WG11) and horizontally like in Smart Cities use cases that include already many (but not all) of the IoT use cases, conducted so far in verticals sorted by ‘use cases’. • AIOTI Introduction – EC DG CONNECT and AIOTI WG1/IERC • AIOTI WG3 introduction, Survey status report and compilation – Patrick Guillemin AIOTI WG3 Chairman & on behalf of Jean-Pierre Desbenoit alternate-Chairman • AIOTI WG1 (IERC) proposal on IoT Semantic Interoperability with WG3 - Philippe Cousin EGM • IPSO Alliance presentation about CoRE, OMA LWM2M and IPSO SO to enable device interoperability on behalf of Ericsson / Jaime Jiménez (excused) • Huawei Georgios Karagiannis focuses on: “AIOTI worldwide cooperation with IoT SDOs and alliances, including China”. Abstract: Currently, many SDOs and alliances are focusing on the standardization and promotion of Internet of Things (IoT). However, only few of these IoT standardization and promotion activities are satisfying the common needs of the various vertical industries interested in IoT solutions. The main goal of this presentation is to provide (1) Huawei’s view on the IoT SDO and IoT alliances landscape, and (2) the IoT standardization and IoT activities in China and how AIOTI could cooperate with them. Furthermore, this presentation will provide a brief gap analysis on the existing IoT standards. • oneM2M, ETSI TC SmartM2M presentation – Omar Elloumi • ITU-T IoT activities “pitch” – Marco Carugi • W3C Web of Things – on behalf of Dave Raggett (excused) replaced by Philipp Hoschka (tbc) • ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10 “Internet of Things” - Sangkeun Yoo • IEEE-SA P2413 presentation from Siemens Juergen Heiles • AIOTI WG4 on Policy collaboration with WG3 • IoT-Forum view – Sebastien Ziegler, Mandat International • FIWARE : Carlos Ralli Ucendo, Telefonica - “Context Management. FIWARE & IoT” • IoT Open source platforms - Dr. Martín Serrano, National University of Ireland Galway, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Martin will also bring the latest insights from the last participation on IoT World at San Francisco Ca. USA related to open source platforms approach and particularly the Open Source Summit where OpenIoT was presented among other platforms/initiatives please see below for details: IoT World 2015, Open Source Summit ; Open Source IoT Approaches 1 and 2: - Eclipse Foundation, - AllSeen Alliance, - Open Interconnect Consortium, - Contiki, - Open Mobile Alliance - LightweightM2M Toolkit, - Ubuntu, - RedHat, - OpenIoT • Panel discussion"> WG11) and horizontally like in Smart Cities use cases that include already many (but not all) of the IoT use cases, conducted so far in verticals sorted by ‘use cases’. • AIOTI Introduction – EC DG CONNECT and AIOTI WG1/IERC • AIOTI WG3 introduction, Survey status report and compilation – Patrick Guillemin AIOTI WG3 Chairman & on behalf of Jean-Pierre Desbenoit alternate-Chairman • AIOTI WG1 (IERC) proposal on IoT Semantic Interoperability with WG3 - Philippe Cousin EGM • IPSO Alliance presentation about CoRE, OMA LWM2M and IPSO SO to enable device interoperability on behalf of Ericsson / Jaime Jiménez (excused) • Huawei Georgios Karagiannis focuses on: “AIOTI worldwide cooperation with IoT SDOs and alliances, including China”. Abstract: Currently, many SDOs and alliances are focusing on the standardization and promotion of Internet of Things (IoT). However, only few of these IoT standardization and promotion activities are satisfying the common needs of the various vertical industries interested in IoT solutions. The main goal of this presentation is to provide (1) Huawei’s view on the IoT SDO and IoT alliances landscape, and (2) the IoT standardization and IoT activities in China and how AIOTI could cooperate with them. Furthermore, this presentation will provide a brief gap analysis on the existing IoT standards. • oneM2M, ETSI TC SmartM2M presentation – Omar Elloumi • ITU-T IoT activities “pitch” – Marco Carugi • W3C Web of Things – on behalf of Dave Raggett (excused) replaced by Philipp Hoschka (tbc) • ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10 “Internet of Things” - Sangkeun Yoo • IEEE-SA P2413 presentation from Siemens Juergen Heiles • AIOTI WG4 on Policy collaboration with WG3 • IoT-Forum view – Sebastien Ziegler, Mandat International • FIWARE : Carlos Ralli Ucendo, Telefonica - “Context Management. FIWARE & IoT” • IoT Open source platforms - Dr. Martín Serrano, National University of Ireland Galway, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Martin will also bring the latest insights from the last participation on IoT World at San Francisco Ca. USA related to open source platforms approach and particularly the Open Source Summit where OpenIoT was presented among other platforms/initiatives please see below for details: IoT World 2015, Open Source Summit ; Open Source IoT Approaches 1 and 2: - Eclipse Foundation, - AllSeen Alliance, - Open Interconnect Consortium, - Contiki, - Open Mobile Alliance - LightweightM2M Toolkit, - Ubuntu, - RedHat, - OpenIoT • Panel discussion">
