larger story of the module? Do they collectively make sense? 13

14 Follow on Instagram: @Engage_NY Follow on Twitter: @EngageNY “Like” EngageNY on Facebook #NTIny

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