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AIOTI WG3 IoT Standardisation
Public session co-located with IoT Week Lisboa 16 June :00 – 17:20 Chair ETSI Patrick GUILLEMIN and Alternate Chair Schneider Electric Jean-Pierre DESBENOIT
AIOTI Introduction from the EC Rolff RIEMENSCHNEIDER
AIOTI WG3 introduction , survey and status report - Patrick Guillemin AIOTI WG1 (IERC) proposal on IoT Semantic Interoperability - Philippe Cousin EGM IPSO Alliance on behalf of Ericsson / Jaime Jiménez (excused) Huawei "AIOTI worldwide cooperation with IoT SDOs and Alliances, including China“ - Georgios Karagiannis oneM2M, ETSI TC SmartM2M – Omar Elloumi ITU-T IoT activities “pitch” – Marco Carugi W3C Web of Things – on behalf of Dave Raggett (excused) ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10 “Internet of Things” - Sangkeun Yoo IEEE-SA P2413 presentation - Siemens Juergen Heiles AIOTI WG4 on Policy collaboration with WG3 IoT-Forum view – Sebastien Ziegler FIWARE “Context Management. FIWARE & IoT” - Carlos Ralli Ucendo, Telefonica – IoT Open source platforms - Dr. Martín Serrano Panel discussion Q/A AGENDA AIOTI WG3 IoT Standardisation SDO – Patrick Guillemin (14:00 to 17:20) The ambitious goal of the AIOTI WG3 session on 16 June 2015 is to deliver to the EC an early set of recommendations for IoT standardization framework for the WP IoT LSP call. This will be provided from the AIOTI survey conducted amongst the AIOTI members. The survey will be enriched with the executive summary from SDO on available IoT standardization frameworks (landscape gaps) –at least as already provided to IERC A question to be addressed is how AIOTI WG3 stakeholders propose to enable interoperability within the ‘verticals’ (WG5->WG11) and horizontally like in Smart Cities use cases that include already many (but not all) of the IoT use cases, conducted so far in verticals sorted by ‘use cases’. • AIOTI Introduction – EC DG CONNECT and AIOTI WG1/IERC • AIOTI WG3 introduction, Survey status report and compilation – Patrick Guillemin AIOTI WG3 Chairman & on behalf of Jean-Pierre Desbenoit alternate-Chairman • AIOTI WG1 (IERC) proposal on IoT Semantic Interoperability with WG3 - Philippe Cousin EGM • IPSO Alliance presentation about CoRE, OMA LWM2M and IPSO SO to enable device interoperability on behalf of Ericsson / Jaime Jiménez (excused) • Huawei Georgios Karagiannis focuses on: “AIOTI worldwide cooperation with IoT SDOs and alliances, including China”. Abstract: Currently, many SDOs and alliances are focusing on the standardization and promotion of Internet of Things (IoT). However, only few of these IoT standardization and promotion activities are satisfying the common needs of the various vertical industries interested in IoT solutions. The main goal of this presentation is to provide (1) Huawei’s view on the IoT SDO and IoT alliances landscape, and (2) the IoT standardization and IoT activities in China and how AIOTI could cooperate with them. Furthermore, this presentation will provide a brief gap analysis on the existing IoT standards. • oneM2M, ETSI TC SmartM2M presentation – Omar Elloumi • ITU-T IoT activities “pitch” – Marco Carugi • W3C Web of Things – on behalf of Dave Raggett (excused) replaced by Philipp Hoschka (tbc) • ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10 “Internet of Things” - Sangkeun Yoo • IEEE-SA P2413 presentation from Siemens Juergen Heiles • AIOTI WG4 on Policy collaboration with WG3 • IoT-Forum view – Sebastien Ziegler, Mandat International • FIWARE : Carlos Ralli Ucendo, Telefonica - “Context Management. FIWARE & IoT” • IoT Open source platforms - Dr. Martín Serrano, National University of Ireland Galway, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Martin will also bring the latest insights from the last participation on IoT World at San Francisco Ca. USA related to open source platforms approach and particularly the Open Source Summit where OpenIoT was presented among other platforms/initiatives please see below for details: IoT World 2015, Open Source Summit ; Open Source IoT Approaches 1 and 2: - Eclipse Foundation, - AllSeen Alliance, - Open Interconnect Consortium, - Contiki, - Open Mobile Alliance - LightweightM2M Toolkit, - Ubuntu, - RedHat, - OpenIoT • Panel discussion
IoT Definition The IERC definition states that IoT is "A dynamic global network infrastructure with self-configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual “things” have identities, physical attributes, and virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network.".
Alliance for Internet Of Things Innovation
Informal entity created by the EC, 25/03/2015 based on voluntary participation, made of 11 WG AIOTI Board#1 – 23/04/15, AIOTI Board#2 – 22/05/15 remote AIOTI Board#3 – 16/06/15
AIOTI WG3 IoT Week sessions scope
The ambitious goal of the AIOTI WG3 session on 16 June 2015 is to deliver to the EC an early set of recommendations for IoT standardization framework for the WP IoT LSP call. This will be provided from the AIOTI survey conducted amongst the AIOTI members. The survey will be enriched with the executive summary from SDO on available IoT standardization frameworks (landscape gaps) –at least as already provided to IERC How AIOTI WG3 stakeholders propose to enable interoperability within the ‘verticals’ (WG5->WG11) and horizontally like in Smart Cities use cases that include already many (but not all) of the IoT use cases, conducted so far in verticals sorted by ‘use cases’. AIOTI WG3 conf call with IIC CTO – 12/06/2015 AIOTI 1st f2f meeting Lisboa (Portugal) – 16/05/ :00-17:20 IoT Week Lisbon + 3 AIOTI WG3 ‘private’ sessions on 16,17 and 18 June 2015 AIOTI 1st conf call/G2M – 25/06/ :00-12:00 AIOTI 2nd f2F meeing Sophia Antipolis (ETSI France)
WG3: 37 Members (54 people) Magillem, Mandat International, Nokia , ON Semiconductor Orange, ORGALIME, OSRAM, Philips, SAMSUNG, Schneider Electric, Seed Labs, Siemens, SINTEF/IERC, STmicroelectronics, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Texas Instrument, Thales ABB, AB.C, Alcatel-Lucent, ARM, Blackberry, Bosch, Cisco, CITC-EuraRFID, CNIT, DSPG, DTC (UK), Ericsson, ETSI, Gradiant, Huawei, IBM, Ifinity, IKEA, Landis+Gyr, Currently in AIOTI WG3 the mailing list is made of 54 people from 37 organizations : ABB, AB.C, Alcatel-Lucent, ARM, Blackberry, Bosch, Cisco, CITC-EuraRFID, CNIT, DSPG, DTC (UK), Ericsson, ETSI, Gradiant, Huawei, IBM, Ifinity, IKEA, Landis+Gyr, Magillem, Mandat International, Nokia , ON Semiconductor, Orange, ORGALIME, OSRAM, Philips, SAMSUNG, Schneider Electric, Seed Labs, Siemens, SINTEF/IERC, STmicroelectronics, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Texas Instrument,Thales
37 Liaisons (59 people) IERC , IoT-Forum , OpenIoT/IERC, FIWARE W3C , IETF (6TISCH), IRTF, ITU-T, CEN (TC 225), CENELEC, CCMC, ETSI, (SmartM2M, IP6, DECT/ULE) 3GPP, GSMA, oneM2M, ISO, IEC, ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10, ISO TC22 SC31 WG1/WG3 OASIS, OGC, IEEE-SA P2413, OIC, IIC, IPSO Alliance, WWRF, ZigBee, BBF, MPI Alliance, AIM, Platform Industry 4.0, VDI, ZVEI SSCC-CG ...with informa contact points who are in the majority of the cases already member of AIOTI WG3, this is very useful ! Waiting : ULE Allaince, GS1 To approach/confirm : ANEC, IPv6 Forum, NGMN, Hyper/CAT, LoRa Alliance, AllSeen Alliance, ... with 59 points of contact of 37 SDO/Alliances : IERC, IoT-Forum, OpenIoT/IERC, FIWARE, W3C, OGC, IETF (6TiSCH ), IETF, IRTF, BBF, ITU-T Contact point, ITU-T JCA-IoT, CEN-CENELEC, CEN TC 225, SSCC-CG, ETSI TC SmartM2M, ETSI ISG IP6, oneM2M, GSMA, 3GPP, ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10, ISO TC22 SC31 WG1/WG3, IEC, IEEE P2413, OIC, IIC, OASIS, ZigBee, IPSO Alliance, AIM, ULE Alliance, GS1, WWRF.. still growing + MIPI Alliance Platform Industry 4.0 VDI ZVEI ... who are in the majority of the cases already member of AIOTI WG3, this is very useful ! SmartMeter CG SMCG Smart Energy Grid CG SEG-CG ICT MSP EIP-SCC 5G PPP Eurocities ICLEI Open WSN Universal Device Gateway OMG Cyber Security CG GE General Electric ALLSEEN ALLIANCE Open Automotive Alliance Intel IoT Solutions Alliance EIP on Water EIP on Agricultural sustainability and Productivity EIP active and healthy ageing BIG Data PPP ECSEL FoF-PPP UPnP To add… SmartMeter CG, Smart Energy Grid CG, ICT MSP, EIP-SCC, 5G PPP, Eurocities, ICLEI, Open WSN, Universal Device Gateway, OMG, Cyber Security CG, GE General Electric, Open Automotive Alliance, Intel IoT Solutions Alliance, EIP on Water, EIP on Agricultural sustainability and Productivity, EIP active and healthy ageing, BIG Data PPP, ECSEL, FoF-PPP, UPnP …
WG3 IoT Standardisation
Initial AIOTI WG3 ToR : “This WG implies the mapping of existing IoT standards and gap analysis, as well as strategies and use cases to develop (semantic) interoperability” WG3 will not develop standards WG3 Action Plan for the next 6 months objectives : Qualify each other expectations, Define together a shared vision on IoT Standardisation objectives Discover what WG3 members are offering, allocate tasks & responsibilities
WG3 Survey http://goo.gl/forms/5RtlcuhsJN 19 answers / 37 - 12/06/15
Which SDOs are you working with or you consider highly relevant for IoT? Which Alliance/Consortium are you participating in or you consider highly relevant for IoT? What IoT Platform(s) are you supporting or you consider highly relevant ? What IoT Open source solutions are you using/supporting or you consider highly relevant ? What is your IoT (or AIOTI WG) domain of interest ? What IoT Standard framework reference do you know, do you know if any related gaps analysis exist (where/url)? Comment this statement: “semantic interoperability is basic pillar for AIOTI" and "there are other important interoperability aspects that we can address, for instance the data transport level interoperability" ? Validate high level statement of objective: Semantic interoperability is basic pillar for AIOTI 1> Which SDOs are you working with or you consider highly relevant for IoT? CEN, ISO, CENELEC, IEC, ITU-T, IETF, IEEE, OASIS, OGC, W3C, ETSI, oneM2M, 3GPP, NIST, OMG,OMA,… 2> Which Alliance/Consortium are you participating in or you consider highly relevant for IoT? IIC, LoRa, OIC, IPSO Alliance, AllSeen, UPnP, ZigBee… 3> What IoT Platform(s) are you supporting or you consider highly relevant ? FIWARE, OpenIoT, OGC SWE, Open WSN, Hyper/CAT, UDG, 5GVIA… 4> What IoT Open source solutions are you using/supporting or you consider highly relevant ? 5> What is your IoT (or AIOTI WG) domain of interest ? Smart home, Smart cities, Smart mobility (transport/cars), Smart environment (smart water management), Smart manufacturing, Smart farming and food security, Wearables… 6> What IoT Standard framework reference do you know, do you know if any related gaps analysis exist (where/url)? ITU-T JCA-IoT or IEEE landscape.. EIP-SCC Smart Cities framework, SSCC-CG recommendations… 7> Comment this statement: “semantic interoperability is basic pillar for AIOTI" and "there are other important interoperability aspects that we can address, for instance the data transport level interoperability" ?
WG3 Method Be pragmatic, use as much as possible what exists already, ask for active participation Survey (see after) for getting inputs from WG3 members representing various stakeholders Dedicated survey to the 30 liaisons because material already exists (standard landscape, use cases…) e.g. IERC position paper on IoT Standardization Ask other AIOTI WGs about their needs/requests List of questions for the WG3 members to be addressed during calls and F2F meetings We will use the results of the surveys as well as inputs from other AIOTI WGs Take into account other current proposals (SSCC-CG, SEG-CG…) Build recommendations agreed by consensus
IoT LSP Landscape/mapping and Gap Analysis
Proposed focus/approach : Identify concrete IoT use cases with their associated existing standard framework check duplications? omissions? gaps? (already known) Instead of just 'yet another IoT Landscape’ : list all known existing IoT Landscape studies/reports, see how the selected verticals are covered and integrated : crossing results with other WGs 5->11, let ‘s define how? and see how this could be expanded to more ‘verticals’
